I can't find anything specifically wrong with the game, but it's still not good... there's just something about it...

I can't find anything specifically wrong with the game, but it's still not good... there's just something about it... it feels a bit... soulless?

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off.

Maybe you just grew up.

This will forever be one of the most pathetic excuses for a complaint for any piece of media ever

>game is so good that now shitposters have no choice but to resort to "it lacks that je ne se quois"

imho the open world aspect makes all the areas a bit lackluster. In old zelda games the towns were comfy as fuck and most of the overworld and dungeons were at least memorable. Also, the music is fucking boring. Besides that it's a great open world game, and somewhere between mediocre and decent as a LoZ game.

> Soulless

Good job, brainlet. If you can't explain why you're not enjoying a game don't attempt to discuss it. Soulless is a word idiots use when they can't explain themselves so they invent an intangible quality that they don't need to expand upon.

The music is too ambient and not memorable
The world is too barren filled with the same objects with hardly much variance
Divine machines don't even count as dungeons, technically this game only has 1 dungeon
The towns in this game feel lifeless too, the NPCs are just standing around lifelessly, remember in OOT the dancing couple in the town square? that helped give hyrule market a bunch of soul

this game is just soulless

its more that the scope of the world and the scope of the actual content do not match. despite a much bigger world than previous zeldas, there are fewer enemy types, fewer dungeons all with the same aesthetic and very similar bossfights, fewest number of items, etc etc. still very good as it went for its own thing but i really wouldnt mind if they scaled the world down for the next game and made it just a bit more structured (but still with sequence breaking to an extent as a possibility), like an alttp to botw's zelda 1.

You shiuld watch superbunnyhop’s video on it

I don't need a youtuber to form my opinion for me, thanks.

post an actual relevant star youtuber and maybe ill watch

specifically bad:

>bad combat balance
>low enemy variety
>low dungeon variety
>shallow and badly balanced crafting system
>lack of obstacles, traps and platforming
>enemy AI does not have enough combat depth
>no sense of progression
>far too repetitive and shallow quests / secrets / collectathon

I think it's just your shit taste obscuring things.

OP's thread feels soulless.

this.... post is... just...s...o......




This is such a obvious bait.

Thin-skinned fagolas.

The actual argument you're looking for is that the game lacks content. Shrines and korok seeds are repetitive and not very fun. And you can grind to get an inventory full of all the best weapons, but you can't really use them for anything.

Feels like there's a lot of missed potential.


>no interesting loot
>climbing everywhere like spiderman is awkward
>littered with fetch quests
>bad difficulty curve
>world exploration is shallow
>world size is really small, just gives the illusion that its big
>weapons break too quickly, even master sword
>final boss in the game is weaker than a common centaur mob
>barely rewards exploration
>chest contents is always a few rupees or a weapon you have no room for

>People are still getting baited by the soulless meme

those aren't specific
what is "world exploration is shallow"
or "world size is really small, just gives the illusion that its big"
that shit aint right

>>weapons break too quickly, even master sword
upgraded master sword lasts like 20 minutes

I have no idea wtf Nintendo was thinking. You're supposed to ship Link with Mipha. Everyone knows you ship Link with Mipha.

Mipha ships Link with Mipha.

The cold and unpredictable threads of fate ship Link with Mipha

Zelda ships Link with Mipha

Ganon ships Link with Mipha

Link ships Link with Mipha.

But no. Instead we got "merp well I'm dead off-camera trapped in my own personal hell with no power for 100 years and now I guess I'll just mope about how I can't see my dad and make my Mastadon Zord shoot its laser (which isn't even required because the final boss is instantly accessible)"

How did they fuck it up so badly?

I love that game and I can easily see things wrong with it, but it's fine


>wanting some 'star utuber' who screams like a retard and occasionally says racist things, instead of a thoughtful discussion

Game is kind if empty with some shit to do every once in a while

Oh wow it takes me 2 hours to run through the whole empty map goty