Is there a single game that Sup Forums doesn't shit on?

Is there a single game that Sup Forums doesn't shit on?


Games that aren't popular such as weeb trash and games from 10+ years ago that nobody remembers.

I've noticed that Sup Forums universally like Rocket League. Any other user who doesn't is either bad and or your typical contrarian shit poster.


Well it did win Sup Forums GOTY 2015

I'd have to imagine that Sup Forums shits on the toxic community.

>also pictured: games Sup Forums doesn't talk about

Sup Forums is a toxic community itself so...

Sup Forums doesn't seem to shit on Age of Empires II or Mythology.

Ghost Trick
Shovel Knight

Welcome to Sup Forums. The people here are bitter and hate everything fun.
uninstall and kys

we used to play multiplayer all the time

Yume Nikki

We talk about both of those games constantly. You'd be hardpressed to find a thread that ISN'T about them.

Maybe this is more to your tastes

Or they're one in the same

I prefer game grumps to jontron


My man, Rocket League is a game people out on bait 3x3s to get (You)s in 3x3 threads alongside things like mobileshit and CoD4. If Sup Forums universally like it, it wouldn't be bait material.

There are some games where shitting on it equals outing yourself as a brainlet.

It's a game that's hard to actually hate, beyond perhaps its community. It's a simplistic concept executed extremely well, with a good amount of polish. There are lots of people who don't enjoy it, but still consider it a good game.


Ace Combat games maybe.




splatoon 2, Sup Forums like that little pearl!

This gotta be one of the few games that this place likes and had genuine fun when it was a FOTM and over time it got better

You're supposed to save pictures not screenshot them you jpeging cunt

Puyo Puyo Fever 1/2

Any game the common Sup Forums community doesn't remember

Did he dye his hair lighter wtf lmao

There are 7 good games, that's it.

Deus Ex is the only good game, so there's that.

Gets shit on quite a bit.


REmake. And its because the game is legit flawless.

>nu-male and gamer girl the game


true Sup Forumseterans love PUBG








It was fantastic.

There is no game Sup Forums does not shit on. This board is fueled entirely by conflict. There is no discussion, only contrarian faggots and shillers.

Yeah, it's called Nostalgia: A link between worlds.


Sup Forums doesn't shit on the game, fucking decimates it

Literally every thread some people shit on every aspect of this game

hearts a better
minesweeper shits on both

Tetris is the patricians choice.

Battlefront II, the response has been so universally negative elsewhere that it's probably very popular here


What are the complaints people generally have with it?

The Un-shit-upon-able.

Any Kirby game

Armored Core

dark souls
new vegas
Also this

>multiplayer games



Mostly just baseline memes and bait. I don't pay much specific attention to Sup Forums contrarianism, but Mother in general has been getting shit on plenty around here the last few years. If you don't believe me just make a Mother thread and watch the shitposting roll in.

I've noticed the same with Terraria too, desu


The first 3 MGS games


Arin is an autistic retard and he is literally the reason Jon left

For what purpose