>contrarians hate this
Contrarians hate this
the last good cod game was mw2. what contrarians are you even talking about
blops1 was breddy gud
>MW2 is as good as this
blops1 has real good memories for me
i remember when people thought dolphin diving was gonna kill the game but it was actually aight, and people learned how to adapt to quickscoping in the game
also the progression in the game wasn't absolutely fucked which was nice
I fucking hate that cancer gun, why does every single tryhard on PC use that shit
I only ever cared about zombie mode for these games and bo3 was the worst.
Because it's the best gun in the game?
do people still play cod4 promod?
Last CoD I got into was 4. I think there's something about being in that 13-15 age that just meshed well with it.
Don't you have Titanfall matches to scream at?
That looks annoying.
Don't hate the playa, hate the game. Seriously funny when people complain about others "abusing" guns. They're in the game, its that game's fault it cant balance for shit.
I don't know about impressive, but that's just hilarious.
Reminds me of playing Oddball in Halo 2, throwing the ball at people, and then pulling out the sword. People were so retarded they'd always pick up the ball, so you could get streaks that looked like that.
Shit maps and the jetpack stuff was poorly implemented (and not to my liking anyway). Was hoping WWII would be decent, but the maps look super tiny once again, and the servers and client optimization were both garbage during the beta.
CoD4 was just a legitimately well made game
Blops3 was the most fun I had with cod since WAW
P06 is at least less annoying than the locus.
rip /tfg/
black ops 3 multiplayer was the best cod multiplayer
>that insane pace
>you can overwhelm opponents with speed, strategy and maneuvering
>so many ways you can chain movements together, reminded me of hockey
There's no way this guy isn't playing against bots.
>poor man's titanfall
I liked blops 3 in a casual nothing-else-to-play kind of way
The ripper gives you short-term invincibility during the lunge.
>the last good cod game
it was allied assault clone nobody cared about before it got blown out of proportion by iraq wars when it went modern and all kids wanted to be like soldiers
nothing bad about that, but let's not pretend it was anything good
MW2 is my least favorite CoD game. I don't know why it's so overrated.
I just hate how fucking forever it takes to get into the next match in BO3. These victory trio poses takes too fucking long (and then there is long ass loading).
Thats why i play CoD4 Remaster and TF2.
never seen a slower slow in a tf webm.
Using a shitbox controller sucks dick.
oh yeah, u right. my bad
I don't understand the direction multiplayer games are heading nowadays.
Before they all tried to include as many players as possible and it was great. 32player cod. 64 player battlefield.
And now they all limit the amount of players and add bots. battlefront 2 is 40player with bots. Tarkov is with bots. This shit. Who the fuck wants to play online fps vs bots?
they are all the same
>having a different opinion = being contrarian
Hating a game just because it's popular is contrarian.
But mommy they jump too high! I want boots on the ground! I can't hit anyone!
Because a lot of people on internet gayming communities right now were like 10-15 years old when it came out. Ie. that period of time when you could just sit in your basement and do nothing but play it all night with your friends. It's just nostalgia.
Isn't that most of Sup Forums?
It's most of Sup Forums.
What am I suppose to be looking for in this webm of a guy killing three AFK players?
Besides the flying around in the beginning you can do the same thing in MW2 with commando and the tac knife attachment for the hanguns
It's console and they're camping in the window.
Depending on the game it often gets too hectic with too many players. 64 player BF1 has worse grenade spam and becomes more chokepointy than 40 man games on the same maps.
I agree with you about the bots, though. Servers should only have bots if there's less than 10 people per team. Bots are just annoying to fight most of the time. Tannenberg keeps bots until the server gets to 64 players.
>contrarians like this