What game have you put the most hours in, not counting MMOs?
What game have you put the most hours in, not counting MMOs?
original Starcraft
Tales of series, most one is Tales of Abyss, i spent it's around 500+ hour by now combine all walkthrough and all version i played.
Symphonia for me
TF2 at 3,067 hours, by far the game with the most hours besides MMOs.
fallout new vegas, at 737 hours since launch
halo 3 or oblivion
Rocket League. 3,608 hours.
Rome Total War
Not counting MMOs? Probably around 800-1000 hours in Dragon Age: Origins with all my hours combined across different platforms. I have 500 on Steam. One of my favourite games ever. Mass Effect 1 would probably be around 400.
On my old steam account I had a few hundred hours in Left 4 Dead 2.
GW1 played it for 3500 hours in the first year after release and then stopped.
Diablo 2 has to be a close second though.
This, with Morrowind in a close 2nd place.
medievia, not even sure how many hours, well over 4000.
Pokemon Gold
Probably Morrowind. Maybe X3. Maybe AI War.
I don't keep track of this shit man, not everything has a timer like Steam.
Ragnarok online. More than 10 years.
Space Station 13
Resident Evil 4, GTAIV, or Skyrim
Or 2nd Gen Pokémon
Supreme Commander 2
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
3000 hours back then, not counting the new one on emulator.
Original monster hunter, something like 800 hours on it.