Refute this. You literally can't.
Refute this. You literally can't
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't even want to, SCV was the best.
Soul Calibur 2 had the best balance for multiplayer and the best campaign for solo play. Thinking 5 is better than any of them means you're retarded.
Well, your chart seems to be ordered strictly in terms of competitive play and game balance.
Generally speaking people love 2 for the nostalgia, and 3 for the singleplayer content.
People don't really judge SC from the competitive angle that much because the competitive scene of SC was always euro-centric for some reason, so in the US people were always more focused on SC games in temrs of SP content rather than FGC platforms.
The only game that truly took of in the US as a competitive title was SC2.
Doesn't matter, they're all subpar Namco fighters.
pls go nintenbabbies
SC >> SB/SE >>>>>>>> the rest
I had it on PS2 you dumb faggot.
>GI's cost meter
>Generally speaking people love 2 for the nostalgia
>most shallow casualbabby turd of a "fighting" game in the series is the most beloved
> meanwhile 5 returns to proper SC1 form and is hated for not being a DOA tier crap fighter like 2 and 3
Yeah, it's depressing. I wouldn't make anymore of something either if I found out the fanbase was begging for shit.
>game was on every platform
>blames nintenbabbies
>II is bad
>III is worse, even though it's literally II+
Your image is terrible, OP.
>meanwhile 5 returns to proper SC1 form
how the fuck? 5 is my favorite one and even I don't understand what you mean by this
>not shit
>literally can't
Of course not. It's an opinion.
>illiterate casual detected
SCIII was, quite literally, a broken mess that had no business being released. And then they fixed it, which the picture clearly shows.
ScII was my favorite and even I think you're a faggot
>II is bad
Ok I refute it.
Could I get a quick rundown on 3's issues? I've been hearing it's trash for years but why is that?
>no Soul Edge
>wrong version of SCII posted
shit list, OP is a faggot
Memory card glitch that the guy in the picture is probably referring to would completely wipe save data. Gameplay wise it had a lot of stupid bullshit that any game with proper loketesting would have ironed out, stupid shit like throw loops.
>5 better than 1
>3 being better than 2
lol SCV and tourneyfags will never get over their butthurt.
SCV is the SF3 of the Soul Calibur series.
Only this time, not even three iterations and the FGCucks can save it.
Dead since 2012
>durr, let's get rid of fan-favorites and replace them with literally-whos!
Yeah, I'm sure that's totally not the reason people hate V.
Which was the better SC2 exclusive fighter?
So it's all about the characters? Not the actual fighting game?
I like Natsu anyway
Casual problems.
>things only tourneyfags care about
Fuck you, I still had fun with it in my teen years.
>character creator/editor
>conquest mode
>the 3 new characters (Namco was retarded enough to kill off Zasalamel so quickly)
I bet you still play Melee for wavedashing.
But Natsu is objectively superior to Taki.
You can post this all you want it still won't be true
See this is why fighting games are dying
Curb your autism, retard.
Is SCV guy the limb-based combat guy from years ago? Would explain a lot.
You know the sad part is you seriously BELIEVE IT!
>le functions
Kill yourself.
did a complete fucking retard come up with this
Is there a better picture to use if you want actual proof that Sup Forums is full of casual as fuck nostalgiafags?
>people like SC3 when it would randomly curropt you data, tons of inmatch glitches, QTEshit, and half the modes would softlock
Naw fuck that game
Famitsu ratings are a joke now, but SC actually deserved the 40/40. It's still the best 3D fighting game ever.
>hur dur Im so badass not like a casual
>fighting games are dying
despite capcoms best efforts to kill fighting games forever they are the most popular they have ever been since the SF2 days
Kratos was amazing to play with tho
PSP fag only here
Calibur I, II, and III are my favorites.
IV and V can suck a dick
>they are the most popular they have ever been since the SF2 days
No they're not. Capcom and SNK used to be out different games and IPs by the truck load. Nowadays Capcom won't even think about a non SF game and it took like a decade to even get a new KOF. BB and GG are going but they're in a niche corner so beyond that there's just Tekken and MK/Injustice fags are happy in their own corner
>who cares about gameplay anymore xDDDD
neo-Sup Forums, everyone
>Capcom and SNK used to be out different games and IPs by the truck load
yeah that's what I said, since those days
I still wish they had brought back that one mode from 3, Chronicles of the Sword
just with a good number of improvements
Shit was a ton of fun with a friend of mine.
Enjoy yor curropt ed memory cards and your ps2 overheating and locking up. Lol it''s okay just buy another, goy!
What's the difference between vanilla 3 and arcade edition 3?
They're still barely a fraction of what they where back then and are still currently seen as an incredibly niche, high entry series with a community that is, put bluntly, incredibly insular.
Man, I know everyone hates SC3 like a diseased whore, but regardless of how horrifically bad the balance/bugs were, I'll always love that game. They put so much goddamn heart/effort into the stages, characters, etc.
I always post this stage because I remember seeing it for the first time and marveling at how beautiful it was, not to mention the fantastic symphony playing over it. Granted I know everyone else thinks it's a just a clusterfuck of colors. Maybe I'm just autistic.
They literally added air control in IV and V so this shit wouldn't happen again
I had a lot of fun with it and its single-player content. Also Siegfrieds alternative will forever be the best. It's still not the best gameplay-wise.
Me and my buddy put more hours in 3 than 4 and 5 combined.
Soul Calibur 2 is my favorite of the series.
I pre-ordered it and got the Ivy namco shirt.
I wore it to school and they made me go home and change my shirt because they said it was inappropriate....
>Siegfrieds alternative
Agreed. The alt costumes were so neat in that game. I know it's considered the worst SC but I always notice how much heart they put into the game (especially at 6x render res, best looking PS2 title in my opinion, though of course being a fighting game that only has to render a small stage it's cheating a bit.) Also had my favorite stage song.
>I know it's considered the worst SC
Oh fuck no, that's Slow Calibur IV.
>There are more Soul Caliburs I hate than ones I like
I want off this universe. Im going to go replay Blade.
>Namco was retarded enough to kill off Zasalamel so quickly
Wholeheartedly agreed my friend, pic related. Had to refrain from naming it BLACKED since that joke is more overdone than Cervante's moveset.
SCV is a horrific memory i want erasing because of how much it shit all over the legacy of the Soul series.
Original Soul Calibur is still by far the most revolutionary and iconic of the series.
>he didn't get the Xbox version with Spawn
Nobody likes Spawn. Nobody liked Spawn then either. His popularity ended in 1998
t. retarded casual
>Nobody likes Spawn
It's funny that the only thing V fags can do is cry "casual! casual!" Like it fucking means anything.
Fuck off, Todd Mcfarlene.
Like you're not doing the exact same thing with the "scv shits on soul calibur's memory" shit that every contrarian faggot yelled verbatim over the fact that it had super meter.
2 > IV > V
Im not. The haters have gone in detail about what they don't like. We don't like how it was rushed out, we don't like how characters people have spent 5 games prior with got the boot for shitty new ones, we don't like it how it has less content than a PS1 era game, we don't like the super meter and etc. Those are all reasonable and tangible reasons for not liking a game for a long time fan.
It's correct though?
No one was happy with the character replacements. And indeed the single player content was lacking vs 3 and 4. But what always struck me were people making the case that the gameplay suffered and that supers and ex moves ruined it. Having played every sc, V has some of the tightest most fluidic gameplay a 3d game could hope for. It was faster, it had new mechanics that created a deeper high level experience. And overall meters were well implemented. Some of the additions like zwei and viola(balance issues aside) gave scv an overall freshness that was mechanically welcome in a franchise that loves to repeat it's cast outside of cameos or cross promo add-ons.
SCV wasn't the perfect SCV, but it was absolutely a great new path for the series gameplay wise, and it's a shame to me at least that the game not having some mainstays and adding supers ended up severely harming what would otherwise have been a far healthier online and tournament scene. Also I'm now worried that they're going to just remake older soul caliber games as a result.
>fgg fag is so desperate for his you's his started making threads with his bait instead
Fucking lol
Look no one is saying you shouldn't focus on the gameplay first and foremost but good gameplay needs good content as much as a good story needs good gameplay. You need both, so no matter how good the gameplay is if the content is lacking or there's no characters people actually want to play with it's all moot. Especially when you're selling your game at a full retail price having less content than your predecessors or just not even having a comparable amount is just asking for troubles.
>and adding supers ended up severely harming what would otherwise have been a far healthier online and tournament scene
Wait wait, I thought this revitalized SC in the FGC, which was always rather niche. I remember reports from EVO 2012 or 2013 that it drew in a big audience, more than people expected. I also need to rewatch that final.
>Some of the additions like zwei and viola(balance issues aside) gave scv an overall freshness that was mechanically welcome in a franchise that loves to repeat it's cast outside of cameos or cross promo add-ons
Wholeheartedly agree, at first I found them strange, but their fighting stlye felt like a welcome addition.
>Wait wait, I thought this revitalized SC in the FGC,
See the thing is, I don't think the FGC and The Soul Calibur audience overlap as much as one would think. Maybe Soul Calibur is a more casual game but that's not really bad. Not every game has to be a high level tournament game and if it has it's fans that's all that matters.
But when you try to force an overlap, well no matter what you're not going to end up with everyone happy.
Post the shirt.
That's the thing, the FGC was never really much interested in the SC games, aside from the older ones. But with SCV there suddenly was a big interest.
You know, Soul Calibur 3 PS2 version would have been fine if not for all of the bugs and specifically glitch that causes your entire memory card to become CORRUPTED AND LOSE ALL OF YOUR FUCKING SAVES FOR EVERY GAME FUCKING GODDAMN YOU NAMCO!!!
I think the biggest problem regarding the whole issue is that somehow the idea developed that every fighting game HAS to be for the FGC. There's no room for a casual fighter. Even Smash has gone full retard.
I actually hated V because I only ever played the SC series for the single player campaign things, and V's was by far the worst in the whole series. II had the best one.
I don't have the shirt anymore.
That was over 15 years ago.
Here is what I could find with a google search
huh. Mine was Killik.