Greetings from Sup Forums!
I just started playing this game and it was EXCELLENT!
Which game of this franchise is your favorite?
Greetings from Sup Forums!
I just started playing this game and it was EXCELLENT!
Which game of this franchise is your favorite?
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Ah cool it’s a shantae thread. Should I start dumping now or later?
i only finished half genie hero. i tried pirates curse but the game literally doesnt tell you what to do or where to go
>doesn't tell you what to do.
That's why you only played pirates curse
Wouldn’t expect a polack to like it, but that’s the charm of Shantae alright.
Just think, somewhere out there, there's a person who had absolutely nothing better to do with his time than to make this thread. Really makes you appreciate your own life.
Pirates Curse>Half Genie Hero>Shantae 1>Risky's Revenge
All of the games are great, pirate's curse is my favorite just cause it's the most unique
Yeah. Like everyone else on fourchan
Why would you think Sup Forums wouldn't like this?
Main character is an arab who is the result of racemixing.
Shitty meme franchise
First game has stiff controls, terribly dragged out levels and a horrible screen crunch. Graphics are nice tho
Second game is an OK platformer but pretty short.
Third game is boring all the way to the end except for the boss fights
Feeling Shantae's cute brown body!
What is this?
Google gives nothing (I took a screenshot and reverse searched it).
I thought she was, Indian
That’s all the good quality stuff I have
Half Genie Hero was pretty disappointing with how little content it had, was hoping the extra character campaigns would help but they're just the same levels, Pirates Curse was best Shantae
Pirate Curse > Risky's Revenge > Half Genie
Half Genie is so bad its not even funny, personally I love Risky's Revenge more open world approach, but the gameplay on pirate curse is just top quality
Swap Half Genie with Risky's and you're on the money. Risky's Revenge is an almost nothing entry.
Glad you agree
>Greetings from Sup Forums!
What were their names again?
I don't agree fuckhead, I just said ok
How did 1 Genie 2 Hero end up so bad
Pirate's Curse
Twitch and Vinegar (no, really)
Half Genie sux, go kill yourself
>falling for bait
Goth Shantae is the best
I disagree
Not in a Maid Shantae timeline
Tits N. Ass and Ass N. Tits.
>mfw these games are literally carried by their sexy women and fanservice but nobody complains
brb takin my nog out for its jog
excuse me rottytops is a zombie
fuck off nigger
they only care about it if its thrust in your face for some agenda
this is just a fun game and shes cute, theres virtually no downsides
Rotty is many interesting things!
Wayforward needs to get their shit together and make better Shantae games.
she is only zombie
You sure?
Anyone recommend me games where I can hang dumb fucking porch monkey niggers, burn ugly fat-nosed jew kikes alive, and shoot degenerate whores in their vapid whore mouths?
DLC's out for Kickstarter backers.
Check your emails.
What's with those jimmy neutron expressions?
It's hard to stay focused when there's a dick in your brain
just got it
gonna nap for a couple tho cuz i'm tired
maybe by the time i'm done someone will have finished it and uploaded the sexy bikini shot endings of bolo
But maybe..
Think we'll get a Bolo harem ending card?
if only it includes risky
she is the only shantae girl i give a shit about
>tfw Rotty tricked Shantae into carrying her for 10 minutes
I just want a good design
>thrust in your face for some agenda
funny how this is essentially a unicorn they are complaining about
guess real life is an agenda
It's just how they flirt
>Sup Forums
Princess* carry, this is an important distinction.
Would you man her poop deck Sup Forums?
I'd lick her poop, if you know what I'm saying
Making her hub her tub was a good idea.
Shame the dlc is only for backers
this series is okay at best. It's only good for lewds. Stop pretending any of these games are good just because you can fap to the characters.
She wanted to be closer to Shantae. Is that wrong?
casualfag's metroid
fapper's simon quest
Yes I do.
user is referring to this:
>tfw you will never have a cute black goth gf
>tfw you will never have a cute black gf
I am destined to suffer