Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

I can't. Remilia is too perfect.

Worse than her sister.

shitty fruit bat

Hasn't tamed the sun yet

She's not Reisen!

Is a little girl

Worse bunny

She's the best to me!

find a flaw

Flandre is better

Too easy to mind break with dicks.

*guards your shrine*

too young

I'm not into children.

Her maid is superior, I've already married her and had a child with her
also according to US census, Remilia is literally a nigger name

Blacks have a good taste in 2hus then.

>daughter is just a clone of the mother
I hate this

>EoSD character
>really no interesting characterization
>got blown the fuck out by lunarians

>she has the most european things in gensokyo and is european and teleported with a european mansion, so she stands out
>her theme is pretty good, but not the best
>design is alright

Actually, most of the people who were named "Remilia" lived in the 50s

>her theme is pretty good, but not the best

Septette is the only 2hu song that's good even outside of the context of video game music. Mainly because it rips off Beethoven. It was also unanimously the most popular song for a decade, until secondaries memed Flan, Koishi and their songs to the top of every poll.

Well, Remimi is 500 years old!


There you go, dont know why you idiots think this shit is hard. If i didnt knew any better i'd think you're faggots from /jp/ shilling your dying autism simulator.

>EoSD character
Something being popular is not a con. These aren't real reasons.

Find a flaw