How's the voting gauntlet going, user? You did vote for Sigurd, right?
Yes. Haven't seen a bonus yet so I'm slowly starting to spend flags just so that I don't wind up with absolutely nothing just in case.
good job not killing your own thread this time
ded game
Voting for Siggy but I expect him to lose because of multiplier. Wouldn't even be mad though, upsets and free rewards are the only fun thing about the Voting Gauntlet
>How's the voting gauntlet going, user? You did vote for Sigurd, right?
Nope voted for my girl Rhajat. Sigurd is a cool guy but he's not the best Horse man.
No, I'm on team Priscilla.
This, pretty much. I'm bored out of my mind and lack Lute. I just collect orbs.
>no content whatsoever
>gauntlet is boring as fuck
>the GHB tonight is another rerun
The fate of all mobage. Even Dokkan threads are dead.
>Esport trash
why is this map allowed???? why did I waste 20 duel swords this season, it's a new record for me to hit a deathless run.
I dropped the game a few days ago. After burning over about 100 FTP orbs on the halloween banner and only getting Naga, and almost 200 on the 8% banner only pulling an attack bane spring Camilla, I'm done. That's highway robbery for anyone who actually puts money into this trap. It's a damn shame the gameplay is actually solid.
Brought it on yourself
I went with Tharja because I actually had a Tharja, and didn't really care about any of them. At least it's worth 500 feathers for the first win.
>I'm on team Priscilla.
>tfw my only Summer Corn is -spd
She better be on the next Herofest banner with Fjorm.
Just let Olivia bait out that Cecilia.
Team Faye here. I regret nothing.
It's not like there's anything to really do, so that's obvious.
Game needs a bit of a rehaul, or a lot more substantial content if it wants to survive, especially since a lot of the popular characters have been added.
ranged cavs are cancer.
>runs Blynhardt and dancer and has trouble with that map
It's allowed because not everyone is complete shit at the game like you apparently are. The AI almost always spends the first EP moving 2 units inward and 2 units forward within range of being sniped from your side. All you have to do is not move turn 1, snipe your 2 free kills turn 2, then finish off the stragglers turn 3. That's how that map plays out 95% of the time. Baiting across the casms also works. You could have used Olivia to distract Cecilia. And here you let yourself be cucked into a corner instead.
I guess for veterans there's nothing left to do, but I've been playing for 6 months and am still trying to build all my units. I just recently finished horse emblem today, going to start work on dragon emblem now. Maybe do healer emblem once I'm done.
>59 atk
Fucking whales.
ive used a very similar team for the past like 3 seasons and every match has been a cakewalk
except one where an h.jakob swept my team. that nigga is bad juju
your problem looks like your tiki. shes shit and needs dc + quick riposte to do anything and i bet she doesnt have either
my green pick has been dorkass and he handles anything my olwen, b lyn, and olivia cant
also give your olivia a ruby sword/ta3. maybe she could have baited and killed cecilia
Dokkan is dead because everyone is excited for DBZF. Even though SoV was a new game after FEH, it didn't dethrone it because it was just a remake. Once FE2018 gets more information, FEH threads won't be as popular anymore. I'll miss them though
Catria actually.
Don't really give a shit about this VG, it's kind of boring and having both Tharjas (original and clone) is strange.
Would have gone Sigurd, but I don't have him, and I do have Dorcas, and I consider him a pretty good guy, so I don't mind supporting him. I feel Sigurd's gonna take this though, and I will happily join his side whenever Dorcas loses.
There will always be people playing FEH unless ISIS literally abandons the game.
Should I?
What's Sigurd's problem anyways? I just maxed him out and every single conversation with him has been
Who deserves DC the most? Emphraim, Charlotte, Anna or Xander?
>trying to get from Lv.35 to Lv.40
Why is this intended to be such a slog, anyways?
What's his problem?
He was killed and never got to raise his son or see him save the world.
FEH Seliph is a weak child and can't take care of himself. Zigludo is just a concerned parent.
FEH Sigurd is also apparently aware of the fact that he's dead, so maybe he just doesn't see much reason to talk about himself.
He's a broken family man.
>your unit gets si, ivs, and a merge
>everyone else gets nothing
HUSS is the fucking best
He loves and cares about his son, especially having the situation in FE4 pressed on him. Are you black or something?
none of them, really
i mean, its probably their best in slot, but i'd rather give it to an armor first, since they basically need dc to function
>FEH Sigurd is also apparently aware of the fact that he's dead
Wait what
Why does Brave Lyn have an armored icon?
>start FEH for the first time during the beach event
>first unit I get is beach Corrin
I think I was supposed to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, but I really didn't
Have you somehow missed all the barbeque memes, or are you talking about his lines in the game
I only really care for Effie but I think this is her best build desu unless I do a meme build with berkuts lance
I think the point of the image is people who use the matchup calculator wrong to get whatever stupid result they want.
Why did you post a bad photoshop of a Summer Corrin?
I know he died in FE4, but I didn't know he was aware of the fact. How does that even work? How can you summon someone who's alive but has already died and knows they died?
>replace rein with sigurd
the lofi hiphop beats of arena defense
The way he talked in the Tempest seemed to imply he was aware of the fact he wasn't going to be around to see Seliph as an adult.
Alvis is also aware that he killed Sigurd and Ayra is aware that she died with Sigurd.
FEH world is weird like that.
>When others schemed against us, my father and I were branded as traitors. Our family's honor was lost.
>I fought to bring the truth to light and honor back to our name. But I failed.
>Seliph fought so hard to dispel the regrets I left behind, even at his young age...
>The Scion of Light, eradicating the darkness, and avenging his father— that's how people must see him.
>Of course, there's more than one way to look at things. Evil can be seen as good—and good, evil.
>This is, unfortunately, something I learned too late.
>I must explain this to Seliph. It is my duty as his father—I must do what I can to help him become a true king.
Ayra never mentions dying with Sigurd, she just says their army was defeated.
canonically, the sigurd and ayra you summon in heroes have died in the battle of belhalla and are in the after life
they're spooky ghosts, i guess
I've only got 295 defense score. Is it due to how many of my units were defeated or unit bonus?
Unit bonus.
How do I make Rhajat good?
rein gets b8ted and dies turn 1 so hes an ez win if you find him on defense
but siggy is an unkillable fucker who will almost always take two battles to bring down so he puts a lot of pressure on the offense
yeah, an armor or a Titania to have 3 DC horses, pair with a CC healer horse is pretty fun.
Add a bonus unit to your team.
Damn nigga that's depressing. Who knew FEH had lore?
Ayra says she'd fight to the bitter end, nothing really confirmed her death.
Sigurd was pretty explicitly aware of his death in the TT.
I mixed up her lines, in one she says something like fought with him but when she mentions she was defeated, it was with everyone else.
>"I fought beside Lord Sigurd until the very end. I don't regret it for a second."
Nope, voted for Priscilla. Just waiting for a bonus hour to drop 400 flags in an move on my merry way.
+spd? blade tome build
+atk? oneshot raven tome build
+anything else? send home
All depends on how you interpret that (e.g. died alongside him, fought by his side until he himself perished, fought beside him until the very end of the war), but her ending in the original game was deliberately vague.
Why +3 attack? You have blarblade already, anything else is overkill. You want to double most of all so +3 speed is the best thing for any blade users in my opinion at least.
Faye every day.
She's on my mainstay team.
How do you build Siggy as a bait unit? Just his default kit?
>tfw team Dorcas
Natalie is a lucky woman.
>tfw my arena runs pretty much rely on never encountering a Blyn paired with a Reposition user.
I wish I had a Halloween Henry, no other armor unit can really do anything to her if she's kept out of range.
well hey, alot of units can make use of her DD3 though...
>reddit ellipses
Chug cyanide.
This gauntlet doesn't make any sense, what does it mean Enduring Love? Does it mean stalkers? Faye and Tharja are stalkers, but they needed to include both versions of Tharja? Why not both versions of Catria?,More over Sigurd gets completley fucked over, Catria's love is just unrequited, I don't really remember what happens with Katria or Priscilla, Katria just kinda likes Luke but she's a spy so the gets mostly ignored right? And Priscilla is just a brocon as far as I now, the only normal one on this list is Dorcas.
Kinda makes you realize that FE is awful when it comes to canon character love.
Faye is shit! SHIT!
Pretty much. DC if you just want a Rein tank while still being able to retaliate against others.
>runs armor emblem in arena
>didnt get a henry
i would have uninstalled the app desu
just kidding, armor emblem is fubar anyway since firesweep cucks your whole team unless you use brave bow jakob
Got a free Elincia from the new banner. Neutral Elincia or +atk-speed? I have access to flier buffs, so I'm leaning towards +atk.
Dorcas is the only one in that roster that doesn't get fucking cucked.
Maybe when they add a lingerie banner things will pick back up.
>25 Spd
Give her bow to an archer that doesn't suck
I pumped a +spd Sig with Fury and +spd seal to make him hard to double.
It's Katarina, user.
>Kinda makes you realize that FE is awful when it comes to canon character love.
You didn't realize that earlier? Shit, Mystery's plot was pretty much kicked off by a loveless marriage.
Dokkan threads died because it was literally rigged.
Canon love is something they usually go out of their way to avoid to begin with. Even though ChromxSumia is so commonly accepted, you'd still never see any actual evidence of such being confirmed in any game.
That being said, this is a pretty flimsy gauntlet subject. You can tell they thought something was a good idea, but then they ran out of characters so they lightened its name up and really stretched to fill in the empty spots.
>voted Katarina because she's cute
>get wrecked
i want more fucking characters who are not lords. there are getting to be more 5 star hero's than another type and it is the same in all these types of games. They just power creep to much game isnt even out for a year and xander has been power creeped twice already.
Priscilla loves Raven in the annoying "Please let me stay by your side forever, don't abandon me again" sort of way, and took Raven's childhood promise to marry her seriously when she was younger. Romance in general is never deep in these games.
>leaves wife behind alone for months/years on a military deployment
>doesn't get cucked
hey, guys. thinking of using brash assault seal. does it work like a shitty QR?
Soleil is proof this game is going in a power creep direction
Say that to her face, faggot.
>And Priscilla is just a brocon as far as I now
Little more than just a brocon, user.
yeah hes a huge nigger on defense right out of the gate, but hone support makes him extra annoying
if you played the latest tempest and encountered him at all, you know what im talking about. practically necessitates a bulky enemy phase/mixed phase blue to kill him otherwise it costs way too much time and too many rounds of combat
now, if you want to use him on offense or outside of a defense team, dc is sort of necessary. although he cant really die, he cant kill much without dc and quick riposte.
in the hands of the player, hes sort of outclassed by xander unless you invest a ton into him desu