>tfw bitcoin at 20.000$
wtf guys you told me not to buy at 1k because it was a scam, i hate you guys now
>tfw bitcoin at 20.000$
wtf guys you told me not to buy at 1k because it was a scam, i hate you guys now
>listening to Sup Forums
Ha! That's what you get...
Remember when bitcoin was useless?
youd have more success goign to vegas than betting on bitcoin
I made 600 bucks on ether, im not compalining, but its a waste of time
should have invested back then
its still is.
I'm really waiting for the next good humble bundle to get rid off all this fake money I have before the bubble pops
So what if I had bitcoins worth $100m, what can I do with them? Is someone going to give me 100 million dollars for a bunch of data?
Or is it just something like "in theory, I'm a millionaire, but nobody accepts my shitty currency"?
And when it's going to pop, it's going down fast. I won't risk investing since it can go to 0$ in a single night
You can buy a lot of drugs
You can sell the fake money to a retard who pays real money for that fake money
Don't sites like coinbase convert it to currency and then you can deposit it into a bank?
I suppose you could find places that sell really expensive shit and take bitcoins to try and unload some of it.
The latter. Anyone who has any tangible amount should start trying to sell right now
You sell them to privates that want to invest on bitcoin, think of it like stocks
Enjoy endlessly attempting to cash out
>Increases in value by $10,000 in a week
Totally not a bubble guys!
jesus christ you guys are so mad you missed out on btc you don't even try to hide it
This is cool, but I hope you guys realize that it will crash. You can still make money out of it. But do expect it to crash at some point. If you read up on it, its value is a lot based on drugs trade and capital flight from China.
my friend gave me like 8/10ths of a bitcoin and me being a retard just converted it to currency instead of holding onto the coins
>daily nocoiners thread on Sup Forums
wew lads
Pretty sure if you had this amount and sold any of it the price would drop heavily
>Tfw I still remember when bitcoin hit $1000 for the first time and dropped to $200 in a couple of months
t. Made 8 dollars profit
>Sup Forums says that Bitcoin is a bubble
>Shows bubble-like behavior
Wow, you sure showed us.
when the bubble pops would it be smart to buy up some coins or will it never go up like this again?
Would they go back up at all?
coinbase gave out like 1$ of bitcoins a few years ago. I used it up till like a few cents. Last time I checked I have like 30$ of bitcoins now :v without ever getting more
I bought 10 when it was at 1k
At 5k I sold enough to make my money back and I'm still holding on to the remaining one, looking forward to my new house
If it crashes heavily, like, very hard then yeah buy a couple just in case, it won't be a big investment but it could always climb
If I had 1 bit coin when it started, what would it be worth right now?
>It has nearly doubled in the last day
U fuckin wot m8, goddamn I wish I'd put I little bit of cash down yesterday
>remembering when you fucks tried to make dogecoins a thing
17207.99 US Dollars, according to jewgle
What's even bitcoin good for except buying drugs?
How can you cash out millions worth if you want to?
you sell them to other people that want to invest on them
So it's a pyramid scheme
>sell them on to investors
>buy shit from retailers that accept bitcoin (very fucking few at this point) and sell it on at a loss
>convert them to dollars with coin base or something similar (a transaction which takes up to 60 days to process, so it's very likely the value will have plumetted by the time you get your money)
Also be prepared to get taxed out the fucking ass
Sounds like a major hassle
There's probably better things to invest on if you have money
I mined 3 Bitcoins in 2013 but I reformated the lost all the wallet data.
I bought 0.01 last week when the price plummeted and so far so good
>mfw I bought 0.0001 coins yesterday and it's bloating this much
I'm gonna be rich, glad I fucking listened to Sup Forums for once
not understanding that endless icos are now 100% worthless
Is Ether hard to mine?
mining is a waste of money
are you retarded?