Games that put you on the edge and have intense time mechanics

Games that put you on the edge and have intense time mechanics.

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Planning runs around getting as many achievements as you can is pretty satisfying.

I beat DR a bunch of times, but I never played more than an hour of Pikman because of this.
I'm not sure how little kids can handle the stress of that game.

Dead Rising carries over rank between runs, so even if you lose you don't really lose.

Pikmin on the other hand has a constantly draining counter that makes you scared to fuck up because you don't know how much time you'll need your first play through.

It's kinda like ding dong ditching but in video game form

Darkwood, if you play on hard difficulty that adds a life system so you actually have an incentive to survive the nights. During the day you have to scrounge up materials and advance the main plot and during nights you have to hole up in your hideout and survive until morning. It's pretty tense since there's different random events that happen during nights so it won't be only simple "monster knocking down your walls" type of stuff all the time.

Invisible Inc. too, though it's turn-based, but the alert timer advances slowly every turn (not only from fuck ups) so you have to balance exploration, triggering alarms and other shit all the time.


>tfw using the flashkick to perfectly balance yourself up on guard rails, followed up with a long knee drop, killing like 8 zombies below

SOS was pretty much a 2d Dead Rising: escort quests done against a tight time limit. The difference is that the real danger comes from the ever-changing environment of the sinking ship you're on, with the ship rotating and cutting off certain routes while opening up others.

For all the love Super Metroid gets, it's a shame this one doesn't get much of a look.

>free dlc
that's how you know it was made early in the 360's life

What the fuck happened from DR1 to DR2
it went from a b movies aesthetic with semi realism, to fucking ps2 tier plastic shine and clunky animations, it's was a huge downgrade

Superman on N64

It kinda sucked, it was hard, it was ugly, and just fucking look at that box, who the fuck would just randomly buy that? Lots of really cool ideas, though, can't fault it for that.

I beat DR2 years ago and got into the first one recently and fucking hell it is beyond frustrating. The Survivor AI is absolutely beyond retarded to the point where I'm considering not even bothering with any of them on the first run. DR2 fixed so much in that regard. Why does Sup Forums proclaim this as a masterpiece when it's an objectively inferior game?

Pic related had me standing... on the edge.

No time mechanics though, unless you count the engineers who built the wormhole device.

You can really see the downfall of gaming by comparing early Gen 7 titles with later ones. Hell, even just looking at the progression of add-ons for the Uncharted games. First game was just a couple of language packs and dev diaries, then each game just got progressively more and more overpriced DLC. It's disgusting.


getting that achievement is the reason I'm fucked up to this day

totally worth it though

Just got around to replaying this recently and made a (dead) thread last night.
Why the fuck does the last 12 hours have nothing happen? At midnight the special forces come, and your options are basically grind the special forces or go into the tunnels and grind zombies. It's so well put together (I'm giving the survivor ai a pass) but the last 12 hours really feel lacking. Overtime does pick it back up somewhat though.
And have an achievement for having to get to day 7 (10 real life hours) still aggravates me. I love this game but could not dedicate 10 straight hours to it.

Canada happened

Best psychopath theme coming through

It took me a decade to figure out how this shortcut actually worked.



Wait really? I always thought you were moving the mirror or something and there was a secret passage behind it.
I feel like an idiot now.

DR2 had good psychopath themes too:
>This is from the first boss you'll end up facing in the story mode

there's a major shortcut in a washroom that you'll use all the time, if you don't pay attention to the ceiling it looks like you just walk into a corner of the washroom and it teleports you to the other side of the mall for some reason

They changed the engine and Canadians took over and fucked up the game.

Now dead rising 3 and 4 are complete trash and people that tell you otherwise are completely fucking autistic.

>First Dead Rising is campy, but pretty serious
>Canadians get a hold of it

What went SO wrong?

DR2 and 3 were still pretty serious, or at least closer to 1. I think people at least somewhat knew what they were doing for those games, although less in 3 than 2.
Not sure if they just got a completely new team for 4 that just didn't understand the series or everyone at CV got hit with a retard stick.

>finally get enough inventory space to carry around books & bullshit
>max skateboard durability
>get around the mall in a baseball cap, shorts and just plow through zombies
>game gets even more campy when you fight psychopaths by kickflipping on their faces
>skateboard removes fall damage so you can always kickflip over the rail at the juice bar to get downstairs

Dead Rising's time limit is just a cheap way to add replayability to the game.

Carlito'a theme is the true patrician choice. Very subtle and a perfect reflection of his character as a whole.

the entire leveling system is built around replaying the game you turd

I like that one song about going guru

this threads reminds me of this

could be a larp, but it seems Dead Rising games are always leaked. I remember an accurate one about Nick a good couple years before DR3 was announced.

They wanted to make it more about mindless zombie killing and combo weapons that don't make any god damn sense (Propane tank and thing some how makes a full on mech suit complete with monitor out of nowhere). They ran out of so many ideas, they ended up bringing back Frank as a hollow shell with dumb memes filled in, and they just didn't bother to make a Deadrising game, so now it's thirdperson Zombie open world game with no timelimit.
Basically it went from zombie survival where you're an ordinary guy using ordinary things in the environment against zombies to "Well, it has zombies, and it doesn't have Resident evil or Biohazard in the title, so I guess we can just do whatever the fuck we want as far as insanity"

That's always what I assumed too, guess we can be dumb together.

Dirt: Rally will have your ass literally clenched harder than any game you have ever played.

Not only is the learning curve literally insane, but you will be squeezing for miliseconds to beat the game.

Dont play with keyboard.

The moment that you first encounter the convicts has got to be one of the most intense moments I've ever had in a video game. Everything about the cutscene, atmosphere, and music is done so perfect.

The first time I played the game and got to this part I felt instant dread when they bash the husband's brain in with the bat. I knew I was fucked along with the guy's wife and the other 3 survivors I was escorting.

The only one thing I would change about the convicts is to have them actually attacking and shooting zombies while they are out riding around the park. Seems reasonable that if they couldn't spot actual live targets that they would just have fun with the zombies that are all over the goddamn place. (I don't mind much the whole respawing each day since I never kill them anyway)

>tfw saved Sophie along with helping the crippled mother on first playthrough

this shit on Hero 3 mode

It's moments like this that really give you a sense of achievement. I remember on my first playthrough feeling so bad for that crippled mother, I even remember her name, Leah Stein. Idk if it's just me, but even with her fucked up leg she was by far one of the most competent survivors in the whole game.

I seriously hope this is true

Games that you dropped because of time mechanics. My picture and

but both of those are easy, did people really abandon them on the first playthrough?

I've never hated a game as much as Dead Rising 4. I know there are far worse games out there, but this one is just such a fucking insult to the series it's trying to be.

Even things like Skyward Sword and Fallout 4 understood their series to a degree.

Call me a portbeggar if you want but what's the likelihood of this coming to Switch?

Switch can probably handle the game, but I doubt Capcom will port it to the Switch unless there's vocal demand for a Switch version. Would be pretty damn awesome to have a perfect handheld version of Dead Rising though, so I would be in full support


Some people are just heartless bastards like that