"Videogames Can Never Be Art" – Joe Rogan

>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as I've once said, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."

Did he have a legitimate point?

Other urls found in this thread:



no because we canonize them via emulators

they aren't art, they're just games

What does Joe Rogan even do

I remember him from Fear Factor but that's it

Holy shit jamie pull that up


a more appropriate question is, what doesn't he do? And don't say video games, he was addicted to quake a long time ago.

A comedian but his jokes are trash. He doesn't bring anything interesting and new on the table and he screams alot on his stand ups. It’s annoying. But his podcast is great. It’s very popular. It's called joe rogan experience, he’s very smarr. He was anti feminism even before it became cool to be anti feminist

jamie, pull up that one of the monkeys eating each other. it's fucking brutal, those chimps are savages. they don't give a fuck.

and video games aren't art.

Why does he talk like an intellectual?

It's objectively wrong by most definitions of art.

So if we're to continue this discussion, you'd have to present a definition of art that most people would agree on. Often times in these threads, people will (for some reason) bring up fail states and other things. Then people counter with games that specifically still fit the criteria, then they backpedal and add OTHER criteria. It's annoying.

Art can be nearly anything, as long as there is an artist to put a box around it to call it art. Video games are much more in depth that that. They are reflections of the people that work on them.

It seems Joe believes there is potential to be art, he just hasn't experienced it. Well, I can give several exams of more "artistic" games that use the medium/interactivity to affect the player in such a way to make a statement on the human condition. If that isn't art, then most films, pictures, paintings aren't either.

OP just got a Roger Ebert (faggot) quote and for some reason said Joe Rogan said it... Not sure why.

The dude defends flat earthers. He's that stupid.

what the fuck does Joe Rogan know?

Alex Jones made this guy's podcast tolerable.


>there is no way art could ever be interactive


No he doesn't, retard. He talks about how stupid they are.

wrong board

Perhaps you're a pseudo intellectual who mindlessly agrees with whatever your guests tell you and pretends to be interesting?

Take your own advise

>industry and games media keeps pushing shitty AAA cinematic trash and boring indie shit as examples of games being art, instead of games that attempt to do interesting stuff
I wonder why they're not considered to be art

Roganposting is a solid 7/10 meme



>these replies
every fucking time

>he’s very smarr.

Maybe, but he isn't very smart.

Video games are mix of several different mediums, some of which are art. Though you might say that means it cannot be art, movies can be, and they're also a mix of several different mediums. Problem is video games have the mechanical / player input part, which to this day has proved that it cannot be "art".

However, there are games which meld the interactivity / mechanical elements so flawlessly with the other parts that they become more than movies. Which means that arguably, video games can be art. It's just that the vast majority of them do not even try. But it's not like it's any different with movies.

He is not right, but he is not outright wrong either. His is the safe choice.

>this thread
It's amazing that all you have to do is take something someone says and put someone else's picture next to it and every mouth breathing retard will come out of the woodwork talking shit about the wrong person. You fags really crack me up sometimes.

A game can't be art if it's not on pc, because it has a higher chance of failing to be preserved.

A bunch of trashbags on the floor is considered art these days

>i've never played a worthwhile video game and refuse to have my viewpoint challenged but i've seen commercials for call of duty and hoo boy it's shit
dumb human dumb human


>video GAMES

The clue is in the name. No game can be art.

>butthurt over dead man words
also Joe use to be addicted to Quake

Rogan's the next DUDE WEED LMAO faggot after Rogen.

>t. Joe
Nice try

>No game can be art.

says who?

Joe Rogan. Did you not read the OP?

"art" is putting form to the formless.

>Mouse and keyboard. It's the only way to do it.
Is he /ourguy/?

This is a piece of art by Mark Rothko that sold for 72.8 million dollars in 2007.
Say something nice about it.


Looks like a solid tf2 weapon skin

>I don't understand contemporary art hur dur dur

The art is about the artist, in many cases. And how many pieces the artist could make in his lifetime, that still exist.

Joe Rogan had a podcast where he talked about bullshit art like that. Its actually a way for people to launder money. You can make an art studio and sell bullshit art at a crazy as fuck price, then buy it with dirty money to make clean money.

looks like an emblem any 12 year old retard could create in Halo 2

Joe Rogan is a stupid fucking moron and he knows jack shit. His status means nothing and has done nothing for his brain or intellect.

You think THIS is stupid?
People pay fucking millions for a piece of cloth someone famous wore. Or a shitty prop from a movie just because it was filmed with a camera.

nothing wrong with this piece you brainlet

Sontag would probably like a word with this man, right after she's done eating someones cootch.



Art exists for it's own sake. Something isn't art if it serves a purpose. Games are a challenge.

I always love the critique of this kind of art that's "It's something anyone could do!"
Which is true.
But they didn't do it. The artist did.

this is the dumbest explanation i ever heard

Are Dostoevsky books not art?

can't wait for these fuckin retards to defend this one. hoooo boy, rothko. what a piece of shit.

Eddy, dude, why would you say something like that?


I view game mechanics as an art. Video games will never be art in terms of story, graphics, or visuals. But the interactivity and creativeness of game mechanics makes games art.

Wheres your counterargument? Oh you dont have one, you're just slandering his name for no apparent reason.

Thanks random guy on the internet, we should listen to a nobody like you instead.

Because it's only worth this much because of who made it

If I painted the exact same thing it's value would have been 1

I bet Joe Rogan is a bottom

What the fuck would video games be, if NOT art?
Why do people call things art as praise, and attempt withhold it as disapproval? Just say games are big-budget pulp and be done with it.

Gotta money launder somehow

>he’s very smarr
The universe intervened!


then comedy is not art either faggot

Typical Joe Rogan interview: youtube.com/watch?v=sUIcCyPOA30

If OP uses a quote to start video game discussion, but attributes it to the wrong person and everyone talks about that person, is the thread not vidya?

A women shitting paint out of her vag is art, isnt the way games are made similar to way universes work, like line theory bull shit, is a world not art? Is like a """realm""" or space not art?Why does a women shitting shit out of her vagina count but a game based off of lovecraftian lore like bloodborne isn't

Its a possibility our entire existence is a computerized simulation, is our existence not a example of art?

>Did he have a legitimate point?

no, because he just said "can never" without giving proper explanation as to why he feels that way. It's like saying someone has a legitimate point by telling you "because I said so".

Also this is Joe Rogan we're talking about so who knows how fried his brain is from various exotic drugs and honestly we shouldn't be taking his opinion with any ounce of seriousness as he's not an authority on anything beyond shitty 90s sitcoms.

I need to watch more Alex Jones

>Video games will never be art in terms of story, graphics, or visuals.
Why? Why wouldn't Mother 3 or Shadow of the Colossus be considered art compared to whatever it is you call art, for example? Greenberg was a hack, don't tell me its because traditional forms of art can't be art anymore.

>people actually believe Joe Rogan said this

he's right you know

>I said something really fucking stupid
>I will just no-comment eternally and pretend I’m smarter despite contradictory evidence being sent me literally on a daily basis.

He might even post here, he’d fit in so well.

>Walk around the Museum of Modern Art, look at those masterpieces it holds by Picasso and Jackson Pollock, and what you are seeing is a series of personal visions. A work of art is one person's reaction to life. Any definition of art that robs it of this inner response by a human creator is a worthless definition. Art may be made with a paintbrush or selected as a ready-made, but it has to be an act of personal imagination.

>The worlds created by electronic games are more like playgrounds where experience is created by the interaction between a player and a programme. The player cannot claim to impose a personal vision of life on the game, while the creator of the game has ceded that responsibility. No one "owns" the game, so there is no artist, and therefore no work of art.

>This is the essential difference between games and art, and it precedes the digital age. Chess is a great game, but even the finest chess player in the world isn't an artist. He is a chess player. Artistry may have gone into the design of the chess pieces. But the game of chess itself is not art nor does it generate art – it is just a game.

I bet Ebert said that because he sucks at video games.

Sauce? She's pretty ugly and fat but I still wanna see em.

Because they're making the best of what they've gone without actually trying to make something timeless. Half the time not even delivering the game at a steady performance.