Arise chicken. Chicken arise

Arise chicken. Chicken arise.

*blocks your path*

Leave genwunners to me

how is this in any way a good card? it relies entirely on luck and even if you're lucky nothing good happens

>2 level 4 monsters
2 level 4 monsters what, exactly?

Fucking Nu-gi-oh.

2 level 4 monsters up your ass obviously

dice support when

why is Ra so fucking awful? its the worst god card

>relies entirely on luck
Sounds like my type of card

I thought Ra gained ATK points equal to the total ATK of the three tributes

Fuck you have a dragon!

>paying an always non-lethal amount of lifepoints
>FREE +1 card
>Negating a card's effect FOR FREE
>Destroying 1 card on the field FOR FREE
>Last one can even be one of your own monsters, which is SWEET as fuck
>Destroying your own crazy box FOR FREE

The only bad effect is making your opponent discard a card from their hand as that's a free game winning game for them, but the odds are in your favor.

Activate my trap card:
Your mother and 2 niggers.

Slifer the Executive Producer > Obelisk the Tormentor (torment) > Mega Ultra Chicken

arise chicken. chicken arise!

Yugioh TAS hasn't been funny in years.

This is fake

question: you can add his atack 3 times or it resets in each turn or each time you use its skill?

with all the crazy removal it won't block anyone's path too long

*sets three metalmorph's*

heh............nothin personnel kid...

post qt cards

Gains the attack, sohe gets bigger every turn you successfully resolve his effect.

If anything it *blocks your path*
3000 atk isn't anything to scoff at.

I want to touch her feet.

>tapping cards

when did yu gi oh become magic the gathering?

blue eyes white dragon is better tbqh famalam xD

Still waiting for a Rescue Pupper.

Only the duelist kingdom episodes were funny. The guy that makes them should learn the phrase "quit while you are ahead".


that's a ferret


are you trying to summon the ponyfags?

That's a really pretty card overall. I gotta give it to nu-gi-oh, the quality of the art really improved tenfold.

Yes, and? Still waiting for a pupper.

any other random fun cards like that one?

don't mindme, just posting the objectively best card in the game right now

She's really weird and slightly disgusting

Akashic is best girl.

I don't get it. How is this any better than lava golem?

I do enjoy the style of old Yugiohs but the newer non-anime cards are pretty consistantly great now.
Anime cards are a mixed bag of great and hilariously awful. Pic is a newer card I really like the design of. Poor Triamid, they're so cool but Idoubt anyone at Konami even remembers making them.

grinder will get banned most likely
the degeneracy it has with the Link cards is just too much

Some Links have bounce effects and can exploit the shit out of bouncing and resummoning Grinder.

I have a bud who runs this in his prediction princess deck and pulls off some fun plays with it

>two free tokens to do WHATEVER with
>for the cost of a normal summon
Lava Golem is just a worse Kaiju.

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread

she is best girl

still run her in shaddol counter because she's best girl

1. Use Grinder Golem to summon the two Tokens to your field and Grinder Golem to your opponent’s field to a zone below either Extra Monster Zone.

2. Use one Token to link summon either Linkuriboh or Link Spider.

3. Use the other Token to summon the same thing or the opposite.

4. Use the Linkuriboh and/or Link Spider to summon Akashic Magician to the column you summoned Grinder Golem in. Akashic will then add the Grinder Golem back to your hand.

5. See Step 1 (though you can summon Grinder Golem to a different zone at this point).

6. Use the two Tokens to summon Security Dragon.

7 . Use Security Dragon’s effect since it is co-linked to Akashic Magician to add the Grinder Golem back to your hand.

8. See Step 1 (preferably you summon the Grinder Golem to the column you plan to summon the Link Monster in the final step in.

9. Use a Linkuriboh in the graveyard to tribute a token and revive himself.

10. Use the Linkuriboh, Token, Akashic Magician, and Security Dragon to link into Skulldeat, the Chained Dracoserpent.

arguably, the TCG still has not Security Dragon yet, but you get the idea, a single card shouldn't allow any of this

It's not luck, believe in the cards and the cards will believe in you !

Is this card even that good compared to the current meta? It's funny how these were supposed to be the most OP god cards in the original and now you can probably negate it with some xyz pendulum synchro shit

Shh, Ra is sleeping.

Ra wouldnt have been good in any meta.
His effect is total trash and his summoning requirements are too high for what you get.
Just summon Obelisk if you wanna run a god.

it gives you free tokens
and there are many ways to get it back into your hand from the field, meaning you can get even more tokens
and then you can link summon using your tokens and the entire game just goes off the rails
for instance:
>SS grinder + 2 Tokens
>Link 1 Linkuriboh
>Link 1 Linkspider
>Link 2 Akashic Magician
>Bounce grinder
>SS grinder + 2 tokens
>link 2 Security Dragon
>bounce grinder
>SS grinder + 2 tokens
>SS Linkuriboh/Linkspider
>link 4 skulldeath
skulldeat lets you fix your hand and SS another monster from your hand, maybe something like the Kaguya fairy tail, to bounce your grinder again.

It's complete and utter bullshit.

The playable ra card was made back in 2010, and honestly it would never have been good even in the super early days of yugioh considering it has no protect so anything that can pop it wouldn't give a fuck.
However a bunch of support cards for Ra were made that basically make the damn thing more playable. But cards like these are really might for casual fun decks that dont ruin a bunch of "you're not allowed to play yugioh" shit


They were all pretty bad even when they released. Obelisk is the only decent one unless you make a meme instant win Horakthy deck, which would be pretty hard to run in real life and is slow. Slifer could be fun in decks where you draw 20+ cards in one turn.

this combo would technically allow you to summon even a Link 8 monster is that shit existed or something ridiculous just like that
of course grinder is gonna get banned

This combo technically lets you keep vomiting your blue synchro monsters onto the board to the point where 3 grinder golem + cards that put cards onto the board is a viable deck.

>once per turn

They fucked up Ra, all the other god cards were fine but if I remember the Winged Dragon of Ra had a million effects in the show.

I liked Ra's effect in one of the DS games, his attack and defence was the sum of the monsters your sacrifice and you could tribute 1000 LPs to destroy an opponent's card.
I summoned Ra by sacrificing three five headed dragons for fun once.

>tfw someone else posted candy shota

You overlay them you illiterate retard.

They need to make more Toon monsters



they already are great

>yeah bro those waifu decks are always shit don't woory about it

normals will never be good outside of BEWD meme decks
face it kiddo normals are boring

despite all the powercreep in yugioh, I'm still legit surprised there still isnt another 3000atk normal monster besides blue eyes


of course because blue eyes is one of the most series defining cards. the day they dethrone blue eyes is the day yugioh dies

Just because everything got nerfed to hell and back



Not a single card can stand up to Blue Eyes.

>there's nothing to read about how xyz summon works in the card
>nothing about it in the original rule book either
I bet you are illiterate enough to not know what illiterate means, you dumb nu-gi-oh playing nigger.

>2018-25 days
>Faggot in this very thread aren't playing Skull Servant decks

>hey guys let's nerf a shit ton of decks so the game goes slower
>all the B and C tier decks become almost unplayable
>all the A tier decks don't give a fuck and create a bigger powergap between the lower tier decks

Is this even worth to summon?, I mean you have to devote your entire deck just to summon this shit.

>five headed dragon
Now that was some fun shit. Running a dragon deck with a gorillion fusion cards.

>Use Future fusion to send dragons from deck to graveyard for 5head dragon
>Use Dragons Mirror to remove those cards from play and summon it instantly
>My friend uses compulsory evacuation to send it back to the fusion deck
>It comes back anyways because of Future fusion

>>nothing about it in the original rule book either
Fucking read the updated one you ignorant faggot

Blue Eyes will always be the strongest Normal monster. It's a law.

Sorry senpai, too busy playing heal burn.

I'll be playing grinder golem + good cards until it gets banned

>in the original rule book either
you realize literally every starter deck had an updated rule book? I even the joey and pegasus ones had revisions

I'm too busy running the most heterosexual deck known to man. Crystal Beasts.

This card can be funny sometimes.


The lore fucked normal cards forever by setting the raw attack power limit at 3000 atk and only just 2500 atk for magicians that aren't dark magician spinoffs.

Normal monsters should hit like a truck to compensate for their lack of built in fuckery.

Not really; it's a win-more card that isn't needed in Pend Magicians

Links are a fucking mistake.

What are some decks that make use of this card?

I remember a friend pulling the 6000 damage off on me back in like 2013 and I called bullshit because I never knew a card like this even existed

Are God card decks even that good in the first place?

Forgot picture

The 2017 world champ of the children division ran this card.

Obelisk is playable.

Everything else range from gimmicky to shit.

Too bad people will be no funs and just use the effect that destroys it.

the true name.dek

are there cards that let you stay in the game with sub 0 life points?

Yeah how stupid for those Konami faggots for not going back in time and amending the 2004 rule book to spoon feed xyz summoning to nostalgiafags you dip fuck.

Gishkis, Horakthy + True Name memes