Webm bread?

Webm bread?



Welp, time to reinstall quake.



what game


What is game?


land of the dead, road to fiddlers green

>it's an "user says that Quake levels were designed with rocket jumping as an intended mechanic in mind" -episode

um that's grenade jumping sweetie

same ammo dear

>completely removing every semblance of style because of muh competitive
why do people do this?

looks better in webms with low bitrate and most quakeworld maps are ugly anyways

Why uninstall? It's only 100mb.

Not to mention that those who would defend a minimalized competetive graphics mode in Quake to their grave would instantly (and rightfully) jump to bashing shovelware stick figure shooters where zero effort was put into any graphical production and they call it "an art style" when everything is flat colors and characters are placeholder meshes.

Is this a good game? Looks like it would be fun to be in a scary storm. Also, what is it even

Sea of Thieves aka No Man's Sky Pirate edition

Is it scary

Is not a very good game anons. You can pirate it and find out by yourselves but it is painfully generic. The only good thing about it is the dismemberment and the zombies being somewhat of a threat due their big numbers. Other then that don't bother.

The axe is such a game breaker but I won't deny it was the most fun weapon to use for that reason. What did you think of the shotgun?

sucked ass and was WAY too inaccurate


If you crouched before firing the thing it went from inaccurate piece of shit to accurate one hit boomstick. I just want to confirm I wasn't the only one with this issue. The game had some weird counter strike aiming system were crouching and standing still improved accuracy. The only weapons exempt from this was the M16 and glock if I recall.

New PC

anyone want to post actually good games?

no post your own faggot nigger

Don't think its out yet

Doesn't seem to be a horror game, but if open waters frighten you then I guess so.