I wasn't around for all the old Minecraft stuff when it was first a thing. So I'm wondering what's considered the best version. I'm looking at the launcher and looking through all the historical versions, and I'm wondering, what is considered the optimal version for world generation and general quality?
What is the best version of Minecraft to play?
alpha 1.1.2_01
beta 1.7.3
god the infdev graphics were so much comfier, and i cant even explain why
>shit world gen
latest. going back is just a pathetic attempt to relive the early days by dumb nostalgiafags
>the game now has a crafting book with all recipes
It's objectively worse now
The latest version because you autists seem to think the older and lesser known a product is the better the gameplay is.
Depends on what you are going for. Earlier versions have less features and mod support but the world generation is more interesting, later versions will have better mod suppport. As a rule of thumb though avoid the post Microsoft era because it's filled with bloat.
Minecraft 360 version, my fellow 1337 memer :^)
Why are there suddenly minecraft threads everywhere
the world gen was at its best in 1.7
Objectively Beta 1.7.3
Perhaps Release 1.0.0 if you don't feel like finding the beta version
Do not play the latest version. Everything added post-release is garbage. Lots of shit added between 1.7 beta and release, but it's not ALL bad until post release.
the very last alpha version
Fuck the halloween update. Fuck Notch for taking away my snow world
This, the last version before it went to shit
I miss the bright green
beta 1.8 was the "hip and cool" back in the day
but the newest version are still good . i enjoy it nevertheless
the latest one since it's what you'll need for most of the shaders out there
whats the one that generates all the insane mountains and cliffs. was it 1.0?
no it most certainly was not
>beta 1.8
>one of the most notorious updates in the history of MC
>hip and cool
Mega comfy
I usually have a hardcore save loaded up when Im on the computer and I alt-tab to it while I wait for friends to get online or while we wait for matchmaking or whatever..
I play the latest version, I don't mind it.. There's nothing that really ruins it for me. The world Gen is actually decent on the latest version, i have it so its crazy high cliffs and just dangerous all around.