>get elected
>video games start becoming good again
>multiple great games during his first year
did he save gaming?
>get elected
>video games start becoming good again
>multiple great games during his first year
did he save gaming?
Other urls found in this thread:
did he do anything remotely related to videogames?
who am I kidding, this is just a Sup Forums thread
>correlation = causation
No but he’s about to get impeached.
>video games start becoming good again
I mean there's been some good games during the "Trump Years", yes, but you'd have to be higher than a kite to think games as a whole have become "good again".
all obamba did it make game again great
just look at the facts
Call of Duty
Gone Home
Bioshock Infinite
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Nier Automata
Games are equally shitty under both presidents...
I don't see your point?
also, since Trump was elected, the mods are finally letting us have politics threads on Sup Forums
What kind of logic is that?
Good video games are released now, which actually means they were developed when Obama was still President.
pretty much, yeah
>dumb nigger can't think
kill yourself
spotted the niggers
The good new games are mostly from Japan. So see if Trump has been to Japan at all.
He very clearly worked with Russians and now that his right hand man is working with the FBI to get him in trouble over this, he's going to be impeached and arrested
Obama was still in office and investors had more confidence in business growth when trump was elected President. Stock market was hitting 8 year highs. Try and think logically you fucking retard.
why did Trump support the Jews? I thought he was our guy
what's happening bros I'm scared
Well, he's gonna kill net neutrality, so....
What will happens to videogames after he gets impeached following Mueller's investigation?
>Trump hasn't done any-
>Russian's whore
quick tip: stop watching cnn. the are lying to you to fulfill an agenda. Trump isn't going anywhere until he decides to
Dangerously optimistic, he's getting one full term and you know it, and by the time he gets unseated America will be irredeemably fucked up.
Check out the after effect it had when he had the press conference. It's 4D chess.
Trump has literally done nothing but support Jews
The irony is palpable
Occasionally I remember I'm not US American and I am so thankful
you do realize these games were in development and announced during obama era.
>video games start becoming good again
if you're gullible enough to unironically support trump, you're gullible enough to believe this
to die for israel
>implying his support if the jewish containment state is a bad thing
if you’re on his side, you should be thanking him. otherwise you’d have muslims AND jewish refugees flooding the neighboring countries
post yfw Spoony gets killed by the Secret Service whilst trying to assassinate Drumpf.
America is already fucked
>America doing better than ever in the past 2 decades
>markets better than ever
>games better than ever
>everyone has jobs
>Sup Forums wants it all to end so they can all be jobless, impoverished virgins with nogames because drumpf
Why are Trump soyboys this delusional?
Trump is a jew lover anyways.
4 out of 5 are japanese, praise unto Abe
Typical. A new administration taking credit for the previous administrations projects.
It's not really, but you wouldn't know that you fucking nigger.
>goyboys think Trump helped video game at all
go back to your containment board
B-But Obama made the markets better!!
He was still President!
>Everyone has a job
Literally impossible
>America doing better than in the past 2 decades
Thank Obama
Trump is gonna have American defend Israel, strengthening the Jews. It's over, the Jews won. Our guy was a Jew all along.
Confidence in business growth only led to the Battlefront II disaster aka cancerous lootboxes.
Do you like p2w games? Cause it certainly looks like that.
>Trump names Jerusalem Israel's capital
>Arabs around the world rise up and kill jews
>Israel is destroyed
>"""supporting jews"""
Leave my board, Amerigoblins
So after 8 years of Obama america is better off than before.
I accept your apology.
>get elected
>promise to make America great again
>instead just suck Israel's dick just like every other president for the past 20 years
>m-muh obango
Make me, eurocuck.
You are delusional if you don't think Trump is a Jew puppet. Open your eyes. The Jews have won. (((Trump))) fooled you.
Bill Clinton was objectively the best gaming era.
I want Sup Forums to leave.
Yeah and fucking trumpkins wont admit their leader is another jewish puppet. Im so happy things are different.
Where do you live? Can i move?
I'm quiet and don't take up much space.
>Trump hasn't done anything
Stick to watching your CNN kiddo.
>lootboxes and microtransactions are more prevalent than ever
>Net Neutrality is able to die
>The best games this year came from Japan
what containment board? Sup Forums has been Sup Forums lite for years
Nope, it's actually thanks to Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. Typical niggers trying to take credit for white mans accomplishments.
fuck off paki, Palestine literally funds terrorism, a world without muslims is a million times better than a world with the slimiest jews
Christ, Obama was a shit game developer.
The mods are shit, they don’t delete shitpost threads, they ban people that attack shitposters, and they let this shit go on until the bump limit. If they’re was a way to talk to Hiro I will tell him it’s time to clean house on these Sup Forums mods since they’re not doing their jobs.
>Sup Forums suddenly hates Israel for no plausible reason
>not wanting a President that plays video games
The only thing Trump has done is make Jews stronger
>4d chess trump xD
You are so fucking delusional. I bet you think he's actually going to finish that wall.
Needs a Hillary Clinton version with Bannerlord, Half-Life 3, etc.
I would, but I don't go near non-whites on principle
You're siding with a deadly pathogen over annoying pests.
Israel literally funds ISIS.
the responses to this thread really shows just how reddit this place has become
Ronald Reagan and HW were the best gaming Presidents.
I hate Americans so fucking much it's causd of them we have so much Sup Forums shitposting
He didn't save shit.
It was ruined when the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were people and legalized bribes.
I know next to nothing about politics but why does Trump get so much hate? Yeah he says some stupid things but what has he done thats so terrible?
nice meme
segments of the wall are going up everyday
>look @ me im le girl gamrr xdD
Well, yeah, Europeans aren't even allowed to discuss politics online. That's a hate crime.
What has trump done that has
1) actually happened (hard mode don't say what was started and then failed)
2) was benefit to you, the middle class.
>muh jews waaaaaaaaaah
Get a clue you eurosimp
Lol no sket
youre are missing shit during the bush era
US allies
>Saudi Arabia
said mean things to liberals
cut taxes drastically
deported a shitload of illegal immigrants
>nice meme
Are you so dense that you haven't realized you're a Jew puppet?
Obama fucking ruined games. It's only now starting to recover to George W Bush days.
>muh reddit boogeyman
Bill was the best era in general. Bill become our president again, DAMMIT!
>implying a Republican controlled house and senate would impeach the President who is also a Republican
In all fairness, Manaforts indictment was inevitable because he's been under investigation since late 2013 long before he joined the campaign so he's inconsequential. Flynn may admit guilt, but unless he has proof Donny was up to no good then the single best case scenario would be Kushner gets hung out to dry (but would eventually be pardoned) and Trump fires Sessions.
Most likely scenario is that either they appoint another prosecutor to investigate the uranium deal and undermine the whole thing