A lot of things has happened since I was here last December 2016. One of Geoff's crew for the game awards were monitoring Sup Forums and Reddit for leaks (they still do by the way). Kojima got wind of it; KJP team went on red alert for 6 months straight, Del Toro was told by KJP to tell the masses he knows nothing about the project as damage control, and a filthy gaijan who works with KJP attempted to discredit me on the official KJP English account twitter even though I mentioned Adam & Eve weren't their actual names but internal code names due to importance in the story. They still didn't know who was responsible, and they will never will. That's because my origins are a red herring to them, and I'm much more close to the project that they think I am. Though that is for another time in 2018 when I'll reveal my identity before it's release.

I was with Kojima the other day, pic related and feel free to cross check with his tweet a day ago here twitter.com/kojima_hideo/status/938288967379714048

With that out of the way, on to the important stuff; a recap, things to come, and new info I have for everyone. For those who don't know who I am, I'm a person who's working with Kojima on Death Stranding. I leaked information 2 days before the Tokyo Game Show 2016 and 3 days before the Second DS trailer in December 2016 showcasing Mads Mikkelsen. I was wrong about PSX, and I will have my revenge against Geoff & KJP since a tech demo that featured Norman interacting with Kojima was actually prepared for that event. That said, I leaked all of the following which ended up being confirmed months later by either Kojima or KJP:

>The game is set to release in Q4, 2018 (original goal is near Christmas 2018 but that could change thanks to me leaking this)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody cares, Kojima is a hack, this is well known

didnt read

>Mads Mikkelsen is involved, he has supernatural powers and is actually the good guy (last bit confirmed by Mikkelsen).

>Del Toro is a character and Norman Reedus works for him (you've recently seen White Ludens concept drawing on his arm saying "BRIDGES MISSION" and the Bridges pin on Del Toro)

>Gosling, Idris Elba, Kevin Durand all said yes to the project

>Open World TPS, there's no winning or losing; everyone has to help each other piece together elements of the story to progress (similar to PT). It's a game where the entire community will need to come together as everyone is playing an alternate universe parallel to each other. You can customize Norman Reedus as you see fit, but the community must reach the same specific narrative Kojima intends to (in other words a singularity)

>Cutscenes are laced around the mechanics and gameplay of both the community & individual player. Think, again to repeat, like PT. If you want to progress on, you all need to get on your thinking caps and controllers and play together.

>Has horror elements but not horror game; it's an Action Adventure game and plays like Uncharted but has some stealth elements; the main point is action and hunting down enemies like a predator

>Game design influenced by West World, Ghost in the shell, & Predator; story influenced by Time Wanderers, Shutter Island, The Strain, and Pacific Rim.

>Enemies & machines are infected, you can plug into them similar to Ghost in the shell

>Nazi enemies without the Nazi symbol.

>VR gimmick included, entirely optional

>Weapons range from modern day to sci-fi blasters (You've seen Mikkelsen's gear already). The spear the "White Luden" holds is inspired by both Moby Dick and the Spear of Longinus

>The trailers have a ton of clues for you to decipher (surprised a /m/ user was able to decipher the story by remixing the songs, kudos to whoever made youtube.com/watch?v=ZncuhSUv2GM ) Watch it to get an idea what the plot is

I almost belived it OP. Why would they change the release date or rather the time frame because of a leak?

Shut the fuck up


Fight Caramel over it

Other stuff I've leaked which hasn't been revealed yet

>The 5 Ludens are angelic like beings (ie Cherubs), Mikkelsen is one of them. They transcended humanity (died) and have different interests than the rest of the world. You, playing Norman Reedus, have to kill each one of them, similar to Shadow of the colossus to "help save the world." The rest of the 4 are Ryan Gosling, Kevin Durand, Reynolds, and a surprise actor from a previous MGS game who won't be named at this time.

>Norman is the actual villain of the game, you won't realize this until the end. But that isn't the twist, the twist is something he says at the end and something that happens after the credits (I won't reveal this until next year when the game comes out). He has amnesia (or so you're led to believe), and as clueless as he starts out; you, the players, need to piece everything together into one big picture and cooperate. Kojima spoiled the game as well by revealing that Norman is a Luden in the promotional poster. His rival is his love interest. She is pregnant with his baby. The baby Norman holds isn't his baby, but someone else's, but leads the audience (you) to believe that this baby is something he cares about (don't fall for his lies).

>Norman ended up in a accident but you won't know what that is until the end. The scrapped concept art logo of KJP shows a severed Ludens head, gives you the idea how bad the accident was for him (also a major spoiler hint). The game goes back in forth from surreal trippy environments to sci-fi. He's in a coma, but just because he's in a coma doesn't mean what's happening isn't real; It's just not in this dimension.

>Female lead is inspired by the Bionic Woman, and various women of Cobra the animated series (i.e. Lady Armaroid). She's the true heroine in the plot, you won't realize this until the end.

It's due 2018 of Q4, I'll take all questions after I post my material with you all

>hur durr they will never find out who I am but let me post this picture which would show kojima exactly who to look out for

>Themes range from questioning our relation to the environment, that includes earth and space and other entities
>Relation to each other via consciousness, i.e. Humans, animals, and others
>Questioning if Mankind is inherently good and asking why isn't it inherently evil because it's flawed.
>Questioning if religion got the origin story for Men and Women wrong; and if the snake really was in the wrong and why mankind isn't evil
>Questioning whether it's right and necessary to believe the government and not question its authority or historical accuracy ("They Live" film also plays into this)
>Questioning Why should our government hide info & tech through mass media manipulation. Suppressing ages of advancement for the common man

So is Death Stranding Silent Hills or not

I just wanted silent hill faggot i don't care about unleashed kojima with a movie budget

>a surprise actor from a previous MGS game who won't be named at this time.
obviously joosten

Anyone who believes this is an idiot.

>Some people wil unironically believe this completely made up shit.

>hurr durr

Why do people still do this. Makes it sound like you're a cunt from tumblr.

>>Open World TPS, there's no winning or losing; everyone has to help each other piece together elements of the story to progress (similar to PT). It's a game where the entire community will need to come together as everyone is playing an alternate universe parallel to each other.


Now on to the good stuff you've all been waiting for. Fresh new information is as follows, pic related

>The game officially has a mix of Surreal action & Cyberpunk environments, alternating between the two

>Building on the above and "Time Wanderers", The game has recently taken a lot of cues from the book, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami. For the love of everything good please read that book, as that alone will tell paint a good picture of what Death Stranding will feel like

>Kojima has also taken a lot advice from his best friend in the Japanese video game industry, Jirou Ishii, in his personal time (shame on you if you don't know who he is). As such, he's taken a lot of cues from "Time Travelers" a initial book concept turned Nintendo DS game by Jirou Ishii & Level-5. In fact, so much cues and concepts was taken from this game that I personally command everyone to play it or watch a translation play through on something like YouTube. Ludens travel through virtual space time the same way the characters do in that game. It's also considered a game without a genre, much like Kojima likes to personally think DS is despite the action adventure label. The character of Norman Reedus in DS was heavily inspired by an integral character (Kai Shunsuke) in Time Travelers. Same goes for the love interest, as she's pregnant too. There's so much borrowed concepts that I won't be able to list them all. Go experience that game, now. If you're already familiar with that game and want to ask me a specific question about it relating to DS, go right ahead

>Spider like-Mechs

>Adding on that are Spaceships, a lot of them

>Space Elevator near the end

>"Blade Runner Font"

It was a big crew with him and all of us were taking pictures. He won't know who it is and can't fire all of the staff

I'm getting to that, but short answer no.

FUck you you son of a bitch! i will get your FIRE!

Oh no, better not believe it or some retard tripfag from 4chinx will think I'm an idiot!

Sometimes it feels like me and everyone else played 2 completely different games both called MGSV.

>all these meme actors

Loljma really believes he’s a movie director, doesn’t he ?

>They will never know who I'm
>They are monitoring Sup Forums and Reddit
>By the way, I was with Kojima in this day

Or Kojima walks with lots of people and it's really hard to find who you are, or you're a big liar, and this is what I believe

this, I want to play the game on my own
will age greatly when the online for the game dies

But what are we getting from the vgas today

Kek, i remember this trip. YOu've failed like 3 times in a row already why even keep trying

>not Silent Hills
so it's MGS6?

>Short answer is no

I figured. All this cyberpunk shit is making me eternally uninterested regardless of the mechanics.

>But that isn't the twist, the twist is something he says at the end and something that happens after the credits
Ah yes, I read this bullshit too last time
None of what you said was true


>Don't believe that other anonymous guy talking about kojima on Sup Forums. Believe me!

This is the cast in the pic

Ask me anything about them, I'm here until the trailer drops

If it helps you sleep at night, Ito is working with us as an advisor but isn't designing any monsters.

imply ebin

Caramel Fib and deltacomember are all the same person.

Sorry Mr Kojima. I promise I didnt read(all of it).

>And a previous MGS actor who I won't name
>Here's the cast; joosten and everything

You're trying too hard

will this all be revealed in the trailer tonight? The cast, I mean.

Cringe. What possesses someone to make up such nonsense? You're about get exposed in an hour or two, enjoy the last moment of attention you will ever get, kiddo.

What does joost butthole smell like

He actually got a lot of things right, he only got PSX wrong.

Has Kojima lost his fucking mind? How can he afford all these people? And how are you still not kill Deltaco?

Will Stone and Watson have skimpy outfits?

Is this game the sixth Metal Gear Solid game or not?

>James Bond
>Lindsey lohan
>literally who
>A horse

5/10 I've seen worst cast

kojima is a hack and anyone remotely excited about him shitting all over mads' career is a pleb and a fuckwit

I think Kojima should be held accountable for the psychological damage he has done to these poor minds. They are fully immersed in their conspiracy LARP.

now we need the guy who believe dead stranding is mgs5

>battle of the loser tripfags V

Stay mad bro

>mads' career
Yeah those 15 minutes in one of the worst star wars films since the holiday special sure is a step up from this

I'm here just because of Caramel. I try to hate him, but it's impossible.

>Female lead is inspired by the Bionic Woman,
Does Kojima still have a crush on Lindsay Wagner? I know Jaime Seed from Snatcher was based on her too.

Pot, Kettle,

>no replies to confirm DS is MGS
I-is it habbening

>oh no, someone is being as retarded as me!!!!

I don't know who you think you're trolling but you're trolling yourselves

Does the trailer drop tonight?

this shit is unironically worse than caramel's garbage

congrats, you out-retard the retard.

Who the fuck cares?
Kojima is a shitty westaboo hack who should just move to Hollywood and produce B tier movies already.

His games have sucked ass for a long time and all you kojimadrones are the absolute worst, including Geoff himself.

>s-stop giving h-him attention. this is m-my night

What time is the trailer releasing and where can I watch it?


The hypocrisy in this statement makes me want to puke.

that was pretty shit, but got a laugh out of me

>post yfw konami reveals Silent Hill 5 with as many of the original directors/artist as possible and it BTFO death stranding

Based caramel not understanding the irony of the situation

>Norman ended up in a accudent
>in a

fuck you and your fake post


I don't know who FIB is, but I was afraid this caramel fellow was going to derail my thread

Joosten isn't the surprise actor from MGS. It's a male actor, everyone here loves him and he's voiced by Otsuka

Kevin Durand is in LA as we speak. I'm not sure if he will attend. Kojima has backup trailers in case something happens

One trailer has Emma Watson and Kevin Durand

Another trailer has Idris Elba and Emma Stone. I'm not sure which he's going to show, I'll be honest with you

Emma Stone will not have a skimpy outfit but she's the most likable character. She supports Norman reedus throughout the whole game

Emma Stone does have a somewhat skimpy outfit, if you consider it that. She has black bridal gloves that reach to her elbows. There's another concept of her with a leotard. And finally there's one with bandages around her stomach and wait like Naked Snake from MGS3. She smokes cigs in the game but she won't be as important three quarters through the script

Literally ask me anything about the characters. I'm here until the trailer

These pictures are literally the ones I've taken when visiting their HQ.

>Gosling, Idris Elba, Kevin Durand all said yes to the project
No. Fake.

>I don't know who FIB is,
Really fucking funny that you capitalized his trip correctly. You're busted motherfucker

Tell me about Silent Hills REEEEE


that's perlman in the bottom-right, yeah? tell me as much about his character as you can.


You haven't mentioned Del Toro at all. Kojima made a trailer with him for no reason?

I really dont wanna spoil myself much, but hype is real. What about locations and theyr variety?

Whats the deal with the teleporting baby shit from the trailers
How does kojimbo know this won't end up like the Nuke disarmament from MGSV with the literally impossible cutscene people will never actually see
Is it actually singleplayer or not

>haha but you're not right either caramel
Keep up your smugness, kiddos, it will make my victory all the more sweeter.

Is Guillermo del Toro involved in the production of the game?

that tranny is a fucking psychopath

>Emma Watson does have a somewhat skimpy outfit, if you consider it that. She has black bridal gloves that reach to her elbows. There's another concept of her with a leotard. And finally there's one with bandages around her stomach and wait like Naked Snake from MGS3. She smokes cigs in the game but she won't be as important three quarters through the script
Meant to say Emma Watson

Guys please don't give me a hard time. I promised you all last year I'll come. My head is on a platter just for this community because I love you all. What we have is special because I would be hunted by Reddit and Neogaf. I can't share this in Japan since it would just end in disaster

Silent Hills is a Konami property, I'm not familiar what they're going to do with that. You could ask me anything about the Death Stranding cast

holy fuck I actually got a kiddo out of him

You'd have to be a very special kind of sad human being to be so devoted to living a lie like caramel does


Why Kojima wants Kevin Durand? He's a semi-random actor. Only if he's something in the EUA.

I literally dont care about Death Stranding if its not associated with Silent Hills. Give me a reason to care Taco, PLEASE

lol this nigga just LARPs occasionally before big press conferences, he's not as mentally ill as Caramel

WHAT victory? If by a pure miracle you're right what do you win exactly? Will it have been worth it all these months of bullshit you've done?
How much time have you dedicated to this?

DelTaco is actually Del Toro himself sent from by Kojima as part of the grand ruse


Same. If it isn't Silent Hills, I really don't care.

hey guys keifer sutherland here ask me anything about death stranding production

fucking lmao

ETA Until trailer drops?

will you play a role in death stranding?

Confirmed that all these death stranding related trips are the same person



>Caramel relaxed on his chair, still looking at the monitor. Once again, someone asked for his head. He grew tired of this kind of comments, for having endured them over a year was now taking it's toll on his psyche.
>He looked at his now feeble hands, his left one now necrotic of so much CTRL+V, and motioned it close to the keyboard, but stopped suddendly when the pain was umbeareable.
>"I overdid it today, too", he said, bringing his hand back to rest between his legs, trying to warm it up. He stared blankly at the monitor, not actually seeing how the replies of his last post were all asking for his impending suicide to be broadcasted, just looking at nothing while the gentle blue colour of the board's Yotsuba B washed over him.
>After a moment that felt like hours, he slowly gained his composture again and clicked away from his web browser, showing a low-res image of Kojima's face, smiling, that he used as his desktop background. Over Kojima's eyes there were his copy-pasta texts, and just above his glasses the images he used to post in his mission to enlight the poor souls that dwelled Sup Forums.
>He answered to that smile with a solemn nod. He knew his crusade was about to end, this time for good. The TGA was now a few hours away, and the reveal he foresaw before everyone else was about to come to light. He played in his mind how Sup Forums would be flooded by threads in his honour. "CARAMEL WAS RIGHT!", "ALL HAIL CARAMEL!". He would enter this threads and be praised by thousands of (you)s. He played this scene in it's head hundreds of times. For him, the terrible suffering he was undergoing was well worth it.
>"Tomorrow", he said, "I will remind them".

Why are we still here?