ITT: Video game characters you wish were real
ITT: Video game characters you wish were real
I love Reisen!
I never understood waifus before her.
would be cool
I would give anything for her to be real...
I waited 14 years to see her again...
None of these girls will love you.
worth the weight
No girl will ever love me, so this doesn't matter.
3DPD women don't love me either, what's your point?
My waifu, that's who
Why make them real and 3D then, you're hurting yourself idiots.
Gotta love yourself before anyone else can.
Thats not how it works you retarded tripfag.
What did he mean by this
no homo
Sure it is. If you don't love yourself, how can anyone else?
>Videos you wish were games
Because thats not how emotions work, you're literally walking up to someone and telling them that they're not allowed to have human contact and that they are unworthy of being human. People like you who say such things are fucking cunts that shove people deeper and further into emotional holes because you tell them that they're not worthy or wanted to be treated like humans. Eat shit and die.
This qt.
If you make them real, they can experience joy and happiness in a world that's likely safer than their own. It's not ideal, but it's enough.
Hey, I'm not pointing anyone out. Just saying that if any of these people think their waifus would love them, they must love themselves first. Do they? Maybe. Thats for them to decide.
She is basically me irl.
>exclusively male friends
>interested in hacks and vidya
>lost a parent early in life and the other parent is incompetent
>I'm not smart
>i'm not good at hacking
>my friends are also shut ins
>i will never heal my hikkikomori ways
>i'm not that attractive
Honestly just get a girlfriend that's a normie I would only weigh someone down.
And Im saying shut the fuck up and don't tell people such shit, sure their waifus may not love them but do not tell these people they are unworthy of simple emotions.
You're not wrong. Better than all these "waifus" that would just leave you for the next best guy to succ his dick
Normies will weigh me down even more, they steal my money and time
You just posted her.
>austistic anti-social hacker who just wants to go outside without shitting herself.
... you literally just asked for tumblrinas to be real, user.
I dated a guy for a while. He broke up with me for being too passive and boring because all I ever wsnted to do was sit inside and play vidyagames, even though we met on a fucking pokemon forum. I dunno what he expected...
Thats for them to determine on their own.
Even if they be real, they will never interest in a filthy person like you anons
Not the best bunny
how would one find a chick like this. asuming you arent (male)
She is to me!
Oh, look. It's this post again. Why do I even bother coming here anymore.
oh look a waifu thread
I meet my friends in online games and such but they always live far away. I have practically no sex drive or desire for companionship and drive people away from be because of my passive nihilism and depression. Someone like me is toxic, you'd be better off dating no one than dating someone like me. Or at least specifically me. I am dead inside.
Gary Ridgway had a woman that loved him, and he was a retarded serial killer.
As a pseudo-normalfag I would love a girl like you to unwind with
>tfw no Toobie GFdroid
Man no. All guys care about is pussy. It doesnt matter to them what it's attached to for the first few weeks as long as theres sex. But then once you spend some time with me you'll realize im cringy and annoying and you'll dump me and move on.
Negative times Negative is Positive, user.
We're all dead inside.
not you specifically how do i meet nerdy girls. i am completely socially retarded in that area. im basically a "cyborg" from r9k.
You don't know that. I can't relate to normalfags and I don't know where the NEETs are hiding. Plus I'm a dirty lolicon
[email protected]
Aren't all the dudes on here cringy and annoying too? Seems like a perfect match.
I thought /r9k/ considered nerdy girls to be slutty posers. That's what I see when I visit.
You sound nice. neets mix well with neets.
Patrician choice my friendo
Duke Nukem would be cool to meet.
best boy coming through
Blow it out your ass.
>Normie girlfriend
>Better than anything
Fuck that noise, I'd rather stay alone than have a normalfag GF
>implying I'd ever get a GF anyways
I drive people away too and the few times I crave companionship I remember I drive people away too, half the time on purpose because they wind up being too tryhard normal or can't deal with my personality
Not him but we do, i stopped visiting 2 years ago because of the tranny wave, and it got worse and worse with time, i fell for the lifting memes and shit like that, but it's useless when you see hundreds of redflags in every person you meet, 2d is the only bearable thing now
I think we can all agree, man, woman, neet, normie.
2d > all
im an oldfag and i haven't been there religiously in years i got my shit together. but i still suck at socializing
Truth, anyone that disagrees shouldn't be here
I can barely keep up with all the games and shit, a g on top would just waste more time. If ayhitng i'd just want a gal to play games with and watch anime and shit, but that doesn't work irl
You aren't user. That's why you're so mad. Because you know it.
Im a waifufag myself and this post is fucking pathetic
Please dont laugh at me
I wouldn't say that 2D is flat out superior to 3D, but I don't think there's anything wrong with liking the aesthetics and traits of fictional characters.
I want to marry Haru!
Some Pokemon would make for great pets.
The one thing I wish is that more girls had blunt bangs in real life.
I really really like Haru's Phantom Theives outfit
This nigga right here would be a badass bro.
>eventually becomes smart as shit, so you can learn somethings
>can clone you
>can make you a robo waifu
>will help you get jacked
>Can go back in time and prevent you from making mistakes
Kurisu is a top tier waifu, the tsundere attitude is cute. However, what sells me on her is that despite being a brilliant scientist, she's just a dirty channer.
How is 3D superior to 2D in any other way than being able to be touched? 2D outclasses 3D in all facets other than being fictional, but even that barely matters since 3D is so shit that it's not even worth touching
I love Chara!
Thank you for your kind words.
You only say that because you're protected from the flaws of 2D characters by the unbreakable barrier between reality and fiction.
>You only say that because you're protected from the flaws of 2D characters by the unbreakable barrier between reality and fiction.
Fucking exactly
When will they learn?
It's ok for girls, short girls are the best.
So you admit that 3D women are inferior.
How short is too short?
That's not what I said user.
There is no too short.
You're only proving my point as to why 2D will always be superior
>tfw no more fitz videos