Did Metroid: Samus Returns sell well enough for Metroid 5 to be a possiblity?

Did Metroid: Samus Returns sell well enough for Metroid 5 to be a possiblity?

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That game was extremely fucking boring holy shit!

We're getting at least one more 3DS game and then who knows.

Sales were described as "firm"

It made bank despite being a mediocre cash grab. Either way, Metroid Prime 4 or 5 would still be made if it failed or not.

>one more 3DS game
Kek. 3DS is getting buried after that Sushi game. Switch is big enough to be the only platform now, and every 3DS game announcement for months now has been met with backlash over it being on the 3DS.

It performed better than expected, but it's still a Metroid game. Nintendo has all but stated that it could fucking bomb and they wouldn't abandon it, so it probably doesn't matter anyways.

Hope so, I had a lot of fun with Samus Returns. It was better than I expected it to be, and in some ways better than AM2R.

There is absolutely no way that Metroid 5 will be on anything other than the Switch. Considering how Samus Returns's sales took a bit of a hit for being on such an outdated system, Nintendo would have to be completely fucking blind and deaf to put Metroid 5 on the 3DS.

The game took a hit because Nintendo release it too late in a console cycle. The same happened to Other M and Skyward Sword, quality aside.

I certainly didn't pay for it hehe

Will it win handheld GOTY tonight?

That's what I said.

It did well in Japan.


Yes god dammit, yes. Nintendo confirmed firm sales, it’s one of the 3DS’s best sellers on the 3DS eShop, and Sakamoto stated that fans imaginations from viewing the Chozo Memories matched his ideas for the future of the series.

3DS is done.

3DS is going in the shitter, this is a Zero Mission situation with Samus Returns. Metroid 5 is happening on the Switch and will probably come in the same year as Prime 4 like Fusion came out in the same year as Prime 1 and Zero Mission with Prime 2.

That would be incredible.

I know

Then again Metroid rarely ever sells in Japan so that initial shipment could've been low.

Glass half full user