A friendly reminder from the Diamond Dogs, 3DS players. DIAMOND DOGS LIVES
A friendly reminder from the Diamond Dogs, 3DS players. DIAMOND DOGS LIVES
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Poor 3DS player, his brain cant remember the name of our messiah
Who the fuck are (you) and the Diamond Dogs?
same fucking Kojima idiots
>he doesn't know the name of the heroes that Sup Forums need
Quentin is a literal shit eating autist who was doxxed and permabanned from all social media because he was a threat to himself and others.
Also, sorry the Vita failed, lol
Dimaond Dogs is a "group" formed by a shitposter named Quentin. I say "group" because he samefags and was called out by a mod.
His shitty MS paint comics are banned and he legitimate think that the Devil May Cry reboot is a good game
>His shitty MS paint comics are banned
here is proof
More like Diamond DORKS! HAHAHA
>he legitimate think that the Devil May Cry reboot is a good game
The avatarfagging, meme-spouting, and console warring can be forgiven, but some things are just too far beyond the pale. Good riddance.
Hasn't Quentin been MIA for years?
>i like Quentin he based
Quentin you are just some CLT wannabe who got laughed out of /lit/ and brought your autism here. Die please.
Goddamnit I fucking hate falsely attributed quotes to Buddha. Buddha specifically said an enlightened man should speak few thoughts and speak only agreeable thoughts. If you read the words that came out of his mouths he never once uttered the words "Not" or anything like it in a sentence. The second I see a buddha quoute that uses the word Not or is negative in any sense of the word I immediately know it wasn't spoken by the Buddha.
>but some things are just too far beyond the pale
he was derail threads on MGR to talk about the superiority of DmC.
but then got destroyed after MGR sold more in 1 week than DmC did in a month
How do you even manage to get doxxed on Sup Forums without a mod leaking your IP or some shit?
they just have to let enough info slip on accident.
Like the guy who constantly shat on Xenoblade 2, he let something slip and people found out that he was a Minecraft Streamer and it spiraled down from there
so pathetic to be to want a known persona on Sup Forums. hes probably that caramel autist.
I don't own any handhelds but I don't understand this argument. Why would you buy a handheld to play it only at home? You have consoles and computers and giant ass displays at home, why would you want to squint at a tiny low-res display with uncomfortable cramped controls?
>he let something slip and people found out that he was a Minecraft Streamer and it spiraled down from there
Post some Quentin-kino
>Bioshock Infinite
>CM Punk
Fuck Quentin.
The greatest trick that Quentin ever pulled was hoodwinking people into thinking he was serious.
Gatsby isn't bad but it really is entry level as fuck.
this is unironically him
>When you are this insecure about being in public
You play in bed and on the couch and wherever you want. Also you don't hold the handheld 10 feet away from your face, you shouldn't be squinting.
>I play my switch in public when the time calls for it
>car at the mechanic for maintenance while I sit in the wait room
>sitting in work van waiting to pick up coworkers at airport
>on the train/plane
If I was a poorfag and had to take public transit I'd probably play it there too. I don't see the problem. If you're by yourself and not in a socializing situation, what the fuck is the problem?
Pretty much, but the Switch brought back the "playing vidya in public" meme so his comics are being posted again as if the poster was Quentin
>Bioshock Infinite
it's not a meme, no respectable adult ever does it
If you do see me outside with a handheld device, what will you do to make me stop? Will you just "inform" me of my wrongdoing?
>Benefits of religion
>Points no benefit
I miss him. Whatever happened to our boy?
Isn't he in jail for CP?
Didn't he threaten to kill someone at his school and someone here reported it to his principal resulting in his parents banning him from the internet?
Where the hell are Quentin and his imaginary friends and why the hell aren't they here fighting against the Switch. The Switch is keeping infecting more and more normies day after day, who's going to save them, who I gonna call?
How do you guys think Quentin thinks about the switch?
damn, ur right
Without Quinten you are left with Jim "cuck" Sterling and that diaper wearing autist. Best of luck.
>be quentin
>so insecure to the point of making endless strawmen
>like bioshock infinite
Why does anyone like him again?
Basically this guy
Because weird autists need reasons to hate Nintendo
Because he's genuinely the highest quality shitposters ever. Console warriors kids can only wish to have 1/10000 of his shitposting talent.
He was right, though.
quentin did nothign wrong
This. He might have some fucking terrible taste but man, he had a talent for shitposting like no one ever could. Maybe that's how he wanted to be remembered on here.
>castro and stalin
>being anything other than based
>tfw playing some La Mulana between classes in college
nice schedule I have this semester :^)
lol, the autism is strong with this group
Quentin still lives?
how was jail?
>that anger and frustration.
Classic reaction.