Fire Emblem thread.
What's Sup Forums's favorite one?
Fire Emblem thread
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Apologies if I forgot something
The real answer is the mobage but FEHfags usually stick to their own threads so it'll get less votes here
Anyone from before Waifu Emblem VN shit took over.
PoR is my favorite.
What specifically do you like about FE that puts it above other srpgs, or what elements from other srpgs do you wish FE could emulate?
I think FE's level design is its best part, it feels like each map is a puzzle with several solutions.
Conquest. Because of top tier girls and gameplay. Also am I the only one that liked the weapon penalty/effect system of Fates and hope it returns?. I used more of a wide selection of weapons in Conquest more so then the other games. I feel like it makes battles more dynamic, as I'm trying to constantly plan ahead, or plan out what weapon should I use in this situation because they all have different modifiers. Every weapon feels unique and gave the game lots more tactical elements then I thought would.
Daily reminder that no one likes a bully.
Shadow Dragon.
Sacred Stones.
Joshua is my motherfuckin boy. Spared a bitch on a fucking coin toss instead of letting his dick do the thinking
PoR but I can't in good faith say it's the best. It's far too easy with a couple hiccups. I mostly like it because it has the best pacing and worldbuilding, it's probably the only game in the series where I felt like I was in real places rather than generic fields deserts and castles. This is thanks to the variety of environmental assets and lengthy narration, especially the strategy map segments. It's not even that good of a story or characters, it just had the best presentation of them.
I loved Echoes to be honest. Probably one of the FE games I put the most hours into playing since there was so much to explore.
I'm currently playing Echoes.
When is it supposed to get bad?
Yes, most of the maps I've played were pretty plain, but there's still strategy involved when choosing weapons, positioning, arts and so on.
I like the characters and it is pretty fun
Have you played maniac mode?
Yep it's mainly the map design and difficulty. Limited exp + tight, well thoughtout constructed maps put it far above other SRPG's for me. I hope the series continues moving forward in depth and customization like Conquest and adds some Heroes elements like the movement skills or ruby weapons.
Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS is my favorite Fire Emblem game
It doesn't.
Not that user but I just played it off a JP rom and boy was that one hell of a ride
I was stuck on Chapter 26 for so long I thought I was done for
Also holy shit did they add a fuckton of meteor/bolting/blizzard sages to every map
I don't think "play a higher difficulty" is ever a good defense for a game's difficulty level. The ideal challenge should be baked into normal mode. Also no, I haven't, but even if it is better I'd still judge the game on normal.
Don't worry guys. I voted for the correct one.
If you look around you should be able to find a jp rom with the english text inserted. I downloaded it a while ago but haven't gotten around to playing it.
Do you think an ironman run would be doable or do you need to rely on luck in some chapters?
Genealogy of the Holy War
>falsely accused of treason
>gets executed by the soon-to-be Emperor
>still remembered throughout the continent as a legendary holy knight
/Jugdral's guy/
That's hard to say
I want to say it's possible but you have to be really smart about which units you choose to focus exp on and you have to manage your forged weapons really well to get the most use out of them
Wow that's a very interesting opinion. Lots of games set the highest difficulty setting to be the most involved and complex gameplay experience and the lesser difficulties are created by decreasing the obstacles the player faces. FE Conquest is the best example of difficulty settings within a FE game so I'll use that as an example. Would you consider FE Conquest a better game if they removed 'normal' and 'hard' mode, just leaving lunatic? Or if they renamed normal/hard/lunatic to very easy/easy/normal?
All of the new cards.
New Mystery. Great maps, barracks is the best source of information from what to do in the map to story background, most weapons feel use, great support system, and the new subplot keeps things moving when the original's story stalled. On the other hand, Kris is medicore, same-turn is something only fixed or normal, some nerfs to items while removing dismounting and some story changes.
Lunatic is pretty much always retarded, including Conquest. That is not ideal difficulty any more than Master Ninja in Ninja Gaiden. If Hard mode was renamed Normal, or if they removed all difficulty settings and left the normal game at the Hard mode settings, then yes it would be better since that is the ideal challenge level.
I've just gotten to the Alm/Celica split after Alm takes lead of the Deliverance and I'm just not enjoying it very much. Every skirmish feels like a repetitive slog and my entire party feels under leveled no matter how much I grind shamelessly. I'm guessing it was a mistake to reclass everyone from villager so early.
No. You can reclass whenever you want, you always assume the target class's minimum stats after reclassing.
Get new weapons.
>breaks your wall
Lunatic only would be pretty awful desu, no matter which game.
Conquest Lunatic is fantastic though. The only bad thing about it is pic related. It actually does things other then stat inflation and what the base difficulty (hard) should have been if they included restore staffs.
Oh man, are you serious? I completed chapter I with 4 villagers because I wanted to get them to level 20 before reclassing.
Different user, obviously.
Effective damage is fun to use the higher might the weapons have. Rapiers and knight killers had little might, but stuff like the hammer the Wolf Beil are good. Weapons like a forged Wing Spear or Binding Blade are just stupid fun to use. Imagine using FE4 holy weapons on actual dragons.
Yes. But if any of their stats went above the mins, those carry over.
Anyone who picks a DS one or beyond has a wrong opinion
Cipher's okay though right
Or good taste
I insist on you removing this from the public discourse immediately
>playing a shitty card game when there is better card games
It's the only one with an appealing graphical style that managed to survive all these years and remain on major platforms.
Pretty much it, otherwise it's nothing special gameplay or plot wise.
>LewynSety one-rounds the true ruler of the Grannvale Empire
>He gets butthurt and says fuck you I'm going home
Is there a more broken character in the whole franchise?
Name 1 (one)
Also, who wants to help me test my slapped-together Lyon deck?
RD and Echoes
What Conquest chapter did you guys cheese?
Pokemon TCG
1: Power creep is too insane for me, in Cipher you can use shit from the first set effectively, good fucking luck finding somebody running a B2-only deck in Pokemon
2: Card art sucks
I think it's more fast paced than most other SRPG's.
favorite new art of this cipher set?
the Myrrh and SR Lute art for me
Remember when Ike became Guts?
We posting custom animations now
None of them but Lunatic on endgame but that map is legitimately poorly designed. Every map was a blast to play.
has Xander marry azura, promote Xander to a pegusis Knight, he and corrin flew all the way to the exit on the chapter with the endless faceless
It's been the same since it was announced.
None of them need cheesing to beat, it's hard by FE standards but only above average in the genre.
Eternal stairway
got bored after my 3rd reset so i paired up Corrin with Camilla
Conquest wasn't that hard. Maybe the final chapter a bit, but other than that its easy.
My favorite non-royal girl in Fates.
What are some hard SRPGs? I've played a lot of these games but nothing hard.
Anyone who bullies Genny needs to die
Helps that she's the best tome user in the game, especially when reclassed to Witch.
Sheeps need to be sheered.
Maybe she's good if you're using "bonus" items like the witch class but she's not a very good unit in conquest. Lots of units can kill stuff just as well and they don't die to a light breeze.
It also helps that she's cute as fuck
Majority of units can't take lots of hits in CQ due to cut def and hp growths. You shouldn't be letting magic users in tight spots anyway, the game is too PP oriented for that. You need good positioning to use her.
Consider a good portion of Sting's games. I found some considerably harder than any FE, including CQ, but to be fair they're very strange games that blend genres. CQ I didn't find outright easy, but it's not exactly a game that stopped me in my tracks or forced me to try maps over and over. Very smooth progression, it punishes incompetency, but doesn't really try to go overboard or put in anything that would frustrate a player. It's mostly a very fair game that's been structured well mechanically with fair attention to detail, despite obvious complaints of the awful (everything else I didn't describe in the rest of this post except music).
Just tested it
Bael OP
Has anyone actually played that chinese bootleg FE game for the GBC? I heard someone made a menu translation patch for it so I was thinking of trying it out when I get time to this summer. It's probably shitty but It could be good for laughs.
Only Sting game I've played is Yggdra Union (GBA) which was neat but pretty simple and straightforward once you figure out how it works. As far as I know their other translated SRPGs are a neptunia game and gungnir, is that what you're talking about?
Part 3 is when it starts to get messy, then it gets worse again in part 4 due to exceptionally shit maps and enemy """"tactics""" devolving into "there's 3 summoners who just spam dudes every other turn that pose no threat to you, but have too much HP for you to comfortably kill". Then the postgame gets worse again due to generic enemies with over 100 HP
>giant spiders are good at killing things
whoda thunk
Shadow Dragon
Pop Quiz
What classes did you make Ross, Amelia, and Ewan in Sacred Stones?
My first time through?
Berserker, Paladin, and Summoner.
Pirate, Great Knight, Druid
I benched the others
Bench, General, Summoner
I think that the biggest problems for RD is really or rather Micciah and the Scrub Brigade. Their problem is that they're just there and don't actually add anything of substance.
Like I know that the game wants me to compare Micciah and Pelleas with Ike and Elincia in PoR but the problem is that they aren't like them. Ike wasn't a yes man who hung on Elincia's every word and actually listened to the warnings of those closest to him.
Elincia herself also wasn't an idiot, she was naive (painfully so) but not an idiot.
>tfw you're a strategy brainlet who has to reset like 10x on every chapter after losing a unit
4, 7, 9 in that order.
Berserker, General, Druid
Don't forget KitN.
Git gud?
Amelia- Bench Paladin
Ewan- Summoner
You fucking casual piece of shit cuntslug!
I'm the same way. I wish older games had casual mode.
I'm sure if I throw myself at the same level over and over again long enough, some gud will eventually rub off on me.
the key is to actually think out a new plan each time you restart the chapter. If you just do the same thing over and over until the RNG rolls your way you won't get any better.
Be more aggressive in your strategies? Check everything about the map on the prep screen? Bait out enemies because the AI is retarded pre-Fates? If playing Fates assume every attack will hit? Try out a new tactic every reset? If playing Conquest use all your tools available to you? Change your plans based on what happens around you?
Grinding does result in stronger units, but the game is entirely beatable even when you promote ASAP. Just abuse Brave Swords, Killer Bows, and the Excalibur spell, since they all have huge crit bonuses.
No fucking shit.
You overestimate the intelligence of FE players. If we were smart we wouldn't be playing FE.
Well, you got me there.