What's their endgame?

What's their endgame?

We wuz Et’Ada

What s the end game of every comic book tier bad guy?
They exist to get beat up by the PC.

Riding your cock

>tfw the other races beat you up for being nerdy gay weirdos so you want to end all physical existence

They want to obliterate Mundus

Plunge Mundus back into the Mythic Era so they can become ghosts again

They want to rejoin their gods and end the dream, much like the Dwemer. Only difference is that they're extremely close to pulling it off. Next Elder Scrolls is going to take us to Summerset in soem capacity, if for nothing else to have the final boss battle.

A Nord achieved divinity and they would rather end reality than deal with the butthurt.

Destroy the physical realm

But why? What do they gain from total obliteration?


They believe they can turn back into Aedra

they please their daedric gods.

Deactivating the towers

>He isn't willing to die for his waifugod
Slack jawed faggot

Unmake Mundus to return to their godlike state in Aetherius

peg me

They think destroying the world (which was a result of Lorkhan tricking the other Aedra into giving up part of their divinity to create it) they can return to the static, eternal Aedra-only existence.

The Thalmor are genocidal, but all elves generally desire this. They think they were gods once upon a time.

Where is it actually stated that the Thalmor want to unmake Mundus, and that they worship Daedra.

Yup, because it means not only do things they consider fundamentally inferior than them can achieve the state they lust after it also puts the entire endeavor in question. Why destroy the world to become gods when you can just do what that guy did?

Uh, it's been the Dominion's goal from square one.

Sup Forums hates them because it hits too close to home

Did you even play Oblivion? When Elves die they turn into shitty ghosts until somebody whacks them and they turn into jizz to be made into a potion, you'd want to destroy reality too if that was your afterlife.

Can you really do what Septim did though? He had that whole Etantiomorph thing with Wulfharth and Zurin. And him and Wulfharth were dual avatars of Akatosh and Lorkhan. And since there's no Heart of Lorkhan you can't use the Tribunal method.

Nords get a max comfy afterlife in Sovengarde
Even merrish gods hate the mer and they get the most generic afterlife imaginable.

Being a mer is suffering no wonder they want to end it all.

Don't they just return to Atherius?

And checked.

Nord have the best comfy afterlife ever

Aren't the Dunmer cool with Lorkhan and mortality though? I know the Dominion see Mortality as a crime against Auri-El.

Mer’s gods are fucking dead. Meanwhile Talos and Lorkhan are still kicking around

Auri-El isn't dead, he basically abandoned them. Said "fuck this"and ascended into Aetherius in front of everyone.