Well, Sup Forums. Which one was better?

Well, Sup Forums. Which one was better?


>crafting system breaks any semblance of balance
>stat inflation
>fucking peragus

I dont think so, tim

Why does everyone hate Peragus? I honestly love the whole" murder mystery" thing going on there

I liked them both equally, each one did things differently to still be very unique and enjoyable experiences though.

Overall better as a game and a star wars game: KotOR1
Better story and more complex dialogues and crafting: KotOR2 (with TSLRCM)
KotOR2 without TSLRCM isnt worth playing, it's a broken mess.

the first one is better because it actually works on my computer unlike KOTOR 2

They're either memeing or just have bad taste, the actual bad part of the game is Telos

This has got to be bait.
KotOR2 is the only one that got patched for modern OS (only on Steam though).
KotOR1's GOG release as well as K1 and K2 GOG releases aren't properly patched for modern OS so they're russian roulette.

not him, but KOTOR 2 is still buggy and has some longstanding bugs that were never fixed (such as crashing to desktop when travelling to other planets)

KOTOR 2 is still the better game though

Does the first game pick up once you get to the Jedi planet? I always get to that point or just before it and get bored.

Does that mod work with a pirated copy or does it need to have the steam update?

Narrative, and mechanically 2 is better.

Latest version of it is steam workshop exclusive, but older one works fine on pirated copy.

I had more pure fun playing 1, but 2 is superior in all ways

It does start getting a lot better once you finish padawan training on Dantooine. The entirety of Taris is now notorious in vidya history for unnecessarily long tutorials, although I do enjoy the plot of it all (despite the ending being bullshit)

>KOTOR 1 = Ridiculously cartoon levels of evil villain
>KOTOR 2 = Thought out villain that activates your almonds

Why did the lady who did Kreia's voice only do one other video game? She was amazing, that's one of the best VA performances I've ever heard in a video game

I wonder how they even roped her into it in the first place

Probably because she was too expensive. Theatrical actors are more expensive than "pure" VAs.

Peragus is amazing

Peragus is cancer. It was fun the first time but every time after it was SUCH a grind

Telos was pretty shitty too. So much fucking trekking back and forth across the space station without upgraded knight speed

I wish the games were harder, use a double sided lightsaber, hit master speed and pump strength and you will delete every single enemy in a single round on the hardest difficulty, add master flurry to delete bosses in one round as well. I found the sections where you werent controlling the protagonist to be the most fun simply because i had to put effort into the combat

Dual Sabers > Single Saber > Saber Staff

anything other than single saber is for 12 year olds

Mechanically Dual sabers are best

The dual sided lightsabers are 100% superior to dual saber. At best you have an arguement in kotor 2 where stat upgrades are handed out like candy and you can theoretically get double the stats with double the sabers but thats only useful if youre a sith lord/jedi master since the dual sided ones deal more damage


Have you tried not playing D20?

Besides that I love min maxing and having 18 Jedi levels makes the game a big fun joke.

>Second game
>Both lightsabers are absurd stat sticks
>Can't switch to a gun without losing 15-20 stat points
I like the big numbers but I wish that guns were better than they are

>using guns as a jedi

Which is a shame too since guns are actually usable in kotor 2 thanks to the upgrade system. That 2d10 crystal is so absurd that every party member that used guns dual wielded pistols just so i could craft more to slap on

Every time I play the second game I end up going consular/master and stacking wisdom. I always tell myself that THIS will by my gunslinger game and it never is.

Gunslinger with dual Mandalorian Rippers is hilarious fun shit

Not even all of Telos either, just the surface.

Kotor 1 is to Tolkien as Kotor 2 is to Game of Thrones

>1 is as morally shallow as a pool, the good guys are paragons of virtue and the bad guys are moustache twirling villains; the only remotely interesting aspect is that you get to choose which side you're on
>2 has a fuckton of interesting narrative themes and moral discussions, every single character has a fascinating backstory and development; even one-note characters that nobody used in kotor 1 like T3 and HK end up becoming fan favorites because of how fleshed out they are and T3 doesn't even say a single intelligible word
>2 also gets props for being one of the only rpg games where every single party member hates everybody else's guts

Both games are pretty bad by today's standards not only visually but because Bioware ruins their own games by packing them to the brim with obnoxious filler combat

The game is already pretty easy though.

I really, really, really enjoyed both games when they came out. Had no problems playing through both of them start to finish in whatever free time I had. Granted KotOR2 felt unfinished even back then and you could feel the cut content, especially on the last planet, but it was still overall a blast. Not sure why I've never gone back to replay them. I usually do with games I enjoyed that much.

Even if the animations aren't that awesome by today's standards, seeing my character do parries and clash swords and stuff (canned animations or not) was so amazing for the era.

Who were better, Darth Malak or the Sith Triumvirate?

>Has an interesting voice
>Is playing a character that is wiser
>Doesn't pronounce "imbecile" as "Im-bee-sile"
>Pronounces "Imbecile" as "Im-bee-seals"

Her VA was good but "best I've ever heard" is a stretch even for personal taste.

I find myself smiling whilst watching my character duel bitches for the same reason, as silly as they seem when they match up properly it really is almost like watching a Star wars movie.

Nothing will ever beat how hype as fuck the lead up to Darth Nihilus was

>Tfw you'll never wear his mask

>do good

>do evil

>do nothing

What did she mean by this?

>One of the major themes of the game is deconstructing the black and white good vs evil mentality
>Game also gives you good guy points for doing good things and bad guy points for doing bad things, you are also incentivized with stat bonuses to 'max out' your morality
>Game will lock you out of pretty fantastic content if you are 'too grey'

I'm aware that the developers probably didn't have any choice on if or how they could implement that morality system but it's still one of the worst cases of game mechanics clashing with the plot


>tfw his fight was too easy and shit

1, 2 was deviantart tier

>i r 2 dum to undrstan

Damn this is gold

That's good

Didn't play Kotor 2, currently playing through the first one and I'm rocking a single blaster build for the MC and roleplaying a morally grey bounty hunter/smuggler. After I got the Master Speed force power I just mow through every enemy with 4 turns max, including the first battle with Malak. Is it going to get any harder? Also can I run a similar build in the second game?

2 is a better game.
1 is more fun.

Unfortunately this.

>KotOR1's GOG release as well as K1 and K2 GOG releases aren't properly patched for modern OS so they're russian roulette.
really? ah shit. I have the gog versions.

>get bored about an hour ago
>decide to set up my og xbox so I can do an evil run on kotor
>see this thread

The first. 1 had a much better story, people just think 2 was better because it was dumbed down for retards.

There are no difficulty spikes in 1, i cant imagine you having too much trouble if youve gotten this far.

In 2 your build will be so much better youll wonder how you got through 1, i dont know if youll make it through the academy on malachor and the final boss though

been wanting to replay kotor 1 on pc but man that shit is hard between the resolution and the shit minimizing every time a cutscene starts, any fixes for that?

Nice, I'll just finish the first one and jump right into 2 then. I've just arrived at the Unknown Planet, so I'm guessing I'll be playing Kotor 2 soon.

Idk jack shit about computers. I'm a console peasant.

Literally what? How can you not manage to beat malachor?

KOTOR for the tone.
KOTOR 2 for the writing.

I might be exaggerating because the gauntlet of sith managed to actually wound my 600hp, 40 defense sith marauder monster who had gone the entire game unchallenged and thats with a heaping of blaster deflect and deleting an enemy every single turn so an unoptimized blaster build might have trouble especially with all the lightsabers deflecting his blaster shots, I also remember the triple lightsaber portion being difficult on my consular character

I managed to beat the final boss with a character from a noob friend of mine that was as unoptimised as you can imagine, there's no way you can't beat it