>teaches kids discipline
>elevates high school volleyball team to national level
>scores underage poontang (which is legal in Japan since age of consent is 14)
Why are we supposed to hate him again?
>teaches kids discipline
>elevates high school volleyball team to national level
>scores underage poontang (which is legal in Japan since age of consent is 14)
Why are we supposed to hate him again?
Other urls found in this thread:
The hair
>tfw age of consent is 16 in my state
Found this out the other day, honestly it feels weird bros.
He's not attractive, therefore it's rape.
the nose
Age of consent in Tokyo for older men to younger girls is 18
>scores underage poon
? Rapes one girl because another won't put out.
All the good memes lie dead and buried. And yet "X did nothing wrong" posters persist, like a spiteful geist that will not pass this mortal realm. Why?
>randomly beats the shit out of students
>rapes one cause the one he wanted didn't put out.
>Destroyed a club because he didn't like it.
>literally faked an threat from 3 students to save himself
>spread rumors about you to get your kicked out.
However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent. For example, the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18. The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise (as stated in " ナス邃「窶慊カ窶「ナクナスニ停?邸", the Child Welfare Act of Japan.
What's worst this or "Am I the only one..." posters?
>physical and mental abuse of students
>extorts female students
>is a huge douchebag
Gee, I wonder why.
>fat neckbeards still defend the rapist and abusive gym teacher
If he was innocent stealing his treasure wouldn't have done shit
>scores underage poontang
Not the one he wanted though.
That makes him a failure.
The mild rape might have had something to do with it
"Am I the only one who X" posters.
You can actually makes arguments for or against someone doing something wrong.
But the list of things one person has done that nobody else has is incredibly short, and nobody post on Sup Forums has claimed anything on that list.
Go ahead my man
"Mild" rape? It's fairly obvious that Shiho was flat out rape raped.
A girl doesn't do a backflip off the school roof because she got groped a little.
She is Japanese.
what would joker's palace be
That doesn't mean you can have sex with 16 year olds, it's to protect teenage sex. It's still pedophilia if you try to have sex with someone under 18.
It's an easy way for OP to spark controversy involving any topic.
Does Mona say anything if you date Ann? Didn't go down that route
That's your problem, the guy thought he was hot shit for being good in basically a C-rated sport.
If it was soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming or track maybe he would be justified in his demeanor.
He spread rumors and the probation shit to ruin cucker's life for absolutely no reason at all.
he's a grade A cunt.
A small mansion filled with replicas of all the treasure he's stolen and the treasure he wanted to steal, cognitive versions of all his romantic interests (And Sae) all acting in character with the one deviation being that they're actually okay being in a harem...
And an in house Big Bang Burger, with all the free challenge burgers you cam ever eat.
The age of consent in my basement is 8
>only 8
Wasn't the Velvet Room Jokers' palace?
Its all garbage and I dont distinguish the quality of one piece of garbage from another
>which is legal in Japan since age of consent is 14)
when will pedos stop pushing this meme
Light Yagami did nothing wrong
>responding to bait
I didn't want to seem like some weirdo
He wasn't a very good villain
No, technically the Velvet room was part of the people's palace
He sighs and walks out of LeBlanc on Valentine's Day. That's all.
welcome to early 2017 america japan already knew about rape allegations
>spread rumors about you to get your kicked out.
I still don't understand this one. What reason would he have for this? Just didn't want raff in his school?
>Have the power to ice his father in a instant
>Goes to plan a convoluted strategy that ultimately gets his ass killed despite having all the advantages
The kid was a straight up retard.
Right? Read maybe 1 to 2 more sentences and the guy would learn that most prefectures have pushed it to 18
Same reason he broke a kid's leg. He doesn't like them.
But he hadn't met you yet. The rumors are going around before you're first day of class
I mean I know he wasn't a paragon of kindness but it seems weird to go out of his way to make a kid he's never even seen's life miserable just because. At least with Ryuji he had personal interest
No. Atlus has this bad habit of keeping romance subplots completely seperate from the main plot. Which is why all the girls interact with Joker in a way that might be considered close and romantic, but not so close it's obvious.
Makoto gets touchy with Joker when she's scared.
Ann always shits on Ryuji, Yusuke, and Morgana when they perv on her, but almost always gives Joker a pass.
Futaba is practically sewn to Joker's hip and took to him so immediately that she started to hide behind him for shelter while always giving Yusuke and Ryuji shit.
And Haru...Is just Haru and nice to everyone.
They give off the illusion that any one of the 4 main girls and Joker can be in an under wraps relationship with him at any time.
Anything more would have made the harem bad end impossible. In order to make it work plot wise and to have it brought up, they'd need to have the player lock themselves into one girl.
The only think I noticed while playing is that, at one point near the end, Ryuji asks if you ever wanted to get married.
Responding yes prompted Ann to say "I see..." with her happy sprite. But I don't know if that was her reaponse if you were dating, or if that was just a stock response she always gives.
The nose knows...
Nah, every girl has their own response during that scene. Was dating Futaba and she does something like
The Velvet Room is a different beast altogether.
It doesn't exist in reality OR the cognitive realm. It's somewhere in-between.
Darabuchi doesn't hate him
If anything you'd think he would be happy for her. He's a cat and can't make her happy that way, and of all the people she could have ended up with, she ended up with the one guy Mona knows will treat her well.
Fuck that noise
like said it happens to every girl you romance. It's hilarious when you do the harem route and every girl goes a giddy for it.
>which is legal in Japan since age of consent is 14
Geriatric Park.
>>scores underage poontang (which is legal in Japan since age of consent is 14)
you're stil wrong considering his position and other things its still illegal.
Kamoshida did it because he could. He's that much of an asshole.
Last I checked Tokyo's prefectural age of consent is 17. That being said, it would still be illegal because (a.) there was no consent and (b.) he's their teacher/coach.
and (c.) he is over 18