Persona 5 King of 2017 RPGS

Zelda and Divinity Sinfags BTFO

Zelda isn't an rpg.

Was there any doubt? P5 has more depth than the others, not that I'm saying they're bad.

It was in the category retard

and cuphead was in action category, does it make any sens to you?

Tales of Berseria and Nier Automata were much better, honestly. If you played Persona 3 or 4, you already played 5.

It's a good game but it's just more of the same.

FFXV btfo

No it wasn't?

>Was there any doubt? P5 has more depth than the others, not that I'm saying they're bad.

I was hoping that Automata would win best RPG.

but is right. At least FFXV didn't win


popular vote was a mistake

Final Cucktasy and Legend of Cuckda REKT THE FUCK OUT



OK, I don't give a damn about Persona, but are you seriously arguing Berseria isn't also more of the same?

>nusona fags this delusional

Conan already blew it the fuck out.

>If you played Persona 3 or 4, you already played 5

But that's wrong you fucking retard

Steam release when?

>Persona 5

Nintendo on vore watch

Jesus Christ, you're still pulling the same shit you did in February?

>didn't even get 5 seconds of mention

At least XV didn't win.

How the fuck is legend of zelda is in any way a fucking RPG?

came out here in 2017

>P5 has more depth than the others

I like the game but come on retard

OS2 isn't on toasters yet, so they'll get the award next year.

it literally wasn't

Zelda wasn't even in the category

For some reason, normies always label Zelda games as RPGs.

>skipped over it because japanese fan audience is not what they like

but they shoehorn in some old lady who made a game over 30 years ago and try to make her look like an icon while she stutters on stage. fucking shitty """Awards"""

>Persona 5
I have no idea what qualifies for an RPG anymore, having gear and stats?

Yes, actually. You'd have to be braindead to think every Tales game has the exact same combat.
P5 does improve some stuff but it sticks to the exact same formula and the improvements are extremely minor. I'm not trying to bash the game but it's disappointing.

I agree. P5 really doesn't deserve it. The game carries too much of the same from 3 and 4 yet has worse characters and story.

Not even a RPG. Divinity was the only one deserving it.

That's great! But... You still have to go to sleep


I hate this game.
What else was in this category? Did Zelda really get nominated even though it's not an RPG?

You're right, it's actually right to say "If you've played any JRPG or watched any seasonal anime made in the past 10 years you've already played Persona 5"


The award makes no fucking sense to begin with. JRPGs babies will always dislike cRPGs, because according to them "cRPGs don't have good stories! I hate blank slate characters!".

So much for "roleplaying".

This looks by the guy that does the Phoenix Wright art.
If it is, that is so damn cool.

>What else was in this category?

Nier Automata
Divinity Original Sin 2
and something else

>Game released in 2016
>RPG of the year for 2017

Not even mad Nier didn’t get it, it was barely an RPG. Well deserved to P5.

It's the exact same fucking thing as 4, down to the detective being the culprit and Swift Strike spam.

Automata and XV aren't RPGs either. They're action games.


Why the fuck was FFXV nominated? That game released last year. Also it was terrible.

What would describe Persona as?

XV is barley an action game.

>Why the fuck was FFXV nominated?
no idea.

>Game announced for release in 2012

JRPGs are not RPGs

It released too late to be considered.

People who do this need to die

Pretty sure this was jrpg of the year tbqh

Automata wins best OST
Cuphead wins best indie
P5 wins best RPG
I'm honestly okay with this

Really happy for Hashino and Atlus. They really deserved it.

came out after the nominations

divinity 2 never stood a chance. It's too niche to win

It was probably my favorite RPG this year,sothat's good to see.

>jrpgs are not rpgs
The state of baka gaijin

Visual Novel/Adventure game with RPG elements.

I like the game and all but I wish it got less normalfag attention.

Wasn't even JRPG of the year in which it actually released.

This prize sucks dick really, Persona is the same shit every time and gets nominated to win something.

>HD remaster of a deluxe edition released a decade ago for game from 2006
>best RPG of 2017

>It's too niche to win

I was thinking the same for P5

Apparently Action RPGs like Nier Automata aren't RPGs either.
Everywhere I go, people mistake it for a typical action game like DMC.

> P5 actually won an award

Kinda thought there was at least some fairness in judging, but clearly someone paid to make this happen. Game has about as much depth as Diablo 3.

aka JRPGs

Honestly Divinity was one of the ones to be classified as a RPG in the list, i dont really like the game but it fills the quota.


People don't like crpgs because they're ugly as fuck and autisticly unappealing.

Nobody cares

Zelda isn't an RPG you retard.

>niche in 2017
Maybe about 5 years ago Persona was niche, but now everyone and their mother circlerjerks about how perfect Persona is

>Maybe about 5 years ago Persona was niche, but now everyone and their mother circlerjerks about how perfect Persona is

true. I found a bigass display at a fucking Walmart for Persona 5

And yet their favorite genre uses "RPG" in the title... for what reason, again?

Playing a JRPG is no different than playing an adventure game.

This is true, Persona is pretty mainstream now, thanks to P5. As for NieR, I think it’s not quite there yet.

Fuck yeah.


U mad?

I just got P5. If this isn’t as good as you fucks say I’m gonna hunt you all down.

Literally this.

I can't speak for Berseria, but P5 is better than Automata. The stylized look is better than realism every time, the music is better, better characters and more of them.

two years in a row that RPG don't get a stage announcement.

Persona 5 is just “ok.” It has absolutely shit pacing and most of the characters are boring outside of Yusuke. It feels like a chore to play in between palaces.

>The stylized look is better than realism every time
I like Automata's style far better this time, though I'm glad P5's art style evolved from the awful, awful style it had in P3 and P4. I'm certain everyone was tired of the cheese gradient skin.


P5 only looks good in menus. The animated cutscenes are shit and the 2D backgrounds are embarrassingly poorly blended.

I don't like Automata much, but at least I felt something by the end of it. P5 was a completely hollow experience.

>Personafags are so retarded that they think Zelda is an RPG

>wRPGs so assblasted by their shit state they need to crawl in a hole and pretend jRPGs aren't RPGS

Of course I'm mad you dipshit. It's a fucking disgrace that the "best RPG award" goes to a game that isn't even an RPG.

Luckily I don't need an award to tell me what should I play, but most gamers are sheep.

No one played Divinity because it didn’t get any real marketing. Why are we acting like a game that EVERYONE played getting an award over a niche title is so shocking?

Newsflash: most people aren’t critical or analytical enough to measure games using objective observations. Quit bitching.

user p5 is a visual novel


Even if you feel it didn't deserve to win. Even if you absolutely hate the series. A niche series winning Best RPG should be something to applaud.

Even the competing nominations weren't the average AAA schlock.

>a shittier persona 3 and 4
>winning anything

This is a photoshop right?

But user, "jrpg" stands for Japanese RPG. By any sense of the word its still an RPG.


Only the autists on Sup Forums could make this into a bad thing.

>implying that all persona games aren't equally shit
Play a real shin megumi tensay game