This is incoherent, pretentious garbage

This is incoherent, pretentious garbage


good, don't play it and stay out of the discussion threads when it's out, shallow-pate

so like all the MGS games?

no. this is the only interesting game currently announced.


So brainlet repellent?

no youre just a retard lmao

Fucking brainlets I swear to god

Yes, no one cares about what you think, if you don't like it, don't play it

There's like five different topics for this shit already you fucking retard. Why make another one?

Student Films: The Game

aka "I need to be spoonfed easy digestable plot themes"

ok OP

>don't play it
>kojima movies
>play it



Nice forward head posture

Dumbfucks can't comprehend Kojima's genius


Are you still here, neogaf?

>no one cares


>kojima making these videos

Sci-fi is so hard to follow!

why would you follow the guy whose slogan is "betray your audience" and not just appreciate the ride. did you even play mgs2?

Let's see you try to make something better dumbass.

soundin like a brainlet OP

straw man.

I mean it does look interesting, especially considering how shit vidya stories are lately. But why is everyone like "WOW CRAZY WTF LOL" like nigger do you not dream? Fuckin NPCs nigger


all kojima games have had lots of gameplay

Dude. Weeb, bro. You have to play it high to get the maximum enjoyment from this trippy experience.

I just took a shit that was better than something kojima spent millions on, so yeah, I create and it was good.



Ding-dong diddly cringe, ya pinhead.

DS is poised to be the next Nier, shallow shit that Sup Forums will genuinely think is deep because they don't read books or watch genuine films.


Death stranding is a horror game where you have to carry the baby. First trailer is after a part where you get captured and get a C section, baby gets saved somehow and Reedus is happy for it.

The invisible things are machines that sense life and hunt humans down and want the baby for its powers.

Del Toro is your boss, he gives you the baby on the 2nd trailer.

just because they didn't give out anything in the trailer doesn't mean it's incoherent...
Also even if it is, I would still play the shit out of.

Cosmic horror movies don't even exist, there may be nothing else like this games aesthetics ever.

MGS may be riping off hollywood, this looks completely unique

I agree, upvoted true scholar. I tip my fedora to you mate..

Reddit fucking loves Nier and Kojima, so thanks for proving my point.

It's like if a shitty film student that looks up to Hollywood was given as much money as he wanted to make a video game. Too weird for normalfags without enough artistic merit to justify it. Bland as hell. The camerawork is straight out of film 101. visuals are bland as hell. I feel like I'm looking at an oil spill in WWII war torn France with lol space Marines walking around. This could be an interesting look if it wasn't in a damn video game. The dialogue was cringe as hell too. I was expecting to like this because everybody was saying "lol this is like so weird wtf" but it's just Hollywood bullshit if Hollywood had just a spark of creativity instead of none at all and was making a CG movie. Not enough spark to make anything interesting either

Don't imply a connection between Lynch and Kojima. Lynch is echelons more creative than this drivel.

It actually seems very coherent so far. Might end up being pretentious as shit though, but hey so was MGS 2 and people loved it.

Not gonna lie I kinda lost interest in it after that trailer. Wanted to see how it actually plays like.

Oh, what's interesting about the gameplay?

who cares

Killer 7 is one of my favorite games and it's complete nonsense.

Although from the film shown tonight it's really transparent that K the Kool-aid man had his socks knocked off by s3

It's the definitive hipster game.

It'll sell.

looks kino as FUCK

Too bad Kojima's own style can't reflect it at all. This trash is more comparable to Zack Synder than Lynch

intertime/interdimension combat


That's a bingo

Man, it happens the same to me. I was hyped and i was expecting more. Now I still don't know basically anything about the game.

>kojimadrone using butthurt DCuck meme
Is it poetry?

You're just not High IQ enough.

Please tell me how it's pretentious when we don't know what it's about.

Its pretentious because its "artsy" and makes Sup Forums mad because they still can't understand whats going on.

There's actually a lot of meaning behind what's going on in the trailers.

it's so artsy kojima can't understand what's going on



It'll get changed 20 more times before it releases in 5 years.

Such is Kojima, learn to deal with it.

gameplay when?


>literally, seriously, genuinely, unironically using "2deep4u"
Jesus fuck you Kojimadrones are embarrassing.

whatever man, i just think it looks cool. im hype

So is Nier.

It's one step more artsy as that piece of shit Valerien movie though so I dunno what Sup Forums is in about. Silent Hill had artistic merit unlike this and nobody calls that pretentious.

There wont be enough time for your game though.

I don't care what it is, what I saw was enjoyable.

I can't believe people are defending this shit when we've seen three trailers in a row now with absolutely zero gameplay.

that's what ur mum said about you

>They haven't told me the whole story through trailers so it's incoherent and pretentious

If you wanna know what's going on wait and play the game YOU FUCKING IDIOT

Surely you aren't suggesting that "too deep for you" is just a meme and doesn't actually apply in some situations. You haven't been here that long, have you?

Making ridiculous content for trailers is easy. Bringing it together in a good way is hard. We'll see if Kojima can actually make it a polished product.

That goes for all jap media

I buy it if it had Hideo humor

see MGSV

Call of duty babies will continue to whine and push our anything that is remotely outside their comfort zone. This would be fine if they weren't the vast majority.

I remember this tweet. Looks really similar to the trailer.

How new are you guys?
You can be sure of one thing with any Kojima game: the game will be nothing like what's implied in the trailers.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Death Stranding.


holy shit.

>brainlet chucklefucks not understanding that the fun is in the mystery and surrealist fuckery and not about "understanding" it

So is that clip just a trailer or is that an actual fucking cutscene from the game?

finally someone that gets it


Is this loss?

I'm excited, but I just wish I knew what the fuck kind of game it was going to be

Is it an FPS?
Turn-based combat?
We have literally no idea

Was that David Hayter doing the narration in the trailer?

loss has been compromised by Instagram meme pages now, it's over

>This is incoherent, pretentious garbage
The ad campaign sure is.

Brainlets hate mystery.

They think if everything isn't spelled out like in a dictionary it must be poor storytelling.

I don't want to understand pregnant men you turbo fag

This will be impossible to discuss on Sup Forums since it's a confirmed Sony exclusive

that baby inside norman reedus was so cute giving the thumbs up

never played MGS but I think I'll enjoy some scifi without comic book tier names like "skull face" and "snake biter"


I will after you give me a sh game created by nips