>nepotistism with friends in high places
>over hyped as being a leading voice in the gay revolt for voice actors
>over hyped in general
>beat by someone who doesn't even act

Will her and her brother fuck off from this industry now?

Who cares?

The way her name is spelled bothers me.

>a fucking video editor won best performance

You can't tell me this is any less bullshit. Brian Bloom should have easily won

She's gay?

What wrong with Ashly Burch? I thought she was /our gal/ since she doesn't want to voice non-white characters.

She's Anthony Burch's sister.

>Will her [...] fuck off from this industry now?

But she's still a cutie.

There were no good nominees.

ashly burch sorta looks like a cute monkey. god, i'd put in her ass and never come out.

The other girl won just because a video editor winning makes a pretty good storyline.

She looks like a middle eastern Tegan Quin t b h.

>a pure wholesome video editor has to voice act
>completely beats industry professionals at their own game
10/10 best timeline

>"Games are violent and sexist and thats bad"
>*Stars in violent and sexist games*


who won?

Very cute.

Quick rundown on this bitch?

At least you spelled the name right.

shes a raging liberal, a dyke, a hill shill and only soy boys like her because muh feminism

Ashley is hotter than the chick that won imo

I understand that is a weird opinion

Only because of "cultural appropriation" even though she's not white herself.

>t.fag soy boy
white > brown shit

Voice of Tiny Tina, Aloy, Johnny Cages daughter
Likes to show off her feet
Sister of Supreme Cuck Anthony Burch
Likes to show of her feet
Probably gay but never has come out
cute feet

all those cocks anthony sucked for nothing

Can you imagine eating out this jewess' asshole?

Like you dont want to listen to her moan your name

Youd cum inside if she told you to, dont deny

Sorry I eat healthy food, fatso.

Can you link your Sup Forums thread or subreddit? I don't like birch because she's just a one-voice talentless hack that just gets jobs because she's the cheapest, but you sound like she triggers your autism to the point where you can't even control your bodily functions at the mere thought of her.

What's the game anyway?
Never heard of it.

I want to fuck her asshole while her brother is watching

>muh Sup Forums

Every fucking time.


I eat like shit and am still a normal weight, only the calories matter when it comes to body weight, tofu boi.

Is she really gay? I thought she was a "fake gay" for her and her brothers stupid "sketch videos",

lmao an actual soy boy. nice steak>all

I cant control my body at the sight/sound of her desu

Because she arouses me

she has no personality and all her characters are as bland and boring as she is.

I am SOOOOOO fucking glad she didn't win. Hellblade deserved it anyway.

>30 years old
>no husband or children
>a hill shill

Chloe is my waifu.

Still never heard of it.

The hellblade chick is so fucking hot

Imma bust a nut to her

This. I would fuck, but never breed with her. Anthony dilutes her bloodline so much, that it isn't worth risking a baby.

She had a black boyfriend back when she was doing HAWP, maybe she just doesn't talk about her personal life that often. I could see her going dyke, though.

I want her to fuck off to my dick.

Fucked her in high school, gay as shit

KARA BOGA wins again

>I could see her going dyke, though
Maybe pretending for attention after her career fades even more.

All the fucking nominees were hot, yes even BJ

was he the one who overdosed?

>hill shill

So she has patrician taste, then.

I love her even more now.

You're thinking of someone else.

She's cute in an ugly dog kind of way.

Bts's new voice for Chloe is far better

Soooo what happened?

Hellblade chick deserved it desu

When is she just gonna do porn already

You are so mad for no reason.

she has nice feet tho

probably because that fag used 4 buzz words in a 15 word sentence. Sup Forums is the underage meme board

Unironicaly this

Any ass shots?

Not an argument.
Standards for a casual fuck are never an argument. Most guys would fuck any girl as long as she isn't too ugly or fat.

>I thought she was /our gal/

Fucking cunt ruined Rise and Chun Li. She isn't anyone's gal.

>Talent winning over connections/hype/politics

Truly Oscars BTFO

If the idea of herlocking her legs around your waist and her head rolling back in pleasure turns you on then you dont have a point. Casual fuck or not, youd mate with her


post yfw Horizon zero awards


its literally all I think about. I know it tastes like nutmeg.

He didn't really do anything in Wolfenstein that compared to Hellblade desu

>muh buzzwords
Fuck off reddit

> boy cuck
zero awards my soi boi

>enjoyed horizon
>still find satisfaction in this

I thought op was just a retard

that's actually how it's spelled? hahaha

>muh buzzwords

How JUST is Claudia Black right now?

Probably not surprised since she didn't win it for her Chloe in the previous 3 games.

>no mention of how she initially became famous on youtube

How fucking young are you people?

More like gametrailers.

Maybe she'll learn to pick better games.

I enjoy her a lot but the BTFO by Jeurgen was nice.

Her partner and fiance David Fetzer died, you monster.



>afraid of the Sup Forums boogieman
You're a simple minded short sighted fool if you think these idiologies are good for gaming.

Has Ashly ever done mocap? Would she even deserve to receive a reward from the legendary Andy Serkis?



>"the great die-off"
lmao what is this shit


I don't like Ashly but I'd be her friend in low places

what do you think?
horizon zero dawn is and will always be garbage
It represents everything wrong with the western gaming industry right now

I know her and her brother IRL and I’m really glad she lost

as right as that screencap is, I genuinely think Bioshock Infinite is a great game and shouldn't be in the mix with Inquisition and Horizon

>Our nation totally needs this
>it was really bad
>It completely deserves
>literally stand in their remembrance and be aware

I don't understand. This is the Prime Minister talking like a thirteen year old girl. Is it meant to be some sort of joke? The portrayal of the right wing politician is pretty par for the course but I genuinely don't know if I'm supposed to think the left winger is super awesome or a super moron.

You thought wrong

She needs to hurry up because her looks are fading fast.