Alliance babs destroy an old, already ruined sewer with some old corpses in it

>Alliance babs destroy an old, already ruined sewer with some old corpses in it
>Horde destroys an old world tree (Read: Old God Antennae), killing thousands of night-niggers, their sentinels, druids, and wardens too

>Alliance babs gets ~30 slightly more holy (light corrupted) Draenei and a broken space ship and some mechs (which the Draenei have no clue how to produce more of)
>Horde get the most advanced, large, and utopian city-state (also a port) and its entire population of the world's best magic users and fighters, along with their Golemancy and telemancy

>Alliance babs get void-corrupted blood elves, people so bad that the Horde kicked them out, literally sloppy seconds
>Horde gets a race of comfy, massively powerful cowmen directly blessed by the Ancients and they're under the guidance of a Black Dragon

>Alliance babs gets Nigger dwarves, also literally evil, and the ruined Detroit equivalent to Ironforge
>Horde gets the most ancient, massive empire on Azeroth, a literal master-race, and the world's second largest city state

Sorry Alliance babs, guess we got this one. Maybe sit this XPAC out?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not sitting through the shit since cataclysm
And you're laughing at who btainlet?

You, because you can't even spell brainlet when insulting other people. LMAO

>led by literal niggers (Orcs)


Literally bigger, stronger, and more advanced then humans. Even their intellectuals BTFO of the human ones, look at Gul'dan. Humans are the niggers of Warcraft.

Dumb hordenigger

>Horde favortism

>old world tree
Teldrassil is only like 20 years old you fucking retard.


tauren confirmed for having so much testosterone in their bodies they have to counter by drinking 100% pure, unadulterated soy

>Horde favoritism
>By Blizzard
In what fucking universe do you live in, Alliance literally always get their way because they're the biggest fucking crybabies ever and will throw a massive shitfit if they don't get what they want.
>Traitors! .... Traitors to the ones who helped them!!!! i should have let the legion take them all.
>i can't believe I helped this bitch.I'm going to throw up,for helping horde scum
>The Alliance should unironically wipe out the Nightborne.
>Just goes to show Thalyssra and the Nightborne are gigantic hypocrites. I can't wait to raid and kill her.
>Traitor! This feels so bad having played a Night Elf through Legion and saving Suramar
>I want to see her face when the treacherous horde burn down her stupid glowing purple city, just like they did with our nice tree REEEEEEEEE

Ya'll need to fucking quit this soy meme, fucking hell

>Literally endless Alliance posts about how angry they are over helping a faction only to have them go horde
>They completely ignore that the horde did the exact same fucking thing and spent half the expansion sucking off Malfurion and Tyrande, or that they aided the Lightforged too
>Literally 0 horde posts complaining about this because they're not childish mental-midgets

Man. So these are the type of people who play Horde now?

Glad I switched over.

Yeah, but the real question is
>Where is the Forsaken going to shit up now?

>Alliance false-flagging and concern trolling

>tfw I can't decide what to main for artious
Orc enh shaman arms warrior destro lock or human unholy dk shadow priest any suggestions

>generalizes an entire FACTION on the basis of a Sup Forums shitpost
Typical brainlet response, next time just don't reply if you have no comeback

>Having faction loyalty when everyone plays both sides.

I guess they will Tim Burton the shit out of the night elf capital

>Alliance gets the entire Army of the Light, including the Vindicar
>Horde gets more trolls, tauren, and addict elves

DK or priest. Destro and ENH are hot trash right now, and arms is literally a 3 button rotation with a single (one) resource.


Reminder that Alliance player whining literally got a character cut out of their first major questline because they REEE'd at the thought of having to help a Horde character.

Rend slam cs mortal strike warbrraker battle cry blamestorm ww cleave is more then 3

Single target is a literal four button rotation, with Slam, Mortal Strike and Rend with little to no thought to which button to press. The other abilities are CDs/situational.
Arms is a strong contender to most mongo spec, with Beast Mastery and Retribution.

>Alliance gets the entire Army of the Light
Literally like a dozen people. most of whom were killed in the Antoran offensive.

>including the Vindicar
A half broken space-ship, no longer powered by a Naaru, that the Lightforged themselves even joke about inevitably crashing .

>Horde gets more trolls, tauren, and addict elves
Better trolls. Better Tauren. And the only addicts are the Voidelves. The Nightborne weened themselves and chose to destroy the Nightwell on their own accord.

Meanwhile, Val'sharah is 100% night elf cocksucking and having to help Malfurion and Tyrande for most of it.


Don't forget that Horde have to help Velen retake the Exodar.

Not a fan of the hype to be honest, they should've did this kinda shit years ago, but I think people are making it up to be something it's not.

Comeback to what? I'm like Vol'jin was the better leader.

Well shit good to know. I really like shafke priest how is it Doing? Mines only 887 and it takes forever to kill things on argus.

Is this actually true or is it bullshit people tell themselves because Blizzard doesn't give a shit about Baine?

Shadow Priest is probably the most "difficult" class to play. It's among the three more complex DPS classes, but the requirements you need to make it work are insane (mostly an obscene amount of haste).
It's one of the most fun too, but you have to suffer through the gearing process.

It was cut content from Legion that is now being recycled into the Highmountain recruitment quest line.

Warbreaker, battlecry, and bladestorm are used infrequently enough that they're not rotational spells. Rend isn't used on all fights. AoE is also conditional.

You literally have 3 buttons in the base kit, and only press more as cooldowns or in aoe.

It's a retard spec. Even ret's holy power is harder and more engaging than this shit.

>implying that an army that has fought the legion for thousands of years is miniscule.

Hmm any see any times I only got 1 leggo and it's a 940 boots that give you move and casting buff

It's true, there were a lot of complaints in the beta subforum. I would link them but I suppose those threads don't exist anymore.
Ebonhorn was also supposed to be Wrathion, but they changed it because it made no sense (a literal babby 5~ years old dragon being the advisor of a tauren lineage for ten thousand years?).

It's true, he was cut by release due to complaints that alliance players had to help a horde leader. Meanwhile the horde has to help Tyrande, Malfurion, and Velen constantly throughout the expansion.

I honestly couldn't give less of a shit either way except for the fact that Baine's personal story fits perfectly with Mayla's and removing any reference to that in the quests was a crime. It'd be like ignoring the similarities between the Nightborne and Blood Elves.

>implying that an army that has fought the legion for thousands of years is miniscule
It is? Play through Argus user. The Army of the Light that you see in Krokuun is the ENTIRE surviving army. Granted, lore scale and game scale are two very different things, but even taking that into account the Lightforged population is a fraction of the Draenei population, which itself is already minuscule compared to every other major race. We're talking a few dozen Lightforged and a few hundred Draenei here.

>holy (light corrupted) Draenei
They should explore more the theme of the Light being no better than the Void. What Xe'ra does transforming people into holy warriors is no different than Void and Fel corruption.
Lothraxion and Illidan's stories suggest it has some kind of mind suggestion to it too (like demon corruption). Lothraxion's in particular implies he was forcefully converted.

>caring about what lower bring filth think

tbqh it's just a game scaling thing, you see lots of draenei/lightforge frames at random spots in Argus(i.e. inside the ship where you find the naaru core pieces) and in the background in Antorus. It also makes no sense even in guerilla warfare for a few dozen draenei to wage war with the Legion for any significant period of time, especially given how often they get wiped out or take casualties on Argus. They'd have died to attrition within the first year(realistically) or decade(heroic bullshit.)

>is miniscule.
One (1) ship. And they fucking got BTFO. They were a scrappy band of insurgents guerrilla fighting on no name Legion worlds.


It is. It's literally the same thing as void, just on the opposite end of the spectrum. Like Hot and cold.

It's like Law and Chaos from SMT rather than Good and Evil.

>Granted, lore scale and game scale are two very different things
The Army of the Light spans across the Nether, it's not just draenei. During the events of Argus, the Legion is still fucking up the entire universe, and still will until their lack of respawn actually gets to them. The Army of the Light is off fighting the actual war against the Legion. Player character involvement and the Argus campaign is nothing but a small force.

The entire Argus campaign is essentially a special forces joint op between a few members of the Army of Light and the Legionfall armies. The Legionfall are carrying most of the heavy lifting on Argus, through our PC's actions.

Honestly the fact that Horde players interact so much with Velen, Malf, and Tyrande makes me assume Baine was simply a victim of a rewrite of the entire zone. I just can't believe Blizzard would remove him because of a few petty forum complaints.

You're looking at it the wrong way user, you're seeing the remnants of the army about to be wiped out. They were down to their last ship and their last few dozen soldiers when Illidan & co open a portal and bring Azeroth's forces over.

At one point there might have been tens of thousands of them and they might have had dozens of ships/warframes/whatever, but now they're all but gone. Hence the importance of rescuing the survivors of the flagship and the last (and strongest) windchime they had with them, they were the last fragment of the army and if they died out then we'd be facing even greater odds since we wouldn't have the counsel of a group that fought for 10k+ years.

Around 50 posts into the thread and I already got reminded why I stopped playing Horde back in TBC.

Army of the Light=/forces on Argus.

I sort of agree with you but they do have a history of rewriting large segments of an expansion's story in reaction to the playerbase's complaints. It happened with Garrosh after all. It's also not the only instance of the Tauren specifically being fucked by the story, the fact that shamans are forced to accept Magatha fucking Grimtotem into their order hall instead of executing her on sight is another huge slap in the face to the entire horde and Tauren specifically.

It was literally planted after the battle of mount hyjal. It's not even 50 years old.

>I just can't believe Blizzard would remove him because of a few petty forum complaints.
Nigger that is exactly what Blizzard is famous for doing.

There's really no defense in how skewed the allied races for each faction are.

>ancient city filled with the best arcanists in Azeroth, capable of telemancy
>ancient tauren city undergoing a renaissance known for their help in the War of the Ancients
>ancient troll empire that spans multiple territories and has exercised many successful military operations since its inception

>a pack of exiled void addicts
>1 spaceship that probably housed no more than 10,000 draenei
>a failed kingdom so battered they had to rest their hopes on a Bronzebeard woman to gain political advantage

The Horde gets armies. The Alliance gets refugees.

Let's be clear. Blizzard doesn't give a flying fuck about factions. They care about one thing. Fucking money.

There are wardens on Teldrassil? I thought they were all eating the grass their glorious misstress had stepped on.

that doesn't even try to resemble the original meme
why does reddit have to ruin fucking everything?

To be perfectly fair, the Horde have gotten divided and massacred over the course of Cata and MoP. The Alliance has better and stronger numbers than the Horde, and this just re-evens the scales.

>could have helped top tier bro Baine get his tauren dick wet by slaying some Highmountain puss
>instead helped the biggest most useless cunt to exist in the game find her retard husband, who meanwhile couldn't fight a fucking shadow, only to turn around and hold a ten thousand year old grudge and force an entire faction of elves to switch to an elf-hating faction


Nigger I'm horde for life but we've kicked the zanadril trolls ass so many times their empire isn't even a fraction of what is use to be. And all the newer ones we see in MoP onwards care more about riches then power and respect

Oh, I see what you mean, my mistake.

>And all the newer ones we see in MoP onwards care more about riches then power and respect
To be fair that was that prophet dude with a bunch of follower not the real zandalari organization.

Faction Importance stopped meaning ANYTHING when they got brought in cross server pvp and cross realm phasing.

Hell, it will matter even less come BFA since they're removing PvP servers. Shit's fucked and it's fucked for good.

Tauren druid4lyf here, when I found out that miserable traitor was let into the shaman class-hall I was horrified. I hope Muln Earthfury throw her into the fucking Maelstrom.

I was going to say I should keep up with the official forums, but it's probably healthier to stay ignorant of Blizzard's writing process

nah they were eating their glorious mistress' grass if you catch my drift

>cuckshamans recruit magatha
>she is literally sitting next to the doomstone


>line of human kingdoms restored
>kul tiras joins the fray as well
It's so beautiful. Not since Warcraft 2 has the TRUE alliance been this powerful. Can we throw out the furries and neggers now? We quite literally don't need them. Not that they ever did much of anything to begin with.

Muln got incredibly mad, but Nobundo literally told him to forget whatever Magatha did and his "petty grudge".

>we don't need niggers
>recruit a new faction of niggers

Also are they finally going to take gilneas?


>variants reaction when the gilenas asked to rejoin the alliance was spit towards them calling them homeless mongrels


Every day.

Dwarfs are honorary humans, they can stay.
Horde can get the rest of the snowflakes still clinging onto the Alliance for those gibsmedats.

Nice. I wonder if the dark iron will get a city or a hub somewhere.

Man those velfs look so bad and a shitload of people are going to play them because of the broken racials.


Void Elves have a void pocket world as a hub/city of sorts, and they're remodelling Thunder Totem and Suramar to have pandaren monk trainers and Horde influence, so I guess other races will get some kind of racial capital.

Thrall is a literal failure who can't do anything right since the wrathgate

>they look bad

They're literally just blue Blood Elves. Of course retards are going to play them.

>Void Elves have a void pocket world as a hub/city of sorts
Sound nice cool.

I'd rather be a blood elf desu, at least they look ok.

Are there pictures of their pocket city? That'd be pretty cool.

All the allied races are in decline user, like all the regular races are.

>a ridiculously small army of draenei who stood up against the entire Legion for several millenias despite their numbers
>elves who wield an energy so powerful they can corrupt one of the biggest fonts of power on Azeroth just by walking by it
>a bunch of short assholes who give so few fucks they summoned an elemental lord into their own domain and literally dicked their way through politics

>a bunch of insatiable crack addicts who hid under a pussy bubble as soon as danger came knocking on their door
>moosemen so incompetent they lost an extremely destructive artifact to a bunch of prognathous gorillas
>a so called empire that lost a war against pandas

Just this, the minimap.

>insatiable crack addicts
Their whole questline is about removing the addiction to mana...

I will NEVER stop being mad about this.
It's just a bunch of floating rocks, a more purple version of the Warlock class hall. Nothing to be excited about.

Monks are the manliest class.

>ATATATATATATA like a real Manime without any need for weapons.
>Gets drunk to Tank
>Hot boxes and shares to Heal
>Can fart to fly, no mount needed.
>Best class mount-bro.
>Chills on huge ass turtle for Class hall.

They were never addicted, just dependent. They needed mana like we need air or water.

No they can technically live without mana. That's what the Withered are.

So yes it is an addiction.

>thinking Night Elves dying isn't a win for the Alliance

>he doesn't have every class at max level available at his whim
do you even play the game?

>the Alliance gets refugees
>the Alliance literally gets the Army of the Light


Those names are fucking awful. So much so that suicide may be the option.

>rogue at the top
>priest at the bottom

literally WHY

I see you posted again Attentionwhore.

>playing anything but rogue

o kek


troll rogue was my first wow char ever. i havent played the game since mop was just ending. thinking of coming back desu.