>one of the best game this generation
>gets zero respek
how is this possible?
One of the best game this generation
Other urls found in this thread:
we live in a SJW world
It won for best music though
Got the music award, all I wanted and all I voted for.
Generic story and forgettable characters will do that.
>Zero respect
But there's literally multiple threads about it daily here
It got the soundtrack award, which it absolutely deserved.
Nier was average at best
it's only known for the Ass and le wacky Japanese man memes
It should have been a nominee in more categories and SHOULDN'T have been in the RPG category since it's more action/action-adventure anyway.
Weebs shit
The gameplay is garbage
Get real bud, it doesn't hold a candle to the story telling of games like the Witcher 3 and Mass Effect.
>wins best OST
>they never play any music from it
What the fuck guys? For real? Even fucking PUBG and cuphead got their shitty OSTs played in an orchestra
Girl, no. Getting the Best Soundtrack is enough for me. Nier is indie and I love how it remained indie-like without being SJW-y.
Winning the soundtrack award over those big titles is an amazing feat so be glad!
I bought this a few days ago and will barely get to play it in an hour once I'm off work. What am I in for?
shota 85%
bitch 10%
urusai 5%
It won more awards than Horizon: Zero Awards though
>Yet another BUT WHAT IF MACHINES FEEL story that has been done to death since the 80s
>Genre switching gimmick gets old halfway into the first playthrouth
>By the way you have to beat the game at least twice to start the actual climax of the narrative, having to replay stuff from the first playthrough with minor differences that don't merit another 8 hours you could spend elsewhere
>Boring world
>Shitty dialogue
>Except for 2B and 9S the voice acting is hot garbage
>Twists in the third and fourth act foreshadowed way too heavy handedly
If it weren't for the music and the solid combat it'd be terrible, but this is the most disappointed I've been in a while considering how many people kept crying masterpiece.
I don't think any of the judges actually played it.
Good. If it keeps getting ignored maybe in three years we can talk about it without people talking about 2B's ass all the time.
Pretentious garbage.
it definitely deserves more recognition. I'm happy it got at least 1 award.
>but what if machines feel
>fourth act
I too, get my opinions from wikipedia.
shit open world
shit visuals
shit combat
that's how
try a half decent game next time, tarolard
Even then the combat was just average for a Platinum game.
it had naughty boobies, we can't show that in our grown up art awards show
That's already surprising desu.
This is a very strange game. It has some problems. And 2B is "problematic" I'm sure kek. And what this game is trying to do doesn't do it for everyone.
To me it's the most significant game in a while though.
Because it's not one of the best games this generation?
It's a fun action game with decent plot, decent combat, mediocre visuals and great music. You weebs only think it's GOTY because it has ass in it, everybody else realizes its retarded fapbait and ass doesn't make a game any better.
>8 hours to beat the game again
>when you have hacking
You're not even trying. The second playthrough is just to do any quests you missed, while breezing through the rest with hacking and some campaign sections changed.
>>one of the best game this generation
Brainlet bingo when
Seriously the amount of fucking idiots who watched a gameplay video or read the synopsis somewhere and think that "robot feelings" is literally the theme of the game
Nice argument right there. Sup Forums really never disappoint.
Caim is not getting another game and if he does, it will be trash anyway without a proper soundtrack. The genius of it will never again be replicated, because it was an experiment, not an intentional choice.
>solid combat
>literally on par with their Legend of Korra game in terms of depth
Some half baked orchestra can't play perfection.
Imagine being this retarded.
Maybe it's not the best game ever?
This game beat Persona 5 for Best Soundtrack...my inner jazzman is sad
This. 2nd play is 5 hours tops.
and we got like 4 mini-shows and no nier music
Wow, the first point and you're already completely wrong. You must've read a plot summary on Wikipedia or something, because the story is not that hard to understand if you actually play it.
fuck those gooks for never updating the game on pc. glad they didn't get shit.
I will still buy this game, sadly on my gfs ps4. I hate her first gen ps4, it's such a pos.
P5 had one (1) good song and a bunch of forgettable background noise.
It's the Ace Combat 6 of Persona soundtracks.
At what point did you realize that it had the best OST of all time? For me it was when I entered the amusement park.
The votes count towards 5% of weight towards the total ballot. The other 95% was decided by a predefined list of media publications and reviewers.
underage retards should be called out on Sup Forums more often
At least we won something
A wild fucking ride.
Name a game that isn't pretentious garbage.
Fuck, all the music basically. It deserves that award alright!
This is literally the best track ever created, only topped by The Dark Colossus.
Is that A2 and A4?
stop falling for memes
Maybe it's not good enough for Game of the Year but it should get a mention.
And maybe Nier is not better than Persona 5 as an RPG because maybe Persona 5 works better as a game.
BUT fucking Nier at least deserves Best Narrative, the great story is what help elevate it to another level. But fucking What Remains of Edith Finch got it.
What the fuck.
Nice buzzword. Fucking oldfags popularized too much of those.
The first game is better in nearly every way so you tell me
Become As Gods (English) is the best track in the game.
*blocks your path
But yeah, little bit peeved that some literally who indie walking sim shit won Best Narrative, but overall still pretty happy.
>some people start murdering everything when they get to the amusement park
What the hell is wrong with them?
none because I've already played replicant before automata
Route C's version of City Ruins twisted my heart for some reason when it started playing.
It actually won an award in this SJW shitshow. It's GOTY for me though.
This is some embarrassing stuff, the vocals are the only thing that separate it from generic RPG/anime music, and even then it's lazy female aria tripe.
We now realize having metafictional gimmicks that relate to your themes dont equate to telling a good story
Persona 5 should not be a nominee at all since the translation is so bad only retards could force themselves to make sense of what was being said. The game lose 80% of its meaning to anyone who doesn't speak japanese.
Who in the fuck is A4
anything meta easily impresses retards
First time hearing City Ruins
There is literally 1 (one) example of metafiction in the game.
Link a similar theme.
NieR's ost is overrated.
t. brainlet
Actually several but nice try. Taro isnt really subtle about that shit.
There were too many good asian games this year, honestly I wanted it to win best narrative as well but I'm more than happy it won something. Going in I thought even that would be unlikely.
>spoonfeeding the casual who hasn't played any RPG or watched any anime in his life
Unironically this, not to mention the sound direction for it is nowhere near Automata's. I got sick of hearing Emil's theme anytime a 'sad' event happened.
No, it deserves every bit of praise that it gets, and this is coming from someone who liked Automata overall a bit better.
A lot of reviewers probably only played the first playthrough. I still find it baffling that instead of breaking the game up into chapters or something you have to beat it over and over again. Kind of misleading to normies. MGSV did a similar thing but at least it only did it once.
>backing up your argument is spoonfeeding
Yeah user, i'll just take out part of the music. Oh boy, now I wonder why it's worse?
These fuckings OSTs goddammit. The game and scenario unfolding actually are just a support to the music being played
Still more awards than Horizon.
I'm actually a little mad it did not win best narrative as well
I'm surprised it even got as many nominations as it did really. The game did better than expected, but was never a critical darling or huge financial success, so it just wasn't really award bait. Edith Finch winning best narrative is a joke, it wasn't as creative or meaningful as either nier or hellblade, but for some reason critics showered it with 9s and 10s so it's just the de facto winner in the category.
>cinematic experience
user, you know that's not how it works, unless you work in game journalism.
Because its weeb shit
t.retard who will eat any garbage thrown is way
I love this game, but it wasn't GOTY.
It seemed to be a fan favorite, got a large crowd reaction whenever it was on screen.
The only people who think Automata is one of the best games this generation are people who haven't played many games.
It's a mediocre action RPG with shit writing.
MK8D exists.
I saw twitch/youtube guys doing that a lot. Not even stoping to listen to the ost. Makes me want to destroy things.
These are the protagonists of Nier Automata
Say something nice about them
Based Keigo-senpai.
80% my thoughts, though I actually liked the world design. It reminded me of Resident Evil and Dark Souls whereupon you get familiar with the whole encompassing world because it's tightly designed but purposeful.
I still thought the story was way too tryhard and heavy handed. But I love The MGS games so I guess I'm a hypocritical faggot
Yeah, that seems so insane to me, there is just no way to explain this. I played both and what remains of Edith Finch doesn't even come close to Nier, I'd say , not even to any other candidate. wtf
It has ok writing, but yeah you're absolutely correct.
Automata has good sidequests, but its main story is pretty meh