Poor music in a series known for prominent melodies and intricate scores and OSTs

>Poor music in a series known for prominent melodies and intricate scores and OSTs
>Gameplay is even more braindead than it already was
>Puzzles are even more casual than before
>Weapon durability
>No new key items or abilities post-plateau except the shitty dungeon blessing things
>Lack of enemy variety
>4 dungeons, and they're all short and shitty
>All of the bosses are jokes and the only one that offers even a modicum of challenge is thunderblight Ganon until you get the timing down
>Possibly the worst final boss in the franchise
>Hardly any minigames
>Post-game content boils down to repetitive seed searching and shrines
>Empty bogged-down open world with asscreed towers to unveil parts of the map
>The graphics are ps2-tier
>Story is fanfiction-tier trash on the same level as Sonic Forces

How did this piece of garbage win GOTY?

Other urls found in this thread:



Open world games always win my dude

>is a better game by all accounts
>Zelda wins because reasons.

>Poor music
Stopped reading there.

Cry forever.


BOTW feels alive. HZD feels sterile.

That's why OP.


>still can't outsell pic related
>still can't get a higher score than pic related


Zelda deserved it.


out of everything possible you decided to defend BotW's OST

We won. GET. OVER IT.

Journalists are the most shallow people imaginable. Who would have thought. Game awards is one giant circle jerk anyway.

Don't forget about half of the shrines being a fight against the same enemy. Fuck this game, Odyssey should have won.

nostalgia, like, why are you all acting this way we all knew it would win, it always does, nintodlers have to little taste, this is literally the empties zelda game yet it still caries a console. i could care less though since in one year most of those games will migrate to other platforms thus more money.

>How did this piece of garbage win GOTY?
Because it's the best game of all time, baby


because even with all that it's still superior to 99% of games released this year and the last 5 years, raising the bar for open world games on both scale and spectacle
BoTW is just the beginning I hope

You might as well cross that out and put "Seconds". The worldwide sodium content is on the rise right now.

why? because it exist? its the weakest zelda in the franchise, odessy DESTROYS IT get off my board

only good zelda ost was OOT. rest has been mediocre. especially the 2D games.
yeah, you won the sham awards, just like big hero 6 won the oscars beating out princess kaguya. enjoy your hollow victory that was paid for.

honestly, it doesn't seem that the general public spent enough time with odyssey to appreciate the intricacies.
I don't mind though, Zelda is definitely worthy of the title Game of the Year, moreso than any other game released this year besides Mario.



>How did this piece of garbage win GOTY?

It was the epitome of the open world meme. All substance, zero style.

Fun to toy around with, alternate solutions to almost every problem, encourages outside the box thinking, fantastic physics engine, but when it came time to put a face to the world they undersold everything. Even when you're decked out from head to toe in gear and maxed yourself out with food and hearts you're still just beating on bokoblins with weapons that break in 10 hits and the same arsenal of glyphs you started the game with.

>see that mountain? you can climb it!
>but not in shrines
>and not the divine beasts

>The absolute city state of OP

Because the game awards are rigged and the Nintendo soyboys are just putting off their suicide to re-live their only good experiences in life, their time with old zelda games. Nintendo fans are the most degenerate people in gaming and are more than likely pedophiles as well. Ok Death to nintendo, praise everything else


Award was absolutely paid for to promote their garbage dlc

The DLC should've been in the base game.

You're right! Nintendo is evil! EVIL!

Hello Sup ForumstendoGAF

Please buy hard mode and more copy pasted shrines, goy. And have a motorcycle because we gave up on artistic integrity 3 games ago

The truth comes out spoken

Ah, yes.
This is worth my money.
Take it Nintendo.

Oh my god, the next few days will be great

agree with a lot of what you said, but BotW had to win GOTY, they flew in people from japan for christs sake

This probably explains why Persona 5 didn't have anyone to receive the best RPG award.
Gotta prioritize the ones with deeper pockets.

Fuck this game.

I just couldn't get over the durability. It went from: fuck yeah let's fight this dude to literally avoiding every enemy that wasn't necessary to defeat to advance. What is fun about that?

It won both to shill DLC and make Nintendo users feel justified and smug that they spent $400 on a fucking TOY that makes them look like losers in public.

>Turn into open world trash
>Start getting kudos and fame you never had before