Have you found any clues yet

Have you found any clues yet

I think I saw actual gameplay!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!

I think the game will have explosions.

fuck this guy and his "clues".
show gameplay because now you only had a good franchise in your hands.
DS looks to be just a cinematic artistic shitfest so far.

here a CLUE


There was a car door in the ocean scene that had a picture of the continental US and the word "BRIDGE" on it, didn't pause to check it out
Also upside down whale

clue to what? we don't even have any fucking context to anything.

Will this clue lead me to gameplay?

>look for clue
>can't see anything
>realize Kojima have been flashing us the whole time


If you look very closely you can actually see he's got a baby in his throat


There WILL be cutscenes

at least the good news is: it's not MGSV because that was mediocre as fuuuuuuck

also the other good news: the engine is not made by gooks

This game will sell like crazy but flop critically, there's no fucking way it has good gameplay. We know literally nothing about this fucking game except it's 2deep4u after years of trailers. Kojimbo isn't making a "game" after this garbage fire.

>mfw there are no clues
>Kojima just made some nonsense trailers and asked Caramel tier nutjobs to connect the dots for him

hideo went full philosophical.
it's never good news for his kojima.

FOX Engine is genuinely great though


it literally isn't though.

that was the name of the guy with glasses


What Clue? That this is currently vaporware?

>there's no fucking way it has good gameplay
>We know literally nothing about this fucking game
really makes me think




if anything i think it would be the other way around it wont sell well but be critical success

all i know is norman reedus's C-section from the first trailer is canon now

clues that kojima is a hack

>splosions n shit

This game will have less gameplay than MGS4, fucking screencap this you nigger. Kojima just wants to make movies.

There is none. That's the surprise.

Did you rike it?

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

I love the smug baby

I already what is he doing pass few months just by looking at that trailer

Guys, listen to this:

Death Stranding: the first ever movie videogame, with ZERO gameplay. Think about. This is gonna revolutionize the industry. And Kojima is leading the forefront of this brave new era of non-interactive entertainment. I for one can't wait.

I just wanna see Norman reedus fuck one of those dead whales desu

>the first ever movie videogame, with ZERO gameplay.
Telltale did that many times already

This show doesn't have an ounce of originality.

No, they still managed to shoehorn in that pesky gameplay. Their biggest weakness really.

Season 1 > Season 2

MGS4 had the most gameplay of the series.
123 were much shorter than 4 when it came to length of playthrough, omitting cutscenes, and were also far more uniform.
Peace Walker and MGSV technically beat MGS4 when it comes to length of time played, but MGS4 still has far more variety in scenarios, encounters and locales.

I miss comfy Death Stranding Threads. Fuck you

no they didn't

>play any button to continue to watch
is not gameplay

There is Mads in the trailer. You can tell by his gesture.


4 is shorter than 3 if you skip cutscenes for both.

>shit > fermented shit

I love the gameplay of act 3. I love slowly waiting for the guy I'm following to reach his destination, and then getting through that great on-rails segment. I'm glad those parts go on for so long, adding to the overall gameplay

yes, everyone and their mom noticed.

del taco was wearing a lapel pin with the same emblem and words on it in the last trailer
iirc it said
>United Cities of America

analyze it

So crater is anomaly zone?

no gameplay, who the fuck cares other than sony faggots and mgs faggots

You're not allowed to like 4 for some reason. Just let it go.

We have a decent grasp on what the setting is by now, I just wonder what all the characters are about (especially del Toro's. Maybe a scientist who came up with the idea to use babies?)

I can see an umbilical cord.

I like the idea that Norman/the PC is going to start as a complete nothing shitter in a world were bad ass just float around, tell you to shut up, and vanish.

What are those shoulder things?

Why was the guy trying to kill himself and why didn't Reedus pick up the gun and shoot the poor guy?

AYY are not omnipotent, But it's seems like they're can be completely invisible and kill/consume you instantly.

>have to be slow and stealthy
>in a stealth game

how awful. I'll bet you criticize assassin's creed for making you perform assassinations.

>"I just want to sail a ship! what is this shit?"

So what was up with the guy rapidly aging? And what's so bad about getting taken by the goo ghosts that you stab yourself to death?

>shush don't even breath
>dumb scifi-gimmick light thingy on shoulder keeps sperging out and making lots of noise
>it's being ignored by enemy

Entire theme seems to be rebirth and renewal.
Babies are used to be reborn should you die as dying to those things is worse than anything - hence the guy trying to off himself.
The ludens are basically angels from EVA and the whole explosions thing is kojima saying YEAH SECOND IMPACT IS HAPPENING.
Mads isn't a villain but was chasing Del Toro for information on the baby tech. If he's working with Reedus and they're obviously on some kind of mission together they're either both evil or actually good guys.

You fucking retard. Maybe they can only sense literal oxygen


A way to detect the invisible demons, very obviously. Also a gameplay mechanic.

Honestly the "invisible monsters but you can see their footprints" was the DROPPED point for me. Can't stand that trope

>they react only at living things

>sense literal oxygen
which is already everywhere? of which less is coming out of your mouth than goes in? tard.

Dying is obviously better than being taken in. That's why he shot the first guy, but he also got caught because of that.
Reedus shooting would've made sound.

I think he himself has no fucking idea what is he making. Still no gameplay.

Apparently they tell you when one of the invisible creatures are around you. The closer, the crazier they get.

I also think that the strapped, bagged and human shaped thing that got absorbed in the ground at the start was one of the creatures that got captured by Bridges.

react to what exactly? they move, they touch things, they have equipment on them that makes noise. what is being detected?

the alien raped death stranding and made him pregnant

Or y'know maybe it's not. You're really going to go with worldly truth when the shit in that trailer is happening?
Universal laws themselves seem to be distorting.

>You're really going to go with worldly truth when the shit in that trailer is happening?
no retard, but fictional worlds should have their own rules when they make shit up, so what is the rule here?

How the fuck are we supposed to know? Everyone is shooting in the dark and if you're expecting rules like that to be cemented or explained in a trailer that doesn't even show us gameplay or a strict narrative then you're a literal retard.
Kill yourself

What ever it is sounds horrifying. The guy that fails to kill himself is being pulled into the head/mouth of that creature as he is screaming. Looks like whatever they bring is worst than a quick death since being shot in the head is the first option for these guys. Maybe its a portal to a hellish painful world.

They are David Lynch's hand

looks like EoE

MGS V was really dissapointing for me, and I don't follow Kojima anymore. What is he doing now?

is that a giant cock

>How the fuck are we supposed to know?
then why do you act like you know and that my question is not relevant?
>hurr oxygen
literally retarded, did you even put ANY thought into that reply?

I don't know. Game game is not released.

they're probably drawn to carbon dioxide

I think it's gonna be something related to the Fermi Paradox, where our Alien overlords are gonna harvest us and leave us.

Top kek

Like, turn off your brain, bro. It's just a game. :)

its about infection

>was one of the creatures

Uh damn, could be one of the demons indeed

Whatever this clusterfuck is. The gamplay wint live up to it. Wasnt it already pointed to be focused on onli e too.

Can you see non visible light?

No I didn't put any thought into it. It was a dismissive reply because your original post was fucking retarded to begin with.
Your question is not relevant because you didn't even post a question. Fuck off to wherever you came from.

obvious clue

So how did u rike it

Reminds me of something out of SMT. Especially SJ.

No google results.

I can with the right quipment, but how is that relevant to holding your breath you retarded fag?

>No I didn't put any thought into it.
then don't expect to be taken seriously and stop being a retarded fagget. you triggered ape

It was pretty good and it gave us lots of stuff to speculate and have fun with.

Thanks, Kojimbo

- From Australia

Given the fact that the injured guy was aging rapidly. I was thinking the baby might be a younger clone the guy who was sudokuing at the end

Now that makes sense

But what is up with that baby?

Literally this.