If you have ever, at any point in time, recommended someone to buy a Wii U, you need to apologize. Now.
If you have ever, at any point in time, recommended someone to buy a Wii U, you need to apologize. Now
Why? I was recommended a WiiU when MK8 came out and honest to god it's one of my favourite systems
nah it's a good system with an underrated library and it's top-tier for homebrew
You could've waited to get the better MK8 on Switch just a couple years later. You wasted money.
>with an underrated library
they're all coming to Switch.
>and it's top-tier for homebrew
It can play old Nintendo consoles and that's it. Literally no one cares
I didn't know that at the time and the switch isn't getting games like treasure tracker and Tropical Freeze
>the switch isn't getting games like treasure tracker and Tropical Freeze
It most likely is.
>they're all coming to Switch.
probably not literally all of them, but even so does it matter?
>Literally no one cares
I care, that's why I brought it up
It has the best game ever made faggot
I doubt it, they'll probably make sequels if anything, other than Bayonetta they're not porting any more WiiU games, it's popular enough that they don't need to fill out the launch library with ports anymore
>other than Bayonetta they're not porting any more WiiU games
You don't know that.
>friend likes to play smash bros at my house
>tell him he could get a Wii U so he can improve on his own
>he does and we play online together for months
Unless you can convince me 500 hours of pure entertainment and fun with one of my best friends was a bad thing then i'm not sorry in the slightest.
i bought one to hack it right before botw came out
you could've waited for Smash 4 on Switch and saved a lot of money.
I fucking love my wiiu especially to watch videos from the browser on my tv
they're already porting pretty much every notable wii u game
even nintendo said wii u was a mistake
Is smash 4 on the switch though? Is there any inclination that it will be on the switch in the next 2 years besides hearsay/your ass? Was the switch even announced back in 2015? And if smash does get a switch port hell, ill have those great times and memories, which is worth far more than ~400$, AND smash bros on the switch.
>which is worth far more than ~400$
Just wait.
pls explain pic i am retard
Until the Switch gets hacked and has VC support, the Wii U remains as a great VC and online Nintendo machine.
>can play every game released from NES-Wii U
>online Wii games even after Nintendo decided to dick everyone over
>much better UI, more features overall that would be considered standard in other consoles that the Switch gutted
>almost everything free
They sell for real cheap nowadays so it's definitely worth it now.
I wasn't aware all the fun I've had on the console was fake and artificial. Thanks Sup Forums!
By this logic, I should regret getting a N64 years ago because all the games are cheaper or free elsewhere now.
easy to mod, free games, online capability still.
what's not to love?
I have a hacked Wii U and it's an amazing console.
>the last Wii U game Nintendo made just won game of the year
>a N64 years ago because all the games are cheaper or free elsewhere now.
Yeah, but it didn't happen 2 years after N64 died, like is happening with Wii U. It really isn't a comparable situation at all.
I have a hacked wii U and it sucks.
If you skipped the Wii, the homebrew is amazing. I actually played a lot of games like Xenoblade and Radiant Dawn and really enjoyed my time doing so. I didn't actually buy a Wii U game until Bayonetta 2 or XCX
>If you skipped the Wii
I didn't
I got more than enough playtime out of my Wii U, I'm satisfied with it, and love my Switch as well.
>I got more than enough playtime out of my Wii U,
No you didn't, that's just your fanboy bias convincing you otherwise.
Right user, I'm sure you know how much I played my Wii U.
use the google machine newfriend
you could've just waited for the switch versions, so no matter how much you played it wasn't worth getting.
Hindsight sure is 2020
Why did anyone buy a PS3 when you can just play the updated versions on PS4?
Yeah, why did they? Good question.
I still do because I love the system. And everyone that has come over to my house to play the system loves it, and so does everyone that I have recommended the system to.
I don't even have a Switch yet because I'm still too busy with this fucking thing. There are still great games that I have been recently discovering, like Affordable Space Adventures and Fatal Frame.
as bad as it is, it's still got 2017s legit GOTY. that's more than you can say about the Mircopenis Crapbox.
Ok, you still haven't given me an argument on why I made a mistake suggesting it to my friend.
Because now he has to buy a Switch to play the new games so a Wii U is a complete waste of money for him.
Okay, so what's the period where I should be offended that the next console is getting ports?
All the ports out for Switch and eventually coming to Switch I've played or had the chance to. In the end, they'll pay more to play the games I already have.
>so what's the period where I should be offended that the next console is getting ports?
2 years
>in smash 4
What a gay waste of time.
>He has to buy a switch
No he doesn't. We can still play Smash 4 just as easily on the WiiU still.
And even if a "New" Smash bros games comes out so what? Would you also consider buying Melee a bad decision back when it came out just because Brawl exists?
Our homosexual pastimes are our own business thank you
My favorite game on it is still an exclusive.
I like the Wii U. Really the only things that disappointed me were Color Splash and Treehouse fucking up everything they touched. The Switch isn't a necessity to me yet, and if those stupid controllers don't drop in price I can do without one until they do.
Time is Money. You are actually saving money (time) by having it for longer.
> have to pay to play online
from journey i think
You keep bringing up money.
These are literally toys. Are you some kind of fucking poorfag who think 2-300 is a huge blow?
> implying OP won't be fucking SEETHING when the inevitable switch hardware revision comes out
you're retarded if you think even rich people are fine with blowing $300 bucks on something useless
Your favorite game is pure garbage.
They port this game to the Switch and I won't be buying one. I don't expect them to make a new title and I won't do the "BUY THIS PORT AND WE'LL LIE AND SAY WE'LL MAKE A NEW TITLE".
>You could've waited to get the better MK8 on Switch just a couple years later. You wasted money.
No one knew about the Switch and I don't feel like I've wasted my money when I've had thousands of hours of fun on the WiiU.
>other than Bayonetta they're not porting any more WiiU games
Literally who the fuck are you to make such a claim?
>when I've had thousands of hours of fun on the WiiU.
I don't believe you. Pics or it didn't happen.
My Cousin is absolutely elated because now he can throw out his Wii-U for good.
Now just give me a Vesperia HD port and i'll gladly chuck out my 360.
Pic related is my friends and I.
So you're agreeing that having the games sooner is worth paying earlier? Good to know.
No joke, My best moments on Wii-U were playing Color splash. I legit want it to get ported and I don't care how many people it makes mad to do it.
>You wasted your money
Actually, I profited. I kept my Wii-U games Repackaged them in Y-fold plastic and resold them on ebay for full price, Got $700 out of it all for my switch games.
I just blew $300 on a fucking action figure you absolute povertypal.
A wiiu that you had some fun with is nothing.
I'm probably gonna be the only person on Sup Forums to agree with you, Color Splash was fun.
I'd only want to see it ported just hear people all of a sudden say, "You know what, it's not that bad now."
>A wiiu that you had some fun with
I didn't
also it's not just $300, the games were $60 and never lowered in price.
> he didn't have fun with w101, bayo, smash XcX, etc
Either you never had one and are shitposting a dead system out of autism, or you just have shit taste.
I had all those games but they're probably just going to come to Switch anyways. I could've waited and missed nothing.
Therefore Wii U is a scam.
> it doesn't count if they get ported
Autist then.
Not him, but I had all the above, and I sitll don't miss my Wii-U compared to my switch.
Was fun once, I didn't see myself replaying it, and Kamiya has very obviously hinted on development on it, or a sequel for switch, so either way its coming.
Got ported exactly as I expected, and even more than I expected since we now have 3.
I'll admit, i'm legit upset this wasn't ported yet. I figured smash would be the number 1 port with nintendo going all esport competitive shit.
Don't miss one bit, and thank god for XC2 putting the series back on track instead of being an uninspired dystopia with awful mech combat.
>Tropical freeze
Will be ported. Retro isnt working on Prime 4, so its obviously DKCR: 3, which will probably yield a DKC:R trilogy down the line.
I literally just gave my girlfriend my wii-U games so she could finally play Bayonetta. She got far more millage out of it then I ever cared to get.
This thread is weird. It’s basically some Nintendo fags trying to annoy other Nintendo fags, instead of Sony or Microsoft fags instead usually. It’s weird because it’s gives other fanbases even more reasons to make fun of what’s happening in this thread.
Good for you bro. Are you mourning your couple-hundred bucks?
No because I have a job, and my Wii-U was a gift from a co-worker back in like 2012. I didn't lose anything but maybe some time.
yes. im not op, just agreeing with you.
i'm legitimately mad i bought one now.
What the fuck are you even trying to imply here?
Am I supposed to defend cancerous Nintendo fans just because we happen to like some of the same games? Go fuck yourself with this tribalist mentality
what do you mean? it's got 2 of the best video games, more than any other console.
Cancerous because they own or enjoy a game system you don’t? When the OP is the one trying to look down on others? Look in a fucking mirror you hypocrite asshole.
cancerous because they shit on other companies for making last-gen ports then turn around and defend Nintendo when they do the same.
Also cancerous because they refuse to admit that people who bought a Wii U got burned hard.
If you have ever, at any point in time, shit on the Wii U because Nintendo exclusive games got ported, you need to apologize. Now.
Post YFW you weren't memed into buying a Pii U and the Switch is getting all the games anyway.
Two things. First, you’re speaking as if the entire fanbase said those things regarding other companies. Second, you feel as if everyone who ever owned a Wii U feels burned hard when that’s not the case for everyone.
Just set up homebrew on my Wii U after putting it off for so long. It was easier than doing it on my 3DS. Anyone got a list of recommend games? Only ones I have right now are BoTW, Smash and Pokken.
>Second, you feel as if everyone who ever owned a Wii U feels burned hard when that’s not the case for everyone.
No, it is the case for everyone. People who say otherwise are just Nintendo fanboys who lie to themselves.
>cancerous because they shit on other companies for making last-gen ports
when does this happen?
i've seen nothing but praise for shadow of the colossus getting ports right next to devil may cry and resident evil 4.
Dong Freeze
Affordable Space Adventures
Bayo 1+2
Mario Kart 8
3D World
Pikmin 3
Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD
New Super Mario Bros U
>They’re lying to themselves that they enjoyed a system and whatever games they got enjoyment from on it.
No. Because theirs no point in lying about something as petty as that. If you can’t accept there are some people out there who enjoyed this system, then that’s on you.
>Because theirs no point in lying about something as petty as that
Yes there is. If they admitted they got scammed by Nintendo their whole world would fall apart, since Nintendo is pretty much god for them. It's a lie they tell themselves to cope.
So what you're basically saying is that the Switch is nothing but an overpriced last gen port machine? It's amazing to see you dumb fucking fanboys contradict yourselves and throw out double standards regarding literally every single fucking piece of criticism towards your precious Switch.
>just wait
By this logic you only need a PC,because everything eventually comes to PC.
>500 hours with my best friend
>Pure enjoyment
How often do you two mouth kiss?
I'm honestly happy with my buy, handhelds aside (I have like 50 3ds games lol) I've never owned so many games for a console in my whole life. Granted, I skipped gen 7.
oh trust me, I won't be buying a Switch after all the shit Nintendo has pulled.
It's after the first year.
Bayonetta 2+1 is only getting ported because it's the exact same shit Platinum did porting Bayo 1 to the Wii U when they released 2.
When was the last time Nintendo themselves ported one of their major Wii U games? Months ago, when the Switch barely had any new games of it's own.
The Switch has two GOTY nominees, one of which is literally GOTY, and a bunch of other shit now, we're entering the second year of the Switch, they don't need to port Wii U games just to fill space anymore.
I want a physical release damn it.
I still want a Wii u to play Mario maker
Forgot to mention that I did have both Bayo's and W101 as I don't currently have them with me. Thanks for the list, most of those were ones I already had in mind.
But can they port Mario Maker so we can have comments back please?