Why don't Asian developers make Asians look Asian?

Why don't Asian developers make Asians look Asian?

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Same reason why anime characters look nothing like real life Japanese

Who cares about a Chinese vassal state?

Left looks fucking Indian

You're fucking with me right? Please tell me that's not a leader of Korea or China in Civ VI.

No, that's a fucking mexican you mother fucker
t. a fucking chink

you have to admit, though, plastic gooks look hot as fuck

For the same reason that gooks all get plastic surgery

Why do people make dumb ass posts like this? Yes, all the leaders in civil are awful looking.

You're technically correct, she looks like a SEA auntie.

I disagree, I'm more into natural beauty :^)


You have to admit though

Korea had no real discernable history or culture separate from the Chinese until the 19th century

that's a nigger


You're fuckin blind

Do not make fun of Daqiao.

>herro prese remove bremishes from face sank yuu
>whoops sorry lady we accidentally erased all of your features and installed the same cookie cutter barbie doll preset we put on every other woman who walks in :^)

I am reminded of the South American country where all the beauty pageants are owned by one man and he single-handedly pushed the nation's beauty standards towards enormous fake tiddies on anorexic sticcs

Why the FUCK is Chinas history being whitewashed? Black people built the great wall.

I would understand if they said this was south east asian or something, but they didn't

In no way shape or form does she look African. Good job proving the "racists are retarded" stereotype.

>South American country where all the beauty pageants are owned by one man
what country?

nigger we're making fun of koreans here, not japs

This is about Korea. Not China dumbass.

You're the racist for accepting whitewashing.

western roasties are seething

Cool. Doesn't change the fact you're blind.

Not even going to lie, good on them for not making them all perfect barbie doll faces

arr rook same

oh. Carry on then

Wow, now you're even saying that Chinese people look like all other Asians. How fucking racist can you be?

The right looks like members from AOA


The left looks fuckin mexican

Everyone in Yakuza looks legit japanese.

Korean empress looks like a Tumblr tranny

She looks like a Mexican/Native American Mix



Welp, time for JAV.

Props for Sega for making a game who's art direction reflects the tone of a serious crime drama (main story) instead of going the whole moe or anime route.

They're real women.
Those are all famous porn stars.

That's ridiculous, while right is unrealistic there are still asians who look more like it than like the left.



The HAPA one is the hottest one.

Because Asian are ugly. The only reason people think they're hot is because unlike white or mestizo women they're almost never fat.

go back to pol

>implying all asians look the same
The left looks south east asian,probably indonesian

So...China? Because there's no real difference between the two for 90% of Korean history. Just a vassal state with almost all of it's rulers under direct Chinese control. Almost all it's culture is derived from China as well.

If they are going to pick a Korean leader might as well just be Kim's granddad. Korea didn't mean shit to the world until less than a century ago.

Left looks anything but korean, let alone asian. Did the devs even bother doing ANY research before designing this? Chances are they didn't, and just assumed that making her simply ugly would getting flak from SJWs who get triggered by seeing a beautiful woman.

Its depressing how humans got used to this fake beauty that comes makeup and surgery

>tfw no asian gf

But they do...

you don't want one. trust me.

Man I miss Sejong

>wanting an inferior plastic monster
just get a white gf you beta soyshit

>literally modeled after an actual asian person

>one bad date and he writes off several entire peoples


Why are Asian girls that hot?