The great debate is over, and Zelda won

The great debate is over, and Zelda won.

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How is this even a debate. One of them is a fucking platform to shill the studio's engine. It's not even a game, just trying to be the next Crysis.

there was never a debate. only falseflaggers

Some dumb game awards doesn't validate anything. Zelda just won because of it's name, you nintendo fans are really annoying.

I don't have it, someone post Link fucking that chick while holding his better metacritic score.

I don't own a PS4, Zelda was a new standard in being so repetitive and shallow it's boring, and Geoff Keighley has been one of the worst figures in the industry since he was still licking the cocaine off of SpikeTV's balls.

>queerbait game wins
wow what a surprise

And the other is Horizon

what this guy said

Why does every fucking OWG try to be far cry?
Far Cry has been done to fucking death.
Stop doing far cry. It's fucking dead okay?

I hope this was a deliberate shitpost.

Literally fucking this.

>>Hurr, let's play as a fucking guy, and save the princess, from a nondescript brown guy

Can Zelda BE any more fucking powre fantasy?



If you legitimately think Zero Dawn is a better gameplay experience, you're touched in the head.

>Great debate.
>A Zelda game being beaten out by "Girl with bow game #623"
Zelda at least has franchise cred.

Decima engine. Breath of the Wild looks awful in motion.

But Zelda's also apart of that "Girl with a bow game" franchise.

The awards were chosen by a jury, not fans soyboy, keep being in denial and stay mad tho

>forgetting the nintendo bonus

Go suck a feminine dick

As if there was any doubt

>great debate

>nintendo bonus

>Forgetting Horizon's ebil white men bonus and female protagonist bonus


When was the last time Ganondorf was brown? OoT? They seem more fit to paint him this weird sickly brownish green more than anything nowadays.

>a cinematic experience lost to another cinematic experience

I guess i'm glad PubG didn't win, but altogether I was disappointed that no GOOD video games were nominated.

Don't you mean "Sony bonus"?

Actually scratch that, he was brown in Wind Waker.

Both are bland open world games, but one has TECHNOLOGY and the other doesn't.

sonynîggers cucked by big elf cock

>"great debate"

Pretty accurate.

>both riding off shitty memes like crafting and open world
>one is a great game nonetheless and one is horribly mediocre

This is the first time Nintendo's won GOTY

>a magazine/site based around sony scaling sony games to tell people what sony games are the best to get
Yes the sony bonus.

HZD was average at best, BotW will be one of those historic games that everybody remembers

>hey guise remember that motorcycle? Yah that was pretty cool


it'll always be remembered as that overrated casual Assassin's Creed CLone, much like Horizon.

Bonus doesn't automatically mean it get a 90 you fucking idiot. All those games should be 10 points less and they'd be accurate.


>muh bonus

No it won't. It will be remembered as a shitty tech demo that will be the basis for an actually good Zelda game a few years from now.

its ok fanboy. im sure it will win GOTY at PSX

by this industry standars 7-8 is average and 8-9 is good... therefore almost all games there are considered: AVERAGE. But welp, if you want to stay mad... please do

Fuck it, I posted the exact same thing in a different thread but at this point I don't give a fuck. This is the most retarded debate I've ever seen.

This event is completely worthless and only exists to plug the games that will sell the most over Christmas with the most awards so they sell better. I'll admit, BOTW is better than Zero Dawn, but it isn't GOTW. If this award has already been given, I don't follow enough to even know when it is, and if BOTW won, then it only won because the Zelda name is recognizable to those passing by at a glance, is accessible to all ages, meaning increased sales for children as compared to something like WW2 which is marketed to adults, and because the switch has undersold, meaning more consoles would sell in the inevitable "NINTENDO SWITCH + BOTW GOTY EDITION BUNDLE" for those who now want to try BOTW but don't have a Switch.

Tl;dr BOTW is better than ZD, but it isn't GOTW. If it wins its because it will sell well over Christmas.

Yeah just like OoT and Majora's Mask

Everyone needs to relax. Once TLOU2 comes out and gets 10/10s from gaming publications, Sup Forums will stop jerking off kotaku and polygon as bastions of wisdom and we can get some discussion in again.

I mean what there isn't worse than average? Tropical freeze and luigis mansion? Both like 6 hours long too.

EVERY SINGLE one of those games has a higher score than what it really is

You're right, it isn't Game of the Week, it's Game of the Year.

Though just to ask, what would you nominate as GOTY, considering you just axed two of the 5 nominees off the list. Odyssey, PUBG, Persona 5, something not even nominated?

It was never a debate to begin with, Sonybros just couldn't stop sucking that bad game's transgender feminine penis.

HZD was a pile of shit anyway, generic gameplay with too many underdeveloped mechanics.

This will be more drastic, because Breath of the Wild is full of cool shit but doesn't have any quality content to actually utilize that cool shit in. Imagine if Breath of the Wild's sequel actually has decent dungeons and bosses and not just hundreds of disconnected puzzles scattered around the map to get you to do busywork.

welp, most games get 5-7, only truly bad games get lower

Let's be honest here

Shadow of War would've won if it wasn't for the Microtransactions controversy.
There is exactly one flaw to Shadow of War and its the story.

What about the fact that it's a generic Ass Creed/Bamham action game? The first game had a QTE final boss.

>Kid Icarus


They're both mediocre.

Yes, unfunny anime meme game got a higher score than it deserved. Your point?

Fucking THIS
I've been saying it for a while now. BOTW does not deserve all those 10/10s. It's as if all those reviewers played the game for a few days and put together their reviews. The longer you play it the more you realize it's downsides.
Honestly, the game is like an 8 or a 9. That's what the mass majority of people that played it for more than a week would rate it. It's good but its not GOTY good.
I'll proceed to wait for the seething comments and the Sony soyboy comments.
I'd give GOTY to either persona 5 or Mario.

zelda is the only of the two that'll be spoken about in 5 years and have gameplay elements copied by other devs. horizon has already been forgotten about, if it appeared on steam with no hype surrounding it it would've been received as "hey this game is neat, grab it on summer sale for $15"

It was never a competition. I didn't own a Switch when these games came out, but I never gave a shit about Horizon. Nioh, Yakuza 0, and Nier Automata all came out within like five or six weeks of it, so even die-hard Sony fans had much better options than that.

>first GOTY ever
>hurr durr nitendo bonus

>that fucking Explores of Sky score
biggest argument against the fucking nintendo bonus

Explorers of Sky is quite a terrible cinematic experience, so I'm surprised game journos didn't like it more.

BoTW will be remembered as the game where Nintendo actually started following industry trends 15 years after it was cool to follow industry trends.

Prey (2017) should have won

"hurrr it only won the being well known and liked contest because it's just too damn well known and liked!"

>not GOTY material

You need to unfuck yourself.

>as if other games that got a 9 or a 10 wouldn't have won

Gotta love how HZD went from being praised as some overlooked gem, to a mediocre game which just happens to be slightly worse than Zelda.

Sup Forums has been butthurt since march, and the events of today will keep the tears flowing for months to come.

A jury of journalists
Among whom recently could even progress in the Cuphead tutorial.

>tfw I ship these two

The fact that they even competed against one another shows that Sony is at least slightly on par with Nintendo.
I'm expecting negative comments. But I'll end up owning both games by the end of this gen.

The "Zelda Killer" meme was just that, a meme. Nobody actually believed Horizon would be great.

And yet Cuphead won several awards.


>follow industry trends
They basically created the open world genre so not really, Creating an open world game 2 decades after they became popular isn't following trends.

every other game was literally too hard for them. They literally hated Hollow Knight because there wasn't enough transexual bugs crying about the patriarchy (Patrik Klepek, 2017).

>zelda is the only of the two that'll be spoken about in 5 years
Only because it has Zelda in the title. If this wasn't a Zelda game, it wouldn't have won any awards and Nintendo fanboys sure as fuck wouldn't be spending day in, day out playing he-does-it-for-free Nintendo marketers on Sup Forums.
If this game was released on Steam with a different name, Sup Forums wouldn't even talk about it.

I honestly don't know how HZD got such a high praise
It felt alot like Rise of the Tomb Raider, which was good but ultimately an 8/10 at best

was there ever a debate? horizon is pure trash

Quality bait user. Can you believe people actually think like this?

>They basically created the open world genre

You'd be praising it like the second coming of Jesus if it was a Switch exclusive, you dishonest little fucking cretin.

Aloy was robbed!

> a wii u game won goty

>You'd be praising it like the second coming of Jesus if it was a Switch exclusive,
This unfortunately. Look how much they praise cinematic experiences like Bayonetta, when such games would be scorned as movies on other consoles.

It couldn't be. You were going on and on all year about how Horizon could never run on the Switch hardware, remember? :^)

>They basically created the open world genre so not really,
No, no they did not. I bet you're now going to regal me of tall tales about how Nintendo created literally everything.


Can someone edit this to reflect the news?

If somebody thought you were incapable of accomplishing something, wouldn't you praise it in order to get people off your backs?
When you critique, people always ask why. Look at all the BotW shitposting. When you praise something universally loved, nobody gives a shit. Somebody said they don't like BotW, tons of yous
Somebody says they love it, they'll be luck to get any sort of reply.

It's a run around and blast stuff Platinum game; how is that "cinematic"?

what debate? Sony focusgroup snorefest vs. flagship nintendo IP? Really?

>2 hours of cutscenes
>massive amounts of quick time events (at least in the first one) and torture attacks which are even less interactive quick time events
>strong independent womyn who don't need no man lectures everyone constantly without ever shutting up

Take your pick.