Under Night Thread

A lobby amidst the sea of night. One more until training sessions.

Pass is vee
PSX is this weekend. I ain't expecting shit.

there's still a chance of the PE/CE getting announced so I'll not give up hope just yet. But YO SOULCALIBUR

This lag is getting worse by the day

Also as an aside, what do you mean by training sessions?

Training sessions?

>people actually really do play this weeb fighter and I just started getting into it and thinking there was no community

I love Arc Systems Fighters

What are these threads?

I just keep seing the chibi christmas OPs but i dont get what this is about.

We have Fridays and Saturdays off, go train

occasional lobbies made to help people find fights under night.

Oh, lame.

Welcome to 4 months ago

> implying I don't unsuccessfully train my post reversal combo every

* every day

Furapan, user

11-frames and it reaches damn near half the screen. It's like I need to learn Phonon or something but I have even less mix-ups

Well now I understand why you kept whiffing command grab. Fucking Iron tager in your Under Night? It's more likely than you think.

It's just UNIEL night

>2A spam
>Shield it
>Comes right back in with 2C
>Regular blockstrings always end up far away so he's still in range while I can't throw anything out
Kill me

block till you see 2CC and punish, or 3C and anti-air. Gord's 2C is perfect for dealing with merks 3C.

Don't you usually cancel 2CC into punch rush
The overhead is the least of my worries

rush punch is negative and you can disrespect it if I don't have meter. Or sometimes I fuck up the cancel and you can legitimately punish it.

Time to torture myself further

>Eng version comes out Feb 9
might as well buy the jap version
why is it taking so long for st

Your hyde is better than your gordeau so I would imagine this will go better for you.

Less range or fast enough normals to punish

Why do I even try spamming 2A

Aksys are bunch of lazy and inept chucklefucks. Plus the marketing philosophy that dictates niche fighters like these are hardly ever fucking worth it since they never turn a profit

Also, take this

One personalized tip I would give is that I feel you uppercut too much when you know overhead is coming. If you shield and go for a combo afterwards the damage is higher. It is slightly riskier true, but I feel it's more worth it a lot of the time to high shield overheads than to uppercut/reversal them.

Ah the fabled Hyde ambiguous side-switch surprise super.
That shit is never intentional

Most of the time I feel like the times you do the overhead that doesn't involve a little spin in the air you're already too fucking far for me to try and even hit.

I mostly mean for assault overheads, especially the close one, for when you react/know it's coming. obviously the standing one is much harder to punish.

The pure bullshit jump in ranges you got usually smack me for free CH

It's not an ASW fighter


Ah fuck, accepted at 1 bar.
As if this connection could actually get worse.

This game needs a move from Hokuto no Ken where I can kill myself

brb taking pee break. you could use one too considering how SALTY you are.

I want it all to end

Artbook apparently has 128 pages. Guess it isn't one of those shitty little ones they put together for smaller releases.

aksys plz put this in the NA release.

Time for a rush-down character to not rush down

but you play a shoto? not a rush down.

A hopeful part of me likes to think the lag is lessening my performance instead of being straight garbage.

I think part of it is you feel discouraged from taking the risks in neutral you usually do, and are letting me set up worms and chip you down.

My garbage pressure didn't do me any good before

needs more charged overhead. It's fast and I still cant consistently punish that shit. actually I'm not positive it is punishable on block.

>0 bar
Haha fuck off


damn this connection really does suck.

You have any idea how much I want to break something when I have to sit through latency and RUN toward you with the shit you throw at me?

and here you were yesterday telling me how much you wanted to fight my merkava. Although the connection wasn't this bad yesterday...

It's been hovering around this level of shit

Don't lie you were going to IWEXS no matter if it was the smart thing to do or not.

You think I'd have the reaction time to input a 3C or a goddamn 623 in this condition?

you know you wanted those style points.

Or just win with a button

damn looks like Tune stop by to put us on blast.

I'm clearly not right in my mind tonight anyway

No. I haven't played in very long time because I lost my remote. Think I threw it in the trash. I bought a new one so now I can play again.

well glad you came by to relieve our loneliness. I was afraid it would just be the two of us tonight

I don't know, being against a wall forces me to think. It takes time, gets me angry as all hell, but it usually provides benefits given enough time

Where did everyone go?

Probably all burnt out, we got some really active threads these past two weeks

Does this fucking internet time this shit every night?

Well goodnight you two. until next week? Not really sure when you make the threads during weekends.

I'm not fully convinced it's your connection. People randomly get kicked while spectating in lobbies frequently. It might be a bug in the game.

>threads during weekends.
We don't

Oh. How come.

lobbys back up if you want to continue

I don't think I have it in me tonight to show mercy or go easy.
Why can't yall have some sooner before I turned into this fucking mess.

If lobby threads are up every day it becomes a general. We only have these threads sometimes so janny's don't get mad.

That actually had worse connection than I did with merk, jesus.

Oh what, is my Hyde too easy for merk now?

Sorry hippie, i didn't know today was a bad day, and that connection was bad?

It's been pretty bad for a while on my end.
Merk's just handing me my own ass on a platter and that never feels too good, it just stings because Merk plays Merk

Lord almighty rath, that's not how you Gordeau at all. There's no reason to get too close if you can stay at range for 5C and 236 and reel them in that way.

My 2p Jumping is the epitome of trash. I really need to practice that.

Rath I would strongly recommend going into mission mode and doing the tutorial to get an idea of how to play better.

Just so you know merk, fighting your comboles vatista isn't making me feel any better

Oh, I thought this was a "close the gap while dodging fireballs" episode. My bad.

Is that how it's going to be? Are you really doing this shit

I didn't mean that in a snarky or mean way, don't take it out on me, I just thought merk was trying to teach me something again.

I was trying to take it easy on you since your clearly still learning the character.

I ain't made for this shit.
Even I don't have an answer to how this works against Vatista anymore

Alright I'm sorry, thats my bad then.

Is anyone playing now east coast, I'm up for some games

Vatista laser isn't anything all that simple to deal with. That shit catches you fast...
And merk, I don't think I ever want to play you again until this lag subsides, which I don't have a good hunch about it going away anytime soon. What in the fuck is going on with the connection lately. There's been monthly mishaps that lasted a week but this feels like it's been going on for too long.

I don't know man might be time to get that router checked out. Yup Lobby: Vidya
Password: vee

I mean, we've legitimately had matches where it only hovered around 0-3 frames but now it's just been shit.
At least by Sunday I won't be completely sleep deprived.

Cool, I'm in

What was the name of that one miracle router/adapter or something that was linked multiple times here? I might just need to buy it right the hell now

Cute Linne

don't remember, was it netduma? might have to check the archives

How was that merk, if I shield your projectile I get to act earlier to counter right?

Oh, someone else other than me found that?
Comiket stuff

Rath, some general advice I would give you is that to deal with fireballs, you want to walk and block like you were doing, or jump and assault to get in on them.


I want to impregnate Yuzu