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Really though, fuck the Oscars

it's only a matter of time until polygon implodes like all the other SJW rags.

who the fuck cares about the oscars


Baby Boomers.

I stopped once pic related won his

Oscars should be fun this year. Lots of scandals

Ah, yes, hating the Oscars but giving EA a pass because they've been good to him. I understand this man's position completely.


How will Sup Forums ever recover?

SJWs do when there are too many wh*tes.



Yeah, fuck you Asuka you little skank.

Also, I love how this year we have to guess who ISN'T a molester/rapist.

>The best part about the VGAs was them not talking about games
I knew this would happen. I didn't even watch it and I already knew shit like this would happen.
Can someone tell me how far they went?
Did they talk about Trump, the Muslim Ban, Trannies, and anything else not related to gaming?

Baneposting and waifu cuckholdry

>fuck Oscars
>when Game Awards are even bigger circlejerk with no real valuable opinions and shitty nominations and rewards

surprisingly no. They were politics free.

Well, there was that REALLY forced part where good ol' Aisha went out of her way to assert that mayonnaise was a gender. It almost felt belligerent. She had this insufferable look on her face like she was getting off to the idea of potentially pissing somebody off.

Well, with a comment like that she just pisses off the left.


>people actually watch the awards and give a shit about developers and journous wanking themselves off

the only good thing about the awards are the premiers and announcements of new games

The very definition of pot calling the kettle black.

That's literally the only reason people care about this borefest at all. That and people looking to have their purchases for the year validated by meaningless awards. And shitposters.

Sounds like it worked and it pissed you off.

fuck off shill

They did bring out a 90 year old granny that worked on a few Atari games in the 80s and gave her an award.
>So brave
Never mind the women who work in the jap game industry and draw all the characters that are "problematic" they don't exist of course.

>the best part
>should've been played off


Oh man Polygon must be getting deperate

who the fuck cares about the game awards

Why are you giving Polygon clicks though?


Aisha's rant about meme gender.

It's not even been three hours, and they already have an article out about this? What the fuck are these hacks

Fuck all of Hollywood 2bh

>one mention about "men, women and whatever your may identify as" is a rant
make your b8 less obvious

That's not politics, she was just making fun of mental illness

>fuck the Oscars
>at a westcuck dev focused awards show

But the game awards are just as cucked as the oscars.

well it was part of the show so they were probably informed about it and had a nice draft setup beforehand

James Franco is going to win an Oscar for playing him though.

>fuck the oscars
>but make sure to watch the game awards
Fuck off hack


>the best part was something that had nothing to do with video games
As expected of Polygon.

>Sup Forums
>clicking on links

Who is this guy and why does he hate the Oscars?

I mean, I hate the Oscars too, but that seems unrelated to the topic at hand.

He used to direct films

He was saying that The Game Awards was much better than The Oscars, then he proceeded to say Fuck he Oscars. After that, he asked Keighley if he could swear on the show.

Living legend.

He shit on EA for the loot boxes but said that they have been very good to him. Honestly seems true, they gotta make a profit and Disney ars massive jews even compared to them.

The Academy Awards are now the Affermative Action Awards.

>turned it off early, after the kojima trailer, honestly thought that was the end for some reasons

It's really easy to just say "Fuck all of Hollywood" and I'd tend to agree with you. I think the real problem is the drive to maximize profits which makes studios trend towards safer bets (endless reboots, forced minority characters, etc).

>Josef Fares (born 19 September 1977) is a Crystal-Simorgh winning Swedish-Lebanese-Assyrian film director.

>polygon already milking the event for money

The only SJW game that got an award was that walking simulator and TLOU2. Of course they're going to look for other shit to report.

whats your favorite gender user?

girl (male)

>post yfw you were able to witness gaming meme history being made live

They still owe him like 5 more of those fucking statues.
The fact he only has one is evidence that the universe is unfair. That being said I hope it was sweet victory for him, because I would probably view that thing as a reminder that no matter how hard I work, no matter how good I am, I mean nothing next to some sob story about a black trannys struggle with their menstal instability or whatever.
I'd probably toss it in the Trash, quit acting, and fuck off to do whatever project looks like the most fun. Hell I'd probably celebrate by calling michael bay and being like "hey can I get in on the next transformers?"

Well making the same anime character in different clothes isn't as groundbreaking as making some of the first digital games in existence.

>linking polygon

Lol people are trying to act like this drunk faggot is some fuckin brave soul now?

I love how after his 5th or 6th fuckin mindless tangent we actually get to see the game. Youd think if hes so ballsy hes gotta have a decent game to back it up, right? LMAO NAW MY NIGGA, its a fucking walking simulator for TWO people instead of one!

fuck the oscars, THIS IS TRUE ART

I'm sure this guy is on drugs

>is a Crystal-Simorgh winning
What the fuck does this mean.

he was probably coked up. can't blame him either for being at such a boring show.

>leo wins oscar
>immediately become one of the face for SJWs movement, muh global warming shits
and people still bother watching these "prizes" "awards" shows

I mean the game video games awards isn't much better either.

Maybe because the vast majority of people don't care about politics.
Which is good, since political activists deserve nothing but death.

Damn, he's actually an Assyrian? There's barely any of those left. He actually deserves refugee status given ISIS was specifically targeting them to finish what hundreds of years of Islamic conquest started.

Youtube put the WE WUZ GODZ trailer on the trending list despite less than 10K views, so there's that if you want to count it milking.

>Directly linking polygon

Pastebin or fuck off. Not givin you clicks.

Literally vidya oscars.
Shit was lame, normie as fuck and a popularity contest.
Jesus fucking christ

t.polygon sjw writer

That section screams for MAGA hat edits.

If this was 2015 maybe.

>Maybe because the vast majority of people don't care about politics.
You simply don't get the point do you? you pathetic sheep.
They rig the fucking awards so they can make someone as their icon spokeman to push agendas.

And most people won't get influenced because they don't care about politics at all and don't vote.
Political activism itself is the enemy here, and it must be stamped out in all of it's forms.
Civilians are not fit to have any say in how governments rule countries.

>Civilians are not fit to have any say in how governments rule countries.
That's rich coming from someone posting on Sup Forums. This place wouldn't exist under tyranny.

Sacrificing this place would be a really acceptable sacrifice to see all political activists hunted down and kept with their mouths shut.