Soul Calibur VI is looking good

Soul Calibur VI is looking good.

>clean shaven mitsurug


its probably gonna be a reboot

Looks like a PS3 game.

Young Mitsurugi. Sophitia is wearing a mix of her previous costumes with some emphasis on SC2 and 1 details.

>sophitia's outfit doesn't show her feet anymore
I hope the character creator comes back at least.

i want cute tyra and lizardman spammer

Nah, he's got some stubble.

Also, he's rocking his SoulCalibur look. This is clearly either a reboot or time travel.

For reference. Sophitia's looks like a mix of SCI and SCII.

Sophitia is probably the most beautiful woman in any video game ever

fuck soul calibur make a new bushido blade

Hope they don't rush the game out of the door to please the tourney scene again.

>For PC it's only available on Steam
Day 1 pirate

Holy shit, the reaction to SCV's direction was so bad they are now trying to pull some Comic Book shit with timeline reversal / retcon shenanigans.

i want this to do well on pc
i like soul calibur, not so much the price tag on a ps4 though

SC has had time travel in its storyline before V though.


you werent going to buy it anyway

What? You talking about Heihachi's story in SCII?

The character creator has been the selling point of the game since 3 why the fuck wouldn't it come back?

>17 years after SCV
>Focus on the children of the cast
>Dude in the trailer is confirmed not Mitsurugi.
These faggots never learn.

I'm thinking reboot or prequel set between Edge and SC1

trailer shows scenes from other games in reverse order, wouldn't be surprised to see travelling back in time is a key plot point.

I hope taki cames came with her nips, if this game has boob physics like 2 harada is saving video games.

Except not faggot, Soul Calibur's twitter says that is Sophitia and Mitsurgi.

BASED BAMCO ill buy this for sure

>fighting game girls still remain god-tier
never change, japan

Harada doesn't work on Soul Calibur though, and Taki's nipples will always be a thing since the trailer shows Sophitia's upskirts is being kept.

wasn't Harada just a sub for one of the newer games?

Those fucking legs are godly, 2B BTFO

So are Nightmare and Siegfried still split?
Haven't been following the series since 3.

Man if they keep with this theme and my guy gets my favorite costume back.

>Taki's nipples
they were removed after 2 dude I swear, 2 on the gamecube had them the last.

I wasn't going to ev-..w-what?

They've been split ever since 3.

And it's for the better, I love playing each of them individually.

they are literally using the same engine though and its based off tekken this time I think.


>Soul Calibur 4
>stance based Siegfried
>rush down Nightmare
It was a thing of beauty.

>No switch
fuck off, and fuck the oscars while there

Helena is a slut!!!!!

They're saving it for the next Nintendo Direct, Link inbound

>reboot going back to the series' younger days

Could we possibly be getting the beta-Nightmare from Siegfried's ending in the original game? When he was gonna be blood red flesh and bone and dual wielding swords like Cervantes?

Are very visible in SC 3.

>young mitsurugi

Give me loli Talim please.

>classic outfits

It just now occurred to me the Xianghua will be wearing her best outfits once again.

Her Soul Caliber 1 shorts were best.

Looks great, as long as they don't go overboard with ridiculous character designs like some of the past games.

Proto Nightmare (Siegfried!) only used his zweihander though, and I don't think it will be a full reboot, it might be something akin to what mk9 pulled by trying to start over again but still take past events for granted.

Is it time for the best SC character to make a come back?

Please bring Crispin Freeman back to voice him.

I swear they were less visible though. everything after 3 was utter dog shit though as soon as they started with star wars.

god I have nightmares about how broken AF he was.

Really glad to see 6 happening but fully expecting my main from 4 and 5 to not make it in.

Who do you want for guest characters?

Yeah, in some way.

3 confirmed best entry. The only people who like two are the spergs who played on GC and only played link.

Love the fact Sophitia's classic upskirts are untouched, guess Bandai Namco won't be trying to strike a deal with ESPN.

I'm gonna post him every day until he makes it in

2B is probably a given. What with the sword style and namco already working with square to get noctis in tekken. She's also a hot girl with a fat ass so she'll fit into SC even more.

>as soon as they started with Star Wars.
Verisimilitude aside I loved Vader's fighting style in IV. I really wish they'd adapt his swordplay into a regular character kinda like how some of Kratos' moves got migrated over to Lizardman for V.

You can just custom create him with not much effort though. and the devs know this.

I don't know, would people bitch about Cassandra being a clone or is she divergent enough from Sophie?

I played on dreamcast and then gamecube and it by far had the best story mode. 3 just was meh as far as single player content went. boring arcade mode.

I think he partially belongs to Todd McFarlane, Necrid was part of the Spawn deal, he just wasn't exclusive to one console.

fuck yoda and it wasnt just starwars it was toned down in sex appeal that I hated. As a teen ager I was like wtf happened to my sc


>toned down in sex appeal
Wasn't IV the game where Talim had transparent pants?

They got different enough after starting from SCIII.

fuck off siegfried / nightmare ONLY use 2 handers

>tfw I can't wait to see Taki's cleavage again

but what if it's A2

Is it too much to ask for a balanced game this time?

Her then, eagle and wolf included

Artworks when?

its their best option

completely retcon 3 / 4 / 5 and go from there, or just have a complete canon reboot starting from the soul edge / soulcalibur period (that somehow incorporates all good characters).


>it was toned down in sex appeal that I hated.
What the fuck? The series only increased in fanservice as it went, SCIV was basically Dead or Alive with weapons, a case could be had with SCV where some outfits were as sexualized as in SCIV, but then came Lost Swords with its DLC costumes which were definitely trying to surpass Dead or Alive.

Hell, Sophitia's clothing through the series is the ultimate indicator of how increasingly lewd the series got till SCIV.

Soon maybe, with Soul Calibur they always release the characters artworks throughout the months preceding the game's release.

I swear they made ivys and takis tits smaller and the engine had no tit bounce

The final boss must be Inferno again

no taki no buy

I liked Advyss, but who know if Zasalamel will even appear at all.


oh wait

Night Terror is cooler


>I swear they made ivys and takis tits smaller
I swear you are fucking blind, Ivy's breasts only got bigger as the series went, it even generated a meme before memes were a thing, get your eyes checked and play Soul Calibur I, Ivy was like half the size she is in SCIV.

I want to masturbate to Talim cunny to celebrate SC6 being announced.

I'm not gonna fap until it comes out.

My benis is ready.

A rumour was circulating that they'd be adopting the whole 'one character split into three fighting styles' approach. Which could mean Zasalamel with partial Abyss transformation style

Taki was central in Soul Blade / Edge's story, she is a given.

How come the Soul Calibur characters never look like they do in their artwork. You could make the argument that 2D doesn't translate to 3D but the Tekken characters usually resemble their artwork a lot more than the SC characters do.

The artwork always looks really good, but the models end up kinda dopey.

I never played 4/5, were either of them still worth playing?

She is the Mai Shiranui of Namco

came here to

I think you mean whoever the protag of xenoblade 2 is ;)

Inferno was only cool when he was a fucked up Cervantes transformation, enough with the mimics, Soul Calibur VI gotta have a cool final boss that isn't a mimic.

Mein neger

>This is your guest character

>tfw SC has some of the best fighting girls my dick can ask for
>tfw I'm still more hyped about playing with my nigga Voldo once again

Keep dreaming saberfag, go back to fapping to the clones.

>It's just a flashback
>Story set 17 years after V
>Focus on the younger cast
>Same old shitty engine

Seriously, just fucking reboot this shit and focus on the old cast before V otherwise this shit will flop.

It and Injustice 2 are the two best looking 3D fighting games. At least in terms of rendering techniques.

That looked really impressive, and the trailer makes it a point to show it off.