Action Game Of The Year coming through


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ayo fuck whitey

Don't you ever dare discuss this game on my baord you fucking shitlord bigots.

How in the fuck did it manage to beat out fucking Nioh and Nier.

Depsite it having not even half the owners of Nier, I guess the fans of Wolfenstein must just have had more zeal to vote :^)

Or bethesda had a bigger budget for bots.

Are you accusing them of cheating??
Back to >>Sup Forums You antisemite!

>Depsite it having not even half the owners of Nier

Nier only sold a couple of a million copies across all platforms. Even with it's relatively abysmal sales Wolfenstein II still broke through that benchmark. You have to remember, while 2 million sales may be cause for celebration for a niche weeb game it's an abysmal sales figure for a mainstream western shooter.

>implying these award shows are reputable
>implying these awards weren't just bought or chosen to promote a certain narrative

i don't know what this picture means

This is a conspiracy against white people, FUUUUUuuUUuuUuuUUCK YOU, SJWS!

>Wolfenstein II still broke through that benchmark

The "journalists" that decide these thing are gigantic casuals that hate gameplay. It shouldn't surprise anyone that they picked a game that's mostly in game cutscenes.

Good fucking lord I knew it flopped but I thought it was a flop by triple A standards. Even indie games sell better.

What on earth makes you think a mediocre console shooter is going to see it's highest sales figure on Steam? Total sales across all platforms for Wolfenstein II was around 3 million.

>Total sales across all platforms for Wolfenstein II was around 3 million.

theres no sauce hes lying.

Wait, isn't this JUST Steam? Not including consoles?

tb quite h i think this game was a step down from the TNO but i'm glad it won

It's an important game, in the times we're living.

it was a complete failure on consoles too, if you look on VGChartz you'll see that its not even listed.

Nobody really knows the sales figures. People are jumping to the conclusion that it must be bombing because MUH POLITICS means they really want it to and Bethesda hasn't announced any record breaking sales. But Bethesda generally never does that, they are a private company, not a public one, so they don't need to disclose performance figures to the public and most of the time they don't, even for games that do fine. VGChartz is useless, just guesswork from retail sales. NPD is useless because Bethesda doesn't report their sales figures to them so they don't know anything. General estimates have placed it at debuting in the top 10 and dropping down to the top 20 where it still remains today. It probably failed to reach expectations but did alright nonetheless. It's not a bomb, it's just a disappointment.

wolfenstein 2 is a good game though. only poltards disagree.

no people think its bombing because from the figures publicly available we can see that it really is bombing.
Bethesda doesn't need to release sales data the way modern games are with trophies and steam achievements.
and the fact that other figures that are USUALLY available like VGCharts have been taken down.
the fact that multiplayer was almost dead the week of release is also difficult to ignore.

Why do you so badly want to believe the game did well when it clearly didnt?

>listing a source from a trophy tracking site

faggot they have have to actually sign up on the site and play the game in order for it to count. Magically going OH IT HAS 7000 people means nothing.

>from the figures publicly available we can see that it really is bombing
You mean the Steam sale figures? Something that can represent anything from 5% to 60% of total sales for any one game? Yeah, great fucking metric you have there. If you go by the general rule of thumb the Steam sales figure is only going to be around 10% of their total sales.

>and the fact that other figures that are USUALLY available like VGCharts have been taken down
They weren't taken down. They never up.

>multiplayer was almost dead the week of release is also difficult to ignore
The multiplayer was dead during the launch week of a primarily single player game? What a shock!

I don't believe the game did well, I just said it was probably a disappointment, but I don't believe Nier, for example, outsold it. I doubt Wolfenstein II didn't at least easily break 2 million but that's still a lackluster sales figure by non-niche weebshit standards.

>those hundreds of thousands of people who signed up just happened to not buy it f-f-faggot!!!

Racism is now dead.

it's not even as good as TNO, which was only okay

>Already 50% off

Really gets the noggin joggin'.

fuck off. the only people who didnt want it to do well are literally poltards who didnt like that a game had diversity for once. It even got a goty award so clearly it wasnt bad

on PC user, on PC.

Wolfenstein 2 was on Xbox/PS4 as well. Ni-Oh was only on PS4 for consoles. No doubt that casuals lapped up Wolfenstein over Ni-Oh. Console shooters do stupidly well, for some reason.

But there's basically no sales data on consoles for digital sales.

its about as long as an action movie so the reviewers got confused.

D-Did the anti-Nazi Milo Wolfenstein 2 protest help sales?

>game sells like trash on PC
What a surprise.

i mean is the actual gameplay that far removed from TNO?

TNO's gunplay was next to immaculate for the kind of shooter it was, I loved it.

None of the awards for things that aren't inane shit like "best eceleb" were up to popular vote. Every important award was decided by jury.

Don't worry user they looked pretty surprise when they were on stage. I think they didn't really feel like the reward should have gone to them.

can you just get AIDS please

>I don't believe Nier, for example, outsold it. - Nier, 650k - new wolf, 320k
just to compare: - old wolf, 1,55kk - wolf3d, 370k

does this mean that video gamers aren't nazis anymore?

As we do not have digital sales for consoles. it is pretty moot to argue. PC is an entirely separate playerbase that usually don't follow console trends as heavily.

>As we do not have digital sales for consoles.
> If you go by the general rule of thumb the Steam sales figure is only going to be around 10% of their total sales.
So which one is it, "we can't know the finals sales because console data unavailable", or "yeah, it totally sold much more on consoles, steam don't matter"?
new wolf sold like shit, a fapbait budget jap game sold twice as much on steam

user, those are literally two different posters.
Congrats though.

I knew VGA was rigged shit, but this is something. First of all, both Doom and first Wolfenstein from the same studio was way better, they were longer, they had better gameplay, they had less fucking stupid cutscenes in them. Why give the award to this piece of shit? What are the other nominees? Are they even worse? Cant be.

>budget jap game
pick one. It was a mess of development that took way to long.

Man, Beth and ID are going to have a poor fiscal year with this shit.

>a fapbait budget jap game sold twice as much on steam

That's not surprising. Steam has become a bit of a weeb stomping ground as of late. All kinds of weebshit is released on that platform these days and often does even better there than it does on it's native Jap console platforms. Nier, for example, does not follow the PC sales are 10% of total sales rule of thumb, it's actually somewhere between 30% and 40% of it's total sales.

Prey, Nioh, Destiny 2 and Cuphead.

And I think it's safe to assume Cuphead was excluded from really being in the contest.

>action game
>game is literally more enjoyable and less tedious if you just skip every fight and run into the cutscene triggers behind them

cuphead was released month earlier and has sold 3 times what wolf 2 did

I stand corrected, then
who are you replying to? I'm talking about Nier.
So it's not a rule of thumb, then? Or is it just regarding western AAA titles? Where are statistics that prove that rule of thumb for western games and disprove it for japanese ones?

Was not up for nomination.

Fucking Prey was.

It probably cost much less

Yeah that really didn't make much sense. I'm not sure what other categories Prey would fit into, but action sure as shit isn't one of them.

>Was not up for nomination.
what does that have to do with what's being discussed? we're talking about sales numbers, do you have problems with reading comprehension?
>Fucking Prey was.
wasn't new prey pretty shit?

>wasn't new prey pretty shit?
I enjoyed it. But most of Sup Forums didn't even play it.

The people voting voted based on the actual game and its gameplay and not percieved political alliances.

Are you fucking stupid? Wolfenstein was multiplat.

>The inferior and rushed sequel to New Order gets all the critical acclaim instead.

Game felt fucking disjointed and haphazard as fuck, final mission comes out of fucking nowhere; the final mission in TNO was fucking awesome.

Sorry, thought it was about the nominees.

And new Prey was very shit, same as Wolf.

And by all accounts sold shit most places other than the UK and New Zealand. Where it still did not get off to a good start.

>I'm not sure what other categories Prey would fit into
Exploration, nostalgia milking and disappointment.

I actually got shit for giving it as a gift as I couldn't bear to keep it and am a cheap cunt.

>So it's not a rule of thumb, then? Or is it just regarding western AAA titles?

It's a rule of thumb for broad appeal titles, not niche titles. Which do you think has a higher percentage of "normies" making up it's market, PC or console?

at least it did better than some other aaa games from beth this year