Bayonetta 3 teaser begins

> Bayonetta 3 teaser begins
> Pure Joy
> Hype as fuck
> The trailer's undertone is getting darker
> Bayonetta is barely putting a fight
> Ends up sliced in half
> laughterstops.png

I can't believe Bayonetta straight up fucking DIES
RIP my precious sweet child ;__;

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thats so fucking hot


>bayonetta is going to end as a trilogy

No matter how much I look at Bayonetta I can't see any appeal in her. I try to but it's just her shitty haircut and the fact that her legs are TOO LONG. If her body was more like 2B's it would be better. Try to win me over, guys.

Can't convince a gay man to not be gay.

Her fucking uggo face ruins it. When she doesn't look like a tranny man she looks like a lezzo.

Fag alert

my fucking heart, I hope shes okay desu

>Try to win me over, guys

Freudian slip there, faggot

It's her sassiness user

>Trailer wasn't actually fighting against Dante
What was the point?

. She maybe good for a hatefuck every now and again, but if her face was prettier she would be acceptable.


>Both Bayo 1 and 2 teasers started with shots of the moon before a short action scene. Bayo 1 started with the full moon before a scene showing her defeating angels, Bayo 2 had the crescent moon before showing her have a stand-off with the lumen sage. Both teasers have angel feathers floating down from the moon, have Bayonetta start with an opening salvo of bullets, and end with a shot of one of her legs

>This time around we have the full moon (just like Bayo 1) before the entire sky turns blood red as Bayonetta's hair ribbon (from her Bayo 1 outfit) floats down from the sky before tearing in two. Bayonetta (in her Bayonetta 1 attire) is attacked before she can even do her salvo (splitting her guns apart which she put up to protect herself), then she shoots 7 bullets (the same as in the Bayo 1 trailer) only to have them split apart by a ghost/spirit who also then splits apart.

>Then both of Bayo's legs are shown, before her entire body seemingly splits apart (the legs fall in different directions). Then the Bayo logo splits apart to form the 3.

Lots of Bayonetta 1 imagery, things splitting apart, and Bayonetta losing. I bet the plot is going to revolve around a villain going back to time period of Bayo 1 (time fuckery, again), only for things to take a completely different direction. Maybe two Bayos? (from 1 and from 2)

who gives a FUCK platinum produces only games for brainlets anyone can play and beat those games hack and slashes/shootemups are fucking shit

You're gay, that's really all there is to it.

She looks like librarian

>1st game has you go to FUCKING OUTER SPACE TO FIGHT GOD
>2nd game has you go to hell to save your sister then fight the god of chaos and sets up the plot to the first game

Guys, are we finally gonna fight the devil?

For comparison

Nigger she didn't split apart, she disintegrated.

Brainlet can't accept that Bayonetta has a shit design.

>hurr durr you don't liek my tranny looking waifuu u must be a faggot.

Picrelated is a much better girl. No retarded glasses, either.

>implying you didn't carefully check to make sure nobody would walk in
>implying you didn't close the blinds
>implying you didn't move the furniture and everything easily breakable out of the way

Good theory, so Loptr is possessing Rodin this time?

>IDQB gave nothing
Help a nigga out.

Ain't it great?

Watching that webm and all I can think of is some eastern european guy saying "Oh, is just legs."

>he plays one playthrough on normal, gets silvers and think the game is brainless

This user is right. I have jerked it to tall girls, to black haired girls, to girls with moles, girls with glasses, lesbians, doms, etc. But for some reason I just never found Bayonetta attractive.

I hate it when artists give her huge tits

I agree, although I still love the games and she’s one of my favorite protagonists. I just don’t pop a boner when I see her.

probably her past self

It's the glasses that kills her appeal desuyo

Was this dance done with motion capture? Obviously only once then that data was then put on the other models.


Your faggotry is impressive.

>implying I lived with my parents

>3 announced
>1 and 2 coming to Switch
>Case for Bayonetta 1 and 2 showed that both games are not on the cart, 2 is on cart and 1 you have to download via a voucher

Fucking dropped. Stop being cheap you lazy fucks by having 1 game on cart while the other is digital only via voucher. Revelations 1 and 2 on Switch did this shit and its total bullshit. Stop doing this and have both game on one cart. Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack on Switch has both games on the cart for fuck sakes.


The irony, they fap to a girl who literally looks like a tranny from antifa who has taken leg steroids. Same kind of faggots who probably think Jinx from LOL is an attractive design.

Yeah they had dancers and people for the action shit like flips

I agree with you. They are probably coated in her ear smegma.

Since when did disliking glasses on women make you a faggot? You Bayonettacucks are all the same, criticize one aspect of her design and you get defensive as fuck

epic post Sup Forumsro


>implying you won't go to ridiculous lengths to hide your power level and unfiltered faggotry when you're a grown assed man with a family

Grow more hair and take off the glasses and she would be a 7.8/10

Fuck Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 proper trailer when?

>Bayonetta 3
This is where I'm at. Loved Devil May Cry. But Bayonetta just looks like a creepy fetish caricature.

Proof it's same as resident evil?

Who cares about 1? You can get that shit on PC now.

Its gay dude. In 20 years u can't re download.

>Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack on Switch
Gunvolt is also a 3DS game.

>woman gets literally killed on stage
yeah but we totally dont need feminism right guys! theres no problem with female representation in gaming!


Shut up, fag.

>bayonetta disintegrated in the trailer
>all the smoke is probably darkness oh hell
so that's it then, we're going to hell, kicking down demons with a sassy character.
this is the DMC5 we always wanted

Yep, just like Revelations on Switch. So fucking lazy that they don't put both on cart. If they are lazy of putting both on one cart, why not put 2 carts in the case?

>mfw the entire game is collecting your body parts to become whole again.

That scene may just imply the inevitable new design for the character.

This is so much better

>enemy was using Umbra Witch's attacks
>specter has a makeup on the eye, wings and horns
>every "madama" type of demon has all of the above
>show significant similarity to madama Styx's color palette
>styx is a reference to a goddess, keeper of a river where immortals go to make their oaths
>Demon contracts are basically oaths
>Bayonetta denied Styx's end of the contract by rescuing Jeanne
>Bayonetta is using the haircut from the first game
>the color palettes from the guns don't fit either game, gems are green and pink
>one of the guns has the word "sage" on it

>her hair tie flies away in the trailer
>hair down bayo

Now wait a second.
I love both 2B and Jinx, don't lump me in with people who think Bayonetta is attractive.

Holy shit user, you now made me want to see that.

Take the glasses off and she's Reiko Nagase

I'm a fag, my mother watched me play Bayonetta, she specially enjoyed her costumes and this ending dance.

Chaos enemies right? Human world demon/angel equivalents?

I assume that's where we're going with this.

So Kamiya director? If not then who care?
Bayonetta 2 was a fucking shit.

2 is better than 1.

maybe those "wings" are actually swords and those "eyelashes" are sunglasses

>Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme

But the guns are called Whittingham Fair instead of Scarborough Fair despite looking like them. According to wikipedia, Whittingham Fair and Scarborough Fair are both variants of an old folk song

So thats 2 more signs of an alternate timeline.

>not liking girls with glasses
Leave this thread, plebian

Much better

>wanting a girl with impared vision.

Kill yourself

It wouldn't be bayonetta without time travelling and ridiculously weird story would it?

fucking saved.

I somehow didn't notice.

>trailer doesnt have bayo giving a cheeky remark

I think we'll get a more visceral, bloody bayonetta around this time, or atleast her hair will be free-flowing, and I base this on the ribbon that cut free. Maybe its a form of self-madelimiter?

Good summery but dumb idea.

Thats when you know things are dire for our umbra witch.

Yeah so it's gotta be time shitting again.

I am worried though, holy shit.

I hate it when artists make her submissive.

She isn't designed to be appealing. Her character design is quite literally a delusional power fantasy by the designer.
Women have really fucked up ideals when it comes to anatomy.

You can't go over the top with a mundane story.

Or just two carts like the wiiu release.

my nigga

She didn't die after all only an alternative Bayo from another universe, Thank you so much user, I will sleep well knowing my waifu is safe

Huh? Since when?

>a creature that goes around collecting the souls of powerful witches from different universes
Holy shit it makes perfect sense, and it's fucking scary

>Bayonetta will never cover/hug your entire body with her magical hair

OR a different universe where balder wasn't possessed and Jeanne became the main villain.

How would that work? Same way as how she summons a demon from her hair?

Do you know how good this lady is at fightinh


Bayo3 is gonna be her dying and you playing as Jeanne going back in time to stop it.

Jesus X Christ this is literal perfection
>She'll never pin you against the wall and have her way with you
That OVA was pretty damn amazing.

That would be neat but how would it work while still feeling like a bayonetta game?

Maybe. But I feel those would have been mentioned already if they existed.
Unless she is fighting mostly humans. Which would probably mean most foes die really fast.