You faggots better buy this shit

you faggots better buy this shit

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yeah i guess i'll buy it again

Sorry, buying Bayo 1+2 for Switch instead.

I already bought DMC4: HD and got the original three-game HDcollection on my PS3, fuck you dude.

Sure. Why not.


already bought the original hd collection and have no interest in dmc4 hd

HA HA no.

M-maybe if we buy it just one more time, they'll make a new one!

Everyone talking crap about DMC2 makes me want to play it even more. Now that I'm older, I want to get into it fully and have my very own opinion.

OH FUCK YEAH. I was going to buy the HD collection for the PS3 next week but this changes everything. Glad I waited.

i felt the same way. it's bad. there's a reason everyone says it's bad.

i'll buy it

Relax, I will. But I'm going to wait for a sale if it costs more than $20.

I didn't play them, so i'll most likely buy it.

>Everyone buys the HD collection and it sells better than DmC
>Instead of making DMC5, Capcom make DMC4SE, and everyone buys it
>Instead of making DMC5, Capcom ports the HD collection
You've had enough chances.

It's kind of Jewy not including 4. They had an excuse with the previous collection, because the remaster for 4 didn't exist yet. I don't buy digital shit, so I really wanted to have the 4 remaster on a disc. I know most of you probably aren't as autistic about this sort of thing though, so feel free to make fun of me.

if it comes in a box, sure

Trust me I am just as autistic. I am also autistic that I will never have all Bayonetta games on PC

Gonna buy it day one senpai.

DMC5 will be revealed during PSX.

it's 10 dollars on ps3, try again capcom. I'm not buying it again.

Firstly, don't use that tone, it's rude, then after that I'll buy that shit

>Bayo Threesome on Switch
>Playable DMC 1-3 on PC

Today was a good day.

I'm not buying these games for the third fucking time. How is yet another re-release something I'm supposed to be excited about?

Wait did these get re-released again

They are going to be, but this time for PS4, PC and Xbox One.

It better be hyping things up for DMC5, cause this is getting ridiculous.

You damn ingrate.

I bought it on 360 and PS3 already.

but I already bought the box set on ps2

>Giving crapcom money for titles they plan on never continuing

>keeping buying HD collections of DMC1-3 and special editions of DMC4 for years supporting a DMC5 when in reality Capcom is milking us like the sad sacks we are

I should've seen this coming
>dmc hd collection was on the xbone bc list for ages
>lol we're just gonna port it instead
fuckin yellow kikes

Fuck you, I bought it the first time and I refuse to spend another penny for DMC2.

>Buy DMC collection on PS3
>Buy DMC 4 on PC and PS3
>Buy DMC 4SE on PC and PS4
>announce DMC collection again for PS4
>"Buy it so we can gauge it's popularity!"
Fuck off Capcom

I'm getting it cause my version of 3 had some shitty problem where the voices weren't synced up with the game so parts just cut off when gameplay started. Non-fucked version of 3 is gonna be nice

>Still no Devil May Cry 5

>Resident Evil reject
>Total Abomination
>Broken DMC3 port

Hopefully this version of 3 isn't as shitty of a port

Yeah this shit didnt work for dogma. I bought the game 3 fucking times =(

I’m buying it. Never finished DMC1 or 2 and it’ll be good so see a non shit port of 3

That's because dragon's dogshit is a terrible game and capcom is well aware.

>DMC1 on PC
>DMC3 maybe not fucked on PC

I can't fucking believe that DMC5 still isn't announced. Fucking bullshit. Nobody go to the Celtics game on the 10th. Some of you don't deserve to suffer.

I'm buying me and everyone on my friend's list it, even if they hate DMC. Just need to buy the original DMC4 to have all the DMC games on steam, to complete the ritual.

it got an mmo, which is more than you can say about dmc

fucking finally i hope they're not all dmc3 port tier

fuck you I already got them on PS2

Depends, Is DMC 3 going to be a piece of shit port again?

Which hasn't been localised yet because white piggu go home

>Broken DMC3 port
This is a new DMC3 port an actual port worth using.

I will, since i haven't played those games before.

but will it have style switcher

Kind of excite to play DMC1 and 2 on PC without dealing with emulator bullshit, and 3 without needing to install the style switcher mod to get it to run properly

Would be nice to have it on switch also but I'll just have bayo on there instead

imagine all the fags that bought the Ps2 version or the 7th gen HD collection instead of just waiting for the REAL HD Collection

no switch - no buy

Style Switcher somehow made it's way even on PS3.

>btw if this doesn't sell cod numbers we will take it as proof that nobody wants a new dmc game and bury the series for another ten years :^)
CrapCum isn't getting a single cent from me, fuck off

capcbro already knows people want dmc5 and not dmc2, they're just milking it

>Bayo 1 and 2 only has 1 game on cart while other is a digital download voucher
>DMC Collection has 1-3 on 1 disc

Better get the DMC collection.

which one is on the cart? 1 or 2?

No thanks, I own it on ps3.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


I own this on 360 and PS3 and own DMC4SE three different fucking ways
Capcom aren't going to give me anything so I don't think I need to give them anything at this point

2 is on cart while 1 is digital via voucher. Lazy morons at Nintendo/Platinum.

>That's because dragon's dogshit is a terrible game and capcom is well aware.
says the dmc fan
you already got your game go play it user

This seems to be a habit with them buy this cheap port/spin off so we can gauge popularity, it does well "hmmm we will consider it" ok now but this cheap port/spin off so we can gauge interest no one buys it "Whoops guess you guys aren't interested in a sequel.

>playing dmc3
>quicksilver not working at all after i fixed the controller issues


This. Had a friend tell me to just listen to everyones opinions on it and not waste my time. Played like 5 chapters hoping to enjoy it and i just couldn't. Weakest game in the series imho.

Well I have 1 on pc so I don't really give a shit about that game, I'll probably get 2 on switch if it has a performance boost though

Can we mod 1 so we can have short hair Bayo in it?

I played DMC2 on release, I was too young to realize it was bad, and I was just so happy that my favorite game got a sequel.

The music was great

>short hair
You some kinda faggot?

Still think it's kind of weird to have this game come out before the DMC5 announcement. Soul Calibur 6 being announced basically confirmed what we all pretty much knew anyway.

It just seems way smarter to announce 5 and then push this game as something you can play in the meantime for people that are hyped.

Has this comic predicted Dante look in MvCI

i had never heard of dmc before the sequel and thought it was mazin'

looking back at it now, it's garbage compared to 1, 3, and 4 and DmC

What about it?

I remember I first read about it in one of those gaming magazines from the late 90's but never got to play it, then I found my friend who owned a ps2 had it but he had never played past the very scene where you're wandering around the castle before you fight the first puppet, they though the game was some kind of detective game where you wander around solving puzzles or something, I was like pic related

I already bought Dragon's Dogma 3 fucking times, yet here we are 5 years later and nothing has happened. Fuck off, Capcom shill.

Do you think this not coming to switch is Capcom butthurt about Bayo 1/2/3 coming to switch?

I almost gave up after mission 3, but dmc1 is still top 10 no matter what happens

I mean, can I just buy DMC3?

I'd rather spend the rest of my money on a better game instead like Bayo.

Took me years playing that shit but I eventually beat DMD mode, I had to play through the game like two extra times to farm gold orbs and other consumables from normal mode in order to beat mundus.

>PC version finally gets a proper port of DMC3SE
About goddamn time. There better be a style switcher mod within the first week of release

You mean you restarted the playthrough from scratch? Because afaik there's no way to turn the difficulty back down, so once you finish hard mode you're stuck with DMD mode
Unless there's a way and I have been a fucking retard all along

After you finish the game, you can choose a new higher difficulty from the main menu or replay a lower difficulty, at least on the version I played which I assume was the original release.

I'm pretty sure since I rotated my saves properly I had my "end of hard mode" save and played from there when I wasn't able to finish DMD.

I've played both versions of the game and somehow never noticed, I just assumed you were forced into DMD right after hard mode
I'm a fucking retard

this desu

again? maybe when its a bit cheaper. already bought dragons dogma 2 again on the pc.

I thought you guys said it was going to be DMC5 this time?
In fact we got ANOTHER HD remake. Im going to pirate it.

Definitely picking this up at some point. Never gotten to play these games. Glad to finally be able to.

It's capcom