What the fuck did I just play?

What the fuck did I just play?

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Japan: The Game

One of the N64 finest games.


A good ass game


>goemon will never be in smash even though he is perfect for smash

One of the best OSTs

Konami's neglected son.

A game with stages

I have been wanting this for a long time and my heart breaks just a little more each time I think about how nonexistent the chances of this every happening are.

The copies for this game are expensive af.
Also emulating has a lot of bugs.

great adventure 2 was better

I remember renting this game as a kid because I saw somewhere (maybe on the back cover) that it had robots in it. Needless to say that I started the game up and was wondering if I got the wrong game.

Great game, always wondered how the DS and PS2 games turned out since they never came to the US.

>The copies for this game are expensive af.
Not really there around $40-60, JP copies are dirt cheap for people who can read moon. I have both got my English copy ages ago for next to nothing and recently bought a JP copy for 10 bucks.

Weeb game from a time when weeb games were actually good

Holy god damn fuck the second game was hard


This game still holds up really well. It's one of my all time favorites

A fucking amazing game (my personal favorite game of all time).

It fucking hurts, man. Every day it hurts, and it never goes away.

Please tell me you actually got to the part with the giant robots.

back when they were self-aware as fuck?

>Please tell me you actually got to the part with the giant robots.
Nope. Dropped it pretty quickly. I was an idiot as a kid.

A good game.

Mystical Ninja needs to come back. Stop cucking us, Konami.

Did you at least replay it and want to beat your past self into a coma?

Alright, Mystical Ninja is back...IN PACHINKO FORM

he's """back"""


It's one of the games I plan on emulating. I played the first few minutes the other day just to check it out with that new-ish N64 emulator Parallel.

A video game

I don't think that user would have been able to get past the giant robot if he had trouble even getting to it. That difficulty spike is insane.


One of the better n64 titles out there.

>The only way we'll see any Konami characters is as Bomberman cameos

Feels bad man

I beat it when I was 10

You have no excuse

Yeah I don't remember the impact fights being that bad. Tougher in Goemon's Great Adventure for sure.

I like to believe that this is, at the very least, a step forward. Maybe I'm dreaming too high, but maybe merely having a Goemon reference in a popular new game could lead to something more in the future.

A character reference here, maybe some awareness builds, maybe that leads to a title port or even a remake. Maybe even a new game, like MM11. Maybe, just maybe, brick by brick, ever so slowly, Goemon will be reborn like a glorious phoenix rising from the ashes.

You gotta have hope, kids.

Though hopefully they don't keep using that voice for him, though. It wasn't completely heinous, but it was kinda grating after a while.

DS game is good, PS2 game sucks.

Best games in the series are on the SNES though, notably 3 and 4.

I remember visiting my aunt who lived in another community. We would go to the videostore and they had this for rental. I would constantly have her rent that for me whenever we went. I had no memory pack so for the longest time I kept on trying and trying to beat it in a single day. I was able to do it eventually but godamn it was hard as fuck.

One of the top five titles on the N64, not even a debate.

This Mystical Ninja was ahead of its time.

Been waiting for starring goemon and Goemon's great adventure to hit the VC shop we only get as far as Bomber 64 and Bomberman Hero

how many cat statues did you get

in my original run i was missing about 4, so make sure to explore everywhere before you go to the moon

I remember playing the shit out of this game and getting stuck a lot.

Is it worth emulating? How long is it?


unironically better than OoT



I got stuck on this as a kid because I had no idea what to do.

I would literally buy a switch if they ported this

Where did you get stuck?

Right at the beginning in the town.

I owned the game but didn't have a memory pak. So i restarted it every time.
I think the farthest i got was was walking across some giant dragon.

Haha, same here. I restarted and played the beginning of the game so many times. I have the beginning segments engraved into my being now.

I played this game when I was really young like barely able to read young, and I somehow got past the first giant robot, everything up until that was pure bruteforce, I also remember my game never saving so I don't remember after the robot that took me days of having my n64 on

In the same boat the tears of joy I had as a kid when I finally beat the first Impact boss and got to Zazen town it was satisfying beating him but besting the guy when I knew as soon as I turned my N64 off and had to re-fight him was some what satisfying.

I still don't know if the bad guys were westerners, space aliens or both.

A game

One of the best games of the nineties

we really were mystical ninja starring goemon all along...