Why the most deep and intellectual game of the decade for people who have 150IQ and above didn't won GOTY?

Why the most deep and intellectual game of the decade for people who have 150IQ and above didn't won GOTY?

Because the story and characters were worse than the original and it's still pretty mediocre as an actual game.

Care to eleborate your strawmans brainlet?

>deep and intellectual game of the decade
We get it you suck yoko taros dick but quit kidding yourself. Everything in Neir:A was right on the nose and none of it was deep. Commentary on the medium isn't a big enough gimmick to automatically be bestowed a narrative focus award. Edith Finch was little more than an interactive narrative which is exactly why it won the award, the entirety of the game was designed around delivering its narrative.

but it did

Is this an absolute joke, a poor man's bait? It's the equivalent of calling Blade Runner's tears in the rain scene forgettable, or saying Star Wars had no impact on the film industry. Nier Automata, by a wide margin, is arguably the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.

>game asks incredibly obvious questions about existentialism
>weebs on the internet mistake this for depth

idk you ask me why this game didnt win the narrative award

holy shit get over your mediocre tile

>The only video game to justify the existence of the medium as art
Jesus Christ get over yourself you insufferable twat. Quit pretending the past 2 decades of gaming yielded nothing you goddamned child.

not him, but i'll elaborate.
story and characters are absolute shit who appeal to retards like you who like to play "deep" games to feel like you're smarter than everyone else. The gameplay, arguably the most important part of any game as it is an interactive medium, is horribly boring and repetitive. As long as you can press dodge at the right time and then spam the two attack buttons, you win. The shmup sections are fine but still incredibly simplistic and uninteresting. Playing through the game the first time was boring and tedious, playing through it AGAIN was painful and turned the once mildly enjoyable game into a fucking chore. The english voice acting and syncing is fucking awful, same for the character animations, everything felt incredibly stiff and robotic, and not because they're androids.
tl;dr the gameplay sucks assholes and the story is rick and morty levels of "deep", as in it panders to egotists like you.

Who selects the winners?

The winners in most categories are determined by the international jury (90%) and a public fan vote (10%) across TheGameAwards.com

What has any decade of gaming yielded that comes close to how high Automata has set the bar for gaming?

Games are for nerds

No shit. Every year the safest more mainstream game wins.

>now BOTW

All I've ever heard about this game is that it's 2deep and emotional, and the MC has a nice ass. Maybe something about the music. I have NEVER heard anything about the gameplay.

>As long as you can press dodge at the right time and then spam the two attack buttons, you win.
I can't think of any game this doesn't apply to. Nice strawman.

>2B's game only got music award
>Aloy's game got fuck all

Both waifus beaten by a boy in girly clothes.

You know your opinion is subjective, right?

Maybe it reached your pinnacle but that doesnt make it fact.

Why do you care if a game wins a medal? It's all meaningless in the end.

>the equivalent of calling Blade Runner's tears in the rain scene

I'm not spoonfeeding you the countless titles that exist that execute meta commentary on the medium, much less the further countless titles that have all exerted far more influence on the industry as a whole than Neir:A or Yoko Taro ever will. If you want to educate yourself you just have to lurk more and play more videogames before throwing tantrums because the game you're so autistic about didn't get a meaningless reward.

Get over yourself and your pet devs gimmick.

keep throwing out the term strawman to make yourself feel smart when it doesn't even fucking apply, you absolute mongoloid
if you want examples of games that aren't just "press the win buttons over and over", try any fucking shitty FPS, any action RPG, hell, even Dark Souls, which ultimately boils down to the same combat on paper, has a shit ton more timing and skill required to play the game, making it more engaging and more fun. The combat in Automata is more comparable to Arkham City

The only good games in the series are Drakengard and NieR. The rest is trash liked by subhuman underage bandwagoning shits.

The real MC is the manlet twink.

Here's the thing. They're going to make a sequel to BotW, it's going to improve on what they did wrong, people will love it, but everybody is going to forget about BotW. It's the issue with games being so reliant on technology, the older ones become obsolete very fast and that's why game sequels are usually held in much higher standard than movie sequels.

Nier Automata, though, can't be replaced. You can't forget it, it's too important. The impact it has made in how we look at and make games is unlike anything we've seen in this industry to date. It is a fundamental reinvention of the medium, an unprecedented examination of our past five decades of understanding of games and forging its own path. This is why people will still be talking about Nier Automata 20 yeas from now while games like BotW and Mario Odyssey will just be another statistic and footnote in their series' histories.

Stop falseflagging Nier it's a good game that doesn't deserve it

Notice how there's no explanation of why the story and characters are shit, just that "it's shit".
Notice how you can't cite a single actual title that's contributed more to the advancement of the medium.

I rest my case.

Platinum Games can't make good combat at all, they're always put some shit to be invincible like the thing that literally in every thier game every animation can be cancelled into dodge with invincible frames
Also all attacks swinging and shit doesn't have any momentum, it's just slices through enemies like some butter
Go suck a dick or two

it absolutely deserves it because everthing else this year was garbage

>doesn't deserve it
Nier deserves it.

If you weren't ignorant as shit you'd have known that there were 5 titles alone last gen and 3 titles the gen before that that kicked babby's first Taro game to the fucking floor. Sorry that you're so underage and ignorant.

got back from work an hour ago so unfortunately i wasnt here. someone give me the rundown of what's happened

Keep dreaming. BoTW will forever be heralded as the revolutionary breakthrough in the open world formula and Odyssey will mark the return of the most iconic videogame character returning to its 3D roots, also remniscient of a game that will NEVER be forgotten in gaming for making the leap to 3D in the most flawless execution possible.

Nier will be remembered by obsessive pretentious fanboys like yourself and nobody else.

You're getting closer. Maybe you'll name them if I keep replying.

do you want me to write a fucking review on v?
the characters are shit because their character arcs are incredibly predictable and boring, the story is shit because of multiple deus ex machinas (most notably 9S survives at the end of route A and B) and because it asks the most basic questions about existentialism and tries to play it off like it's artsy and deep, and people buy it because of the beautiful music and edgy (but admittedly pretty and unique) color palette

But BotW 2 and Odyssey 2 will be better and improved on their predecessor's flaws; their problems are almost entirely gameplay-related. People will sing the praises of these sequels, and then more sequels will come out, rendering those games obsolete. The cycle will continue as always. This is not the same case for Nier.

Did anything happen announcement wise or why are people shitposting Nier Automata suddenly.

That is exactly the case with Neir, as was the case with the first game and Drakengaurd, where almost the exact same gimmicks were applied and again forgotten by all but the most autistic of taro fans and well rounded gamers who decided to suffer through those terrible fucking games for nothing but the sake of knowledge.

The best you're going to get in regards to legacy with this series is Taros Legacy of using meta commentary as a gimmick that his games use as a keystone or hinge.

The shota isn't even that cute.

>Nier Automata, by a wide margin, is arguably the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.
Impressive. Very nice.

people on resetera and elsewhere have credited a narrative of nier getting "snubbed" by critic awards despite the fact that it's won more awards than any of the other niche japanese games that came out this year so far.

He's not a shota.

He's a fucking insane manlet.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Nier Automata.

>literally a kid
>he isn't a Shota

weebshitters on suicide watch

You could say something similar about Majora's Mask. But because it came first and broke new ground, many people still hold OoT in higher regard.

It was a great game but goty in the same time BOTW and Oddessey were out? Thinking it would win is delusional, they're both already timeless.

>The best you're going to get in regards to legacy with this series is Taros Legacy of using meta commentary as a gimmick that his games use as a keystone or hinge.
taro autists called out hard, especially since he uses this shit as a crutch, and his methodology was surpassed by others such as Kojima in MGS2 even beforehand.

What do you think straw man means?

That's because the gameplay is nothing but mashing attack, hitting dodge when you see a red flash, and running back and forth completing tedious fetch quests.

Is this pasta?

>pretty and unique) color palette
There are many artsy fartsy indie games with that pissstain color palette. Frankly, it's ugly as sin.

where are you copy pasting this from

I don't remember Destiny 2 winning anything.

>What is Undertale
>What is Mother 3
>What is MGS2

>Why the most deep and intellectual game
Those two words are completely meaningless to you. Stop using them.

Nier Automata shitters definitely won the most cancerous and obnoxious fanbase of the year.

To be fair 9S's first playthrough was unnecessary and could have been summed up through flashbacks once you play him the second time. The aliens reveal was a let down since no more detail was brought up later on. The reveal about the moon would have been more dramatic if you actually went there physically yourself to find out it was nothing.

The whole desertion situation with past units was mostly glossed over in both the main story and side quests. It also really hurt the story that you couldn't play through as the twins to actually experience their past during their final moments.

Overall the delivery of the story was sub-par which hurt it's chances for GOTY. Also the fact it tried to position itself with an open world when Zelda Botw and Witcher 3 had it beat does not help.

Ofcourse the music was great though.

I love how sweet the tears of underage pseudo-intellectual automatafags.

well i'm basing the color pallette off of the soundtrack box art, which is only like 30 percent of the game

Why are you Nierfags so salty? Be atleast happy you guys won ONE award at all.

It's bullshit, it should have been nominated and won most of the awards there. I can accept it losing GOTY, normies go apeshit over open world meme games like Zelda, but best narration, game direction, art direction, all should unquestionably be Nier's.

Hey hey hey


Nier automata is a ''normies'' game dumb ironic weeb.

as far as im concerned this is just Haydee 2.0. a medicore game with extensive ass. it was obvious this was the case when the only thing people could come up to talk about 7 days after the release was...ass.

i never understood why are they sending rockets to the moon if there is nothing?

To perpetuate the deception.

The point was to let you finish quests you missed in a more interesting way than most games, and familiarize you with his gameplay before shit went south. The desertions were just foreshadowing the betrayal, which explained them retroactively.

To keep up the ruse.

bait/troll thread aside, its worth pointing out a game that really is that good, requires that much skill and requires a person with an i.q of 150 would never win game of the year because all of like 3 people would play it and enjoy it

anyone think halo would be this giant vidya series if you had to do simple algebra a couple times a level?

Can someone explain who was behind the Yorha project? Was it the resistance?

>Observe red flash and press dodge to never get hit
Pick one.

The gameplay sucks. There are plenty older games with a similar playstyle that did it much better.

>implying 9S isnt best boy

oh boy you're one of those Papa Nier fags huh
Go play The Last of Us for more muh daughter wankery. It is hilarious though how TLoU had a better father-daughter dynamic than NieR ever did.

You talkin some shit on ugliest dad?