Updated graphics, fixed physics/bugs, both games sold as a collection for $39.99USD. Would you buy?
Sonic Adventure 1&2 Remake
No because the Adventure games are cuck shit. I want Sonic Heroes 2.
>buying a Sonic game
The only 3D Sonic that deserve a remake or sequel is Heroes
The games are fundamentally flawed. They need more than "fixed physics/bugs." They need to be reworked completely. They're better off just making a new Sonic game and actually trying to make it a 3D platformer.
> no online for chao or multiplayer
Also are these DX and battle or the originals?
It would have to be done nsane trilogy style...
Basically remade from scratch
Put it on the Switch with an expanded chao garden with online capabilities and hell yeah
Instantly. I fucking love the Adventure games.
i hate sa2 so no, gimme sa1 by itself and i would
I wouldn't buy it but I'd really like to see a full remake of the egg carrier and Sky Deck level done in UE4, art style intact.
You can't truly appreciate the effort they put into the ship's design until you detach the camera in debug and go sight seeing. The ship is full scale in the level and everything fits together nicely between the segments. The ship is supposed to be pitching in and out of a storm system below but they couldn't quite pull it off with the hardware.
Post yfw this is a Sega employee gauging fan interest
So is liking Heroes the new contrarian hipster faggot meme?
Yeah, definitely. no doubt. wouldn't really care how much would be changed. I'd buy for the chao alone.
Considering that both games work fine in their current state and are available for 15 bucks, 40 bucks is way too much to ask. The most I'd pay is 25.
Heros was a step down from SA2 in almost very way
But that's wrong, the core of the SA games, or at least SA2, was fantastic.
>fixed physics/bugs
No rational person would even remotely trust Sonic Team with this.
I would pay for a fanproject that does this, but I don't think Sonic Team is actually capable of making it work without shitting the bed.
They'd probably replace all the music with wubstep too.
The core mechanics of the Sonic levels are alright, but the level design needs work. Fuck everything else
Hey I'm sure no one would believe me. But I have been in contact with a pretty credible source that says this exact thing is Sonic Team's next major project.
Hey my dad also works at SEGA, he says you're a piece of shit lier.
I need sonic unleashed 2 with new countries. This time, the sun and moon medals can unlock the old countries and they are intact from their original forms. Whose with me?
I wouldnt play it if you paid me 39.99, SA2 is god awful
>this exact thing is Sonic Team's next major project
>the head of Sonic Team just recently claimed that they think doing another Adventure-styled would be a step backwards
Try again.
No. More abstract/creative locations like in Colors instead.
Only if they find the original VA's (of course they would have to find a new VA for Tails and I don't mind Mike Fucking Pollock being in the game) re-recorded the original script.
I'll only buy an Adventure remake if they bring back Ryan Drummond, Deem Bristow's skeleton, Lani Minella, and Duke Nukem.
Mike Pollock's been doing a damn good job though.
That's funny because I've been in contact with an also pretty credible source that says this exact thing is actually not Sonic Team's next major project.
Nope. I would buy a SA3 ONLY if it had an advanced updated Chao Garden mechanic though
Anyone but the kid they got for Heroes
He's turned out a great fit actually
No way for 40 bucks, but I'm sure some people would be more than willing for that price.
>Would you buy?
wtf, no of course not
you can download SADX, apply some fixes and play the PC version of SA2 as is. such a waste of resources that would be
If it was actual original Adventure style gameplay and not reinvented to be boostlane garbage. But that's all Sonic Team knows how to do now.
>Sonic Mania
>look up Lani Minella because don't know who that it is
>find out Rouge voiced Bubsy in Bubsy 3D
Small world.
If you're going to go that far why not just make an SA3? fixing the bugs and updating the graphics isn't going to change the unnecessary inclusions like mech shooting and fishing. What you're pitching can honestly be done with hacks in the version we already have now. I'd rather them just make a new game all together that uses the elements that worked in SA1 & SA2.
I like you.
I'd rather they make a new game.
>fixed physics/bugs
It wouldn't be Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 then.
they would only make it in to boost shit sonic team is either incompetent or are all tired of making sonic
Is lost world good on 3DS?
To give you a serious answer,
if Sega did all of that plus
an updated chao garden (alot faster to raise chao stats, more content, improved chao AI and interaction)
I would definitely buy it.
There's a lot of anons that love the chao garden.
It's worse.
what about a chao garden full game?
is it worth a pirate?
Heroes 2 would be legit as hell.
Only if there are more Sonic levels and I can skip the other levels. They were passable in SA1 but they practically make SA2 unplayable.
No. It's pretty bad. One of the frozen factory stages is a half-hour long.
That'd be just as good if not better.
I'm a little biased with the chao garden,
but if we're talking a full game I'd definitely buy it.
Although I doubt a chao game would be in Sega's to do list.
or they would cock it up