AAA Games shilling Loot boxes onto single player

>AAA Games shilling Loot boxes onto single player
>Lootboxes now also effect gameplay
>Locking previous content unless you buy DLC

Bayonetta 2 comes with Bayonetta 1 and
cosmetic costumes
>unlocked through gameplay

On a serious note, why do people hate nintendo again?
kinda seems like they're doing vidya practices a okay aside from amiibos

Other urls found in this thread:

>TN/IPS lotto
Other companies gimp their games, Nintendo gimp their consoles.

sonyboys - n = soyboys

>why do people hate nintendo again?
I think shills like you shitting up this board is part of the reason.

Oh shit...

>people liking a game is the reason you dislike it
This is crazy

>charging for hard mode and Japanese voices in a first-party release
>day-1 disk-locked content that is given an unjustified price tag with the inclusion of a terrible-quality McDonald's toy
>stopped using Nintendium and now their products are cheap chink garbage in terms of build quality
>720p 30 FPS literally a decade after 720p stopped being the standard
>falling for the open world meme
>killing off fan projects just to release their own shit-tier versions of said projects
>charging you to use the internet connection you already pay for
>shitty online systems in every single console ever to go online
>gacha shit in XC2
>charging three times for one game in Fire Emblem (on top of lying about one of the routes being an "expansion" since it was already complete and ready for download as soon as the game released in Japan)
>American branch only avoids the title of "worst localization company in history" because NISA exists
Granted, they're not retarded westaboo kikes like Sony or lol MS, but they're still awful kikes.

I agree, but for Amiibos I see the good and bad from them
Bad is that they're physical DLC and gets hard to keep space for all that.
Good is it's also a one time paid DLC basically that works with other games, not just the one it was made specific for

>having cocks shoved down your throat all while being told they are good repeatedly may breed hatred for cocks

Sounds right to me

>Good is it's also a one time paid DLC basically that works with other games, not just the one it was made specific for


>American branch only avoids the title of "worst localization company in history" because NISA exists

some of what you listed are so full of irrelevant buzzwords though.
some are just outright bad on nintendos part especially the charging for hardmode and voices.

also isn't XC2 gatcha free




Really makes u think

Cool, I wonder if Nintendo first party games are also old school wbout DLC like Bayo--- Oh....

>Bayonetta, a game not made by Nintendo

>Locking entire modes behind $20+ McDonalds toys
>Locking costumes behind $20+ McDonalds toys
>Locking difficulty settings behind $20+ McDonalds toys

>some of what you listed are so full of irrelevant buzzwords though.
Name a single one you fucking consolefaggot.

That's what really astounds me. People are praising Nintendo for paying to have a game unplayable on other consoles.

How the fuck amiibos haven't been hacked yet? They use NFC so how hard is it to sniff the traffic/use external receiver to capture data and spoof it?

Splatoon 3 will have lootboxes in it. Screencap this

Remember when DLC meant entirely new campaign and myriad of additions?

Heroes of Might and Magic III is the last one to do that I remember.

>Day 1 DLC: Additional map and costume
>DLC 2: Two new maps
>DLC 3: Three new costumes and weapon skins
>DLC 4: One new map

>Sonyboys are also nintendoboys
really makes you think

>and Japanese voices in a first-party release
The voice pack was free


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine was long as fuck and an entirely new adventure.

Dragon Age 1 had a cool expansion as well.

Good times.

>why do people hate nintendo again?
Because they are scam artists.

>On a serious note, why do people hate nintendo again?
I hate them because they censored content from two of my favourite IPs, Fire Emblem and Fatal Frame.
Also the hardware is shit and I hate having to do retarded shit just because they wanted to push a new gimmick.
I'll never forgive them.

>killing off fan projects just to release their own shit-tier versions of said projects
Stopped right there.
>but it's free!
Asking for """"""""""""""""donations""""""""""""""""" doesn't make it free.

>>killing off fan projects just to release their own shit-tier versions of said projects
Of course they do this you dumb nigger, literally everybody does this, it's their intellectual property and just because you want your gay little fan club to be able to use Nintendo's property without any repurcussions, its against the fuckin law, deal with it

Im glad they shut that shit down, I hope it makes you cry, fag

AM2R didn't ask for donations

Wrong, if you're not charging for it, it's not illegal nor a violation of copyright.

Defend amibos and hard mode dlc soyboy

It's ok when nintendo does it, just like shutting down projects just ot release shit version like they did with Metroid 2.

Shivering isles is what, 10 years ago?

Actually, it's the other way around. Parody is legal as long as it's free. It's illegal to shut it down.

>any console
>any fully assempled computing product for that matter
>not gimped


>gatcha shit in XC2

gatcha implies you pay for it. also if you bond any blades with Rex you're a dummy. He gets several unique waifus for himself.

>favorite IP
>Fatal Frame

don't lie user

>defend amiibos

beanie baby syndrome immunity unlike all the other toy to life shit.

For real I used to say : "I will buy a WiiU if they port Fatal Frame."
And when they announced it, I was crazy about it, but then I saw that they censored it, I was so angry.

And then I stopped touching the 3DS when I learned that Fire Emblem was getting censored.

>in a perfectly clean trashcan consisting of only paper
step up your game senpai

>If you want got get all the pokemon you just need to have friends or 2 gameboys and 2 copies of the same game.
>Well take that money loser.

>porting every N64 game to the 3DS and they preform worse than emulators on a first gen iphone

>Amiibos totally aren't paying for cosmetic items they are collectibles. We cant just pray one group of weak willed people.

>Stream any of this and you better have a lawyer and a shank proof vest.

Anyone have that drawing of the guy playing nintendo in public?

>>porting every N64 game to the 3DS and they preform worse than emulators on a first gen iphone
Now thats just flat out wrong, N64 emulation is still shit

Are you actually trying to shill OP

Normally I just assume someone is a fanboy, but starting this thread with basically an advertisement image honestly makes me suspect shilling. Especially with your praise of a company.

Yup, ten years now.


I own one amiibo. That's the blue knit Yoshi.

Because its adorable. I don't give a shit what any of them would potentially unlock, it's more than likely worthless.

He's right though.

>kinda seems like they're doing vidya practices a okay aside from amiibos
And paid online.
But yeah otherwise really good outside of phone fire embelm.

Although not putting a cart for bayo 1 in bayo 2 and having a download instead does seem kind of penny pinching.

>still not understanding jack shit about IP rights

user, pls

No but, i have this.

I felt something similar when Nintendo sold off Rare and turned Dinosaur Planet into a Star Fox joke.

Because they do the same locking of unlockables behind faggoty plastic paywall toys.

Wait anons mad about gacha you only earn currency for?
Holy shit that might be bad game design but it ain't scummy in any way past maybe artificial length.

They took down AM2R because they were actively working on their own remake of Metroid 2 and they were concerned that it would interfere with their sales. Same thing with Pokemon Uranium, Pokemon is one of Nintendo's flagship series and they didn't want anyone else encroaching on it. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I certainly understand why they decided to shut those projects down. But there are other take downs that I don't agree with that don't have any reason other than "stop using our IPs", like Super Mario 64 Online or the countless videos.

Also, parody implies a comedic tone.

I know that guy. He's alright.

Pokemon go, Mario run and animal crossing mobile shit.
They are just as bad as everyone else.

At least there is no region lock on switch so that helps a little.
Funny how they announced that just before they nnounced paid online.

The joke is they are actually making fan games on Nintendo IP.
So it should be a parody.

You can't just say "oh it's a parody that means it's fair use". That's just an argument you can give to a judge, who will then decide if the amount of content you're using without permission is fair.

I just hate the double standards.

>Nintendo fans call Bloodborne a movie because it runs at 20 FPS
>Zelda needs multiple patches just so it doesn't drop below 10

>lament other companies doing DLC
>literally lock hard mode behind amiibos and season passes

>complain about games like TLOU being movies
>willingly promote cinematic trash like Xenoblade, which is objectively a bad game because it has too much story

It really irks me. Stop having double standards.

>Multiplayer download required
>LA Noire
>Half of the game is a download
>Resident Evil Revelations
>Revelations 2 Download included
>Bayonetta 2
>Full Bayonetta 1 Download included
Whats the fucking point of physical editions if you still force downloads

Japan is carrying the industry on their shoulders

You omitted how they locked hard mode behind a paywall in BoTW

You're the one who doesn't understand them. There is literally nothing illegal about it.
A judge would side with them, since the project is free.

And you omitted how said hard mode is just just "enemies have better stats"

Still affects gameplay, and is no longer just a cosmetic change.

No, I'm referring to the fact that they charged for the hard mode, making people think it would be something akin to Master Quest, only for it to be lazy as fuck.

>Nintendo fans call Bloodborne a movie because it runs at 20 FPS
No one has ever said that.

ACfag go away, you already had your thread for today.

If you ask a Nintendo fan how many games the Ps4 has, they'll respond with "zero, ebcause they're all movies". don't give me that.

I'll give you Pokémon Go, but Mario Run is an actual game, and Animal Crossing is rather close to the actual series.

>XC2 gatcha free
>the way to get blades is literally gacha except you don't pay money
you idiot

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8.8

All I'm getting is that you get baited by low quality shitposts from 11 years ago. No one has ever said bloodborne is a movie because it runs at 20FPS. It doesn't even run at 20.

I honestly don't know. Maybe they're purposefully making physical seem less desirable because they know the profit margin is much higher on digital.

>There is literally nothing illegal about it.



user, do you know anything about copyright law?


As a matter of fact, I work in IP management.

Show me some credentials then, because free releases are not illegal in any way.

Quote the exact law that states that it's illegal to release a fan project for free.

Not the guy you are quoting but seriously haven you been living under a rock last 20 years?

Then go ahead, start a Ps4 thread and watch the people roll in.

Have you? It's never been illegal. Name a single time someone was legally charged for releasing a fan project for free.
PROTIP: capitulating to illegal DMCA notices is not a legal charge

You realize DMCA notices aren't a legal subpoena right? You can ignore them. Nobody does because court cases are expensive and time-consuming and nobody cares enough about a fangame to deal with that even if they could technically win if they get a judge who can't get paid off.

You made the claim you can go prove it.

didn't they also add floating enemy platforms?
not that that makes it any better

Yeah you gotta understand sony fans have to make up their own Nintendo bullys cause they don’t even have that

Because there is way too much bezzle on the switch

I love my new switch and breath of the wild!

They didn't just release a free fan project. They gave away several level layouts, game play fundamentals and graphical assets owned by Nintendo for free.

Nintendo HAS to crack down on this, or they will lose the right to uphold their copyright in other regards.

Wrong, try again.


It's bezel, but that's a fun word user.

Not wrong, but I'd like for you to try and prove that it is.

>Nobody does because court cases are expensive and time-consuming and nobody cares enough about a fangame to deal with that even if they could technically win if they get a judge who can't get paid off.
There is your answer.

Seriously though the switch would be perfect if there was little to none like my sleek sexy S8