What are some mods that you just can't enjoy Skyrim without?

What are some mods that you just can't enjoy Skyrim without?

For me, if I can't play as a little girl, there's no point playing.

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for me, it's the mcuninstall

I just can't play skyrim without adding nippleless argonians mods

the best Bethesda mod


Normal answer: skyui
Lewd answer: mana tanks (current mana determines breast size. More mana = bigger rack)


I need the opposite. I make my Argonians as sexy as possible.

Where do I find this?

Vanilla argonians don't have nipples.

Frostfall, iNeeds and the mod that makes NPCs less static with them traveling, having afairs, going to the tavern and all of that good shit.

Do you know which mod it is that does that with the NPCs?

This one

Seriously i cannot play the game without it.

many thanks


Playing as little girl in ES:Series is serious crime.
Care for seat?

Interesting NPCs and Inconsequential NPCs
>tfw NEETs doing it for free can write more memorable characters and dialogue than Bethesda

>meet an alcoholic high elf in whiterun
>dismiss her as some dumb thot
>she's actually one of the most evil characters in the game
>sometimes i over hear idle chatter talking about her crimes
>find traces of the carnage she's caused in random dungeons

SkyUI, no tint
Patches don't matter, it'll crash anyway

just got hdt physics to work with bodyslide and vanilla outfits

i've gotten my skyrim modded quite nicely but i'm still need nipples on my bodies.


>Do you have a point?

Exactly what I was thinking. That "NEETs doing it for free" example dialogue is far too long winded for what is actually being said. Bethesda's dialogue, on the other hand, is almost always graciously succinct. WORDS WORDS WORDS is not automatically good writing.

you need a diaper ?

For me, it's one that let's me kill little girls.

Why? Because I don't care for self-indulgent writers? Editors exist for a reason.

This is also essential for me.
I guess the bib needs to be changed too

Why don't the dunmer actually help the nords? It'd get them off their backs talking about it, and Windhelm is their home now.

Also is Ulfric himself racist or is it just most of his men?

alternate start - live another life
unlimited FPS patch
no essential npc's

All the lewd shit and all the funny shit like swearing animals and train dragons.

irony: the post

rape and impregnation mods

Need your highchair cleaned? want the baby string untied?

Interesting NPCs is really hit or miss, some good characters and then some really bad characters with horrible voice actors.

sustained irony: the poster

>is Ulfric himself racist

He banned argonians and khajit from entering the city. Dumner would be banned too except his father had already let them in so instead they were forcibly isolated in the slums. The city became more racist after he took over specifically because of his own racism.

Keep talking, it's not like you'll ever get the bottle.
Don't cry with yourself or others.

Aren't the khajiit banned from entering all skyrim towns though?

Khajit are scum.

living irony: the autist

Where is the mod that adds Dwemer tanks?

Is there a mod that makes the game look better without turning everyine into supermodels or anime cat girls.

ass load of super high-res textures with DynDOLOD
Bijin character models
under the hood stuff I can live without, but all the updated textures, models, and ui spoiled me

I think there was one in solitude. There is one in the college. As I recall, the khajiit caravans are like 90% of the unique khajiit in the game alone and they are actually skooma dealers so I guess their banning from entry is justified.

I don't remember the one in solitude, but I remember the one in the college.

So Ysolda wanted the mammoths tusk to impress the khajiit and get him to supply her with skooma then?

Who? I don't remember any khajits besides caravans, college guy and that Peryte follower.

Where is TES VI guys?

Literal degeneracy

I looked it up, I was wrong. I thought there was a khajiit sailor that enters solitude at night along with the rest of them but there isn't. There's only the lighthouse keeper who is way outside solitude.

Enderal. It's the New Vegas for Skyrim


>rape and impregnation mods
essential for every bethesda game

Right, I forgot about him. There's really only handful of them.
>We are creatures of the desert. The north wind chills us to the bones

Skyrim is trash and dumb to smoke. Install Morrowind instead.

No :^)