Nier Automata, by a wide margin...

Nier Automata, by a wide margin, is arguably the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.
This is a stunning achievement by Taro and for it to go widely unacknowledged is a tragedy.

'Art' is literally a money laundering scheme for rich people.

shut the hell up weebshitter, sick of you autismos crying about that crap game

play more games

Nobody is gonna take a game with a sexualized girl seriously.

2B is a whore and 9S is an autistic faggot. Both are pure cancer.

>justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.
MGS2 and Ico would like a word, they were released 16 years ago

I want to fill 2b's wide with my margarine

post 2b ass and 9s feet

So is it a fun game? What other games play like it?

Shit sidequests
Shit environment design and stages
Shitty emo chanting for 90% of the music
All bosses do are shoot red balls
Irrelevant story when humans were extinct already

This is the last time I buy game based on sex appeal

>buy Automata
>crank up the difficulty to Very Hard from the start because the game is absolutely laughable with how forgiving the dodge mechanic is and how you can cancel every single attack animation
>beat the opera robot boss thing
>already getting beaten upside the head with the obvious twists of "the humans were dead all along" and "the robots are becoming more human than the androids"
>get incredibly bored of the empty open world and bland combat and quit playing
>friend tells me later on that you have to play the game from the start like 4 fucking times over to "get it"
Should I have just kept going?

What Remains of Edith Finch

Dont bother, story doesnt advance farther than both robots and androids learn to be real human beans

Woah woah calm down there buddy im a fan a nier, but that statement is out of line and just plain baity, its almost as if this was made by anti-nier pleab who keep making other baity threads to stur up the shitposting


>Nier Automata, by a wide margin, is arguably the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.
>This is a stunning achievement by Taro and for it to go widely unacknowledged is a tragedy.

holy fuck dude get your head out of your ass for one fucking minute at least and play some other games

Bro it's a game, c h i l l o u t

You play the first half of the game twice, once from 2B's perspective and once from 9S's. and 9S has a good number of sections when he fucks off in 2B's story and you actually get to see what he;s going during that time. After that route is done, literally the second half of the fucking game happens. which you then beat, reload a save to the final boss to get the other ending, and you're done. Whoever told you you need to beat the game 4 times is a fucking faggot and a liar.

>to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.

What the hell are you talking about?

Okami, motherfucker

>the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.
That's Undertale

T. Squeenixfag. I'm sure you suck sora's dick, faggot.

Whatever you say madarame

Over a million fucking copies sold is ‘unnoticed’ you fucking retard. No Weeb game will be awarded goty at an yearly American circlejerk award show full of triple AAA bullshit ever, no matter how good it is.

Why are nu Taro fags so obnoxious

one of the most damaging things to art is too much success

9s is cute
i want to touch him and then ignore him when he tells me to stop

it's kind of limiting it's own options when it chose to have loli-anime pedobait as main character. It might be hard for you to understand user, but us people that aren't pedo anime losers don't really find that appealing.

Discussion for non-secondaries:

I feel as if Nier is a game with more gravitas than Automata due to being already being schooled up about the world of Nier through Nier 1, and knowing the kind of twists to expect. Is this just because of that or is Automata's writing/worldbuilding not as strong/weighty or am I just less empathetic to the characters because I understand them as robots from the get go whereas with Nier it's a much more delayed reveal.

2B waifu power too strong.

>Nier Automata, by a wide margin, is arguably the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.

Ice Pick Lodge called. They said play more video games before you talk.

Forgot my image

Nier shitter definitely won the most cancerous and obnoxious fanbase of the year.

good writing isn't valued my man

First Nier was better, faggots that jumped on the automata wagon are the worst.

The SJWs won. Videogames are dead.
Look at the awards, shitty SJW games and literaly walking sim non-games left and right. The industry crash can't come soon enough.

I played both and there are some things that Automata does a lot better than Nier. It's partly due to bigger budget and better technology. But there are some things that they just got better at it seems. They learned from the first one.
I get how derivative Automata must feel if you've played Nier before though. It's not an improvement on all fronts and it's much less surprising then. I played it after so Automata felt like something very new to me. But it's not.

>muh waifus

literally the only game i ever bought after pirating


I want 9S sit on my thigh as I bounce it up and down

>b-b-but MGS2
Yeah, it's so cohesive, that's why everybody just talks about a 10 minute codec scene at the end and nothing else.
Other games mentioned, like Ico and Undertale, come nowhere close to Automata in being as comprehensive and understanding of its gameplay elements. It simply outclasses every other game ever made to date.

I'm not sure either. Automata never hooked me but I also think it's because I went in with my own preconceived notion of what it would be to a degree because of playing Nier. I didn't care about the characters at all in Automata while I loved the main party in Nier, and so because of that the story sort of fell flat for me. If I don't care about the characters then I honestly don't really give a fuck what happens to them or around them. So I don't know if it's because of as you said the knowledge going in, or if it is weaker as a whole, although I do think that Automata's cast isn't really that strong overall. I want to replay it sometime at a later date to try it again, although I found Automata's combat much more of a chore then Nier's which is another thing that led me to being sort of bored with it especially by the end.

You guys know whats up. If you played every other Taro game then Automata comes off as grossly repetitive.

Nah that's the extent of the depth of the plot. Bunker blows up in the second half with A2 and 9S wanting to kill all da robots afterwards. Anything of any actual importance before and after the game happens offscreen.

You really do need an IQ of 150+ to understand that masterpiece. And you need to have no job to play it for 150 hours.

The more i read Nier Automata threads the more i think that 90% of Sup Forums is literally figuratively braindead.
You fags actually believe that you can judje artistic value by plot alone.

You're right user, I hear people talk about gameplay of Nier all the time. If be gameplay you mean a couple of meme 4th wall points in the game because literally nobody talks about actual combat and RPG gameplay

>Anything of any actual importance before and after the game happens offscreen.
That's not how a good plot is supposed to work, you know?

That's why Nier is so above other games, most of its value comes from how it weaves every gameplay aspect that we take for granted in games into the story. It's sheer genius

That's exactly how I felt. The whole plot was just muh robots and androids are becoming more human and nothing else happened. Even when shit went down in the second half it all felt meaningless because it was supposed to happen anyway and didn't really develop the story at all. I also found it difficult to care about the characters due to them being robots, which you could also say about the replicants in Nier but they weren't bound by their fate like the others were, hence why the only interesting character in the game was the one returning from the previous one and FUCK YOU EMIL STOP IN THE RIGHT FUCKING SPOT I NEED THOSE FUCKING MATERIALS YOU CUNT

I was mainly disappointed by the "open" world being just as small and the fishing being completely mindless.

i really hate this push for wanting games to be considered art
do you really want more heavy story, interactive movie, walking simulators instead of just fun games?

>sheer genius
I loved Nier but i wouldn't go that far.

Did I say Automata had a good plot?

Talking about muh G*d, philosophy, ideology, religious references or symbolism then adds some "suffering" to make the game seem deep and intellectual isn't an an artistic value.

>The whole plot was just muh robots and androids are becoming more human and nothing else happened.
Imagine being such a brainlet.

>"open" world
It's not really open world. More like interconnected levels like in DS.
But yeah they make you walk around in it too much.
>the fishing being completely mindless
And the pods don't berate you.
Both can be nice. If it's well done.

Western award shows always ignore eastern media. What else is new?

Less shitposting
More lewd posting

it was good, but come on now. the ONLY game? stop

Most of it's value comes from Stockholm syndrome people develop after playing shitty Taro games for literal hundreds of hours waiting for them to get good. Not even memeing, this actually is a reason why some people like Nier so much. They just can't admit that they've spent so much time on a collection of games that are literally worse than DMC2. They need to justify that time somehow

>Sup Forums hundreds of years ago discussing Hamlet
>"Talking about muh G*d, philosophy, ideology, religious references or symbolism then adds some "suffering" to make the game seem deep and intellectual isn't an an artistic value."
Works with everything!
But seriously, it's not hard to make anything seem like it has no purpose when you really want to.
Consider yourself a brainlet and move on.

>is arguably the only video game to justify the existence of the medium as a means for creating art.
But MGS2 and Ico released 16 years ago.

Anti-Nier posters are LITERALLY bots

Nier doesn't even come close to Xenogear.

I like Nier, what I don't like is people ignoring other games to put Nier on a pedestal. Taro himself has said he's a big fan of Ueda's works and to ignore those would be silly.

Hey why not compare your literally anime plot to Bible, why stop at Hamlet?

I love mgs2 but it didn't go far enough.

Doesn't matter. Anyone can spout bullshit about anything if they refuse to see thematic value in these "random" references, that's my point.

The Xeno series is LITERALLY a more shallow version of Nier, and Takahashi is a more vapid individual than Taro. It'd be better if the Xeno series came second and could at least be seen as a clone following in Nier's footsteps, but it's been completely outclassed despite having over a decade older. It's a complete embarrassment.

Literally me.

>thematic value
Nier isn't as devoted to its theme as people pretend it is. Most of time the game shoves butts in your face. Unless the theme of the game is butts I don't see a lot of devotion

Maybe you should play the game to see for yourself then. Because i refuse to believe someone could beat automata and summarise it as "Most of time the game shoves butts in your face".

Nier fanbase is the most cancerous thing I have seen on this board thanks to Automata. I don't remember people spamming how good Nier story was. Only this "I read Asimov once" tripe.

Why all these fucking threads? Your weeb trash wasn't even a nominee for GOTY.

It sucks too because these games used to be so niche that the threads surrounding them were some of the best on the board because so few people had played them that it was pretty much all lore/game discussion rather than shitposting and falseflagging.


>i refuse to believe someone could beat automata and summarise it as "Most of time the game shoves butts in your face".
Why would you refuse to believe that? Most of the game you are looking at butts and waifus, you technically do spend most of the time doing that. What else are you gonna do during that mindless combat or while you're running through an environment that you've already been through many times?