Sup Forums builds a Sim City III

Last night we built designated shitting streets.

I downloaded a fuckload of mods, and can get more if you want me to since it takes only a second to install them.

What are we going to build this time?

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Build a windmill swastika

it's a friendship windmill


fine, I made the first move

The idea was to make it a futuristic hellscape, right?

First thing's first, we need monorails. Make a big one zig-zagging all over town.

nuclear reactors in the middle of the neighborhood

2 police stations on ever block

some shitty commieblocks

I set up the demand curve to make it so only poor people in huge apartments, huge corporations, and high tech industry want to be here

Like they say on /biz/

We need power.
Something dirty.

we already have the friendship windmills

Where are the concentration camps?

Well then we need houses, and a nice road around the friendship windmills.

big monolithic structure in the centre where all the roads go to

Big landfill, northwest. A couple of residence zones right next to it.

Add a b-ball court so I can dunk on some niggas


Need a classy statue in the middle of nowhere just like last night.

Needs more prisons

We need six rail lines running through the city in a cutting.


It needs a moat

Alright, good.

Now we need an oldtown district.

Make it India, but with less landfills. Also wall it off and restrict access as much as possible.

We hindu now, we need cows.

Add futuristic buildings

the smallest lake you can make.

I put a building that looks like a nut down and hopefully the rest will turn into highrises around it

plop some badly made buildings from mods

link me some for SC4 and I'll be happy to add them



build a garbage dump around it

What the hell are those plywood walls?

Can we get a nice pretty lake?

make a hill and put an expensive mansion there, or a castle if there's one
surround it with a moat

We need more tonks build tonk

OP? Still alive?
Did Pajeet come to take revenge for last night?

What pajeet? They all became an heroes.

Windmills? The fuck is that, we need more coal powered powerplants!

Build a highway to your most populated neighbor and start collecting their trash

Some flew away with the planes.

Never should have built that airport

>two nights in a row, we killed everyone
>on the night of future city, OP is dead
We created this fate, we are to blame.
