>tfw you will never be able to experience the pinnacle of gaming for the first time again.
Tfw you will never be able to experience the pinnacle of gaming for the first time again
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I was old enough to experience WotLK when it was out
yeah it feels bad, wotlk was awesome experience fuck it was so fun i had few 24+h sessions. Dont have this much time for gaming now but i doubt anything would drag me in so hard nowdays anyway.
damn, memories, i literary was fucking angry because of the fact that my organism needs sleep, good feeling
i miss all the extra abilities we had
>my fucking character was level 38 when the cata pre patch dropped
I'm 22 and I never played WoW. How old are you people? Or did your parents let you play online games when you were in elementary school?
23 and yeah i started playing wow in 2005 i started pc gaming in 99
Was better
I only played it to end the story of Arthas. As far as I'm concerned, cata and beyond is just an alternate timeline.
But Classic WoW is being re-released
>classic wow
>shaped by feedback from redditards
21, I played WoW on release when I was 8 or so.
>classic wow
>with 5 skilltrees and faction crossing races
i can make stuff up as well
You're a literal retard blizzard already confirmed they want community feedback for balance changes
>blizzard already confirmed they want community feedback
They didn't learn anything in the last 12 years, did they?
WotlK was the beginning of the downfall you fucking retard. It was a horrible expansion.
Doesn't looks like the pinnacle of gaming to me
Boi I was 8 and I played that shit day and day out. Pvped insted raided though FeelsBadMan
22. Played wow from 06 to cata prepatch
Ulduar was the pinnacle of WoW
It was all downhill from there
i'm 25 started on wotlk around ulduar patch when i was in highschool. Began my gaming when i was 4 or 5, games are part of my life since i can remember basicly.
23, played WoW from Launch to mid BC
Oh and yeah, i was allowed to play online when i was in elementary school. Mu online on priv server was my first online game, it was awesome.
Only the raiding part, the mmo rpg part was already suffering.
Shame Ulduar took a bitchslap from welfare epics and people stopped raiding it regularly because it was such a good fucking raid.
LFG seemd like a good idea, i liked grouping up with no strings attached and since it was new ppl still talked to each other and turned to you by your name. Plus as a tank i could farm dungs so quick. I think that LFG could stay as it was in wotlk, with small battlegroups and no lfr. Dung achievements should be obtainable only with party composed from ppl from your server.
26, started with vanilla in 05
27. Started just a few days after TBC hit. Stopped playing near the tail end of MoP. Bought Legion Collectors Edition but never played it once.
I see your point but I simply can't take this feature without a grain of salt. XP gain is so strong that it gave no purpose to do anything else but to sit in the capital city and power level. Leveling zones feel empty and it also gives the impression of the world being small. For me at least, it feels like playing a moba simulator from time to time.
23. Started mid bc and stopped after firelands in cata. I just couldnĀ“t take the bullshit anymore
21 My brother got WoW as a gift from his friends in 2005. I would sneak from time to time when my brother was still in school. I've started taking wow seriously in Wotlk though.
An awful first raiding tier and a joke final raid?
I had a lot of fun with the achievements. Discovering every part of the map, doing huge numbers of quests in every zone, /love-ing every critter...
I play on a private server now, and I still have an urge to /love critters I see even though it does nothing now.
TBC was the beginning of the downfall, Wotlk was a steady fall already
I'm 25, and started playing WoW when I was 12. Two week after launch, actually.
I'll sometimes go years without playing the game, but I still always come back to it.
>crazy amount of cut content
>awful storytelling
>gear homogenization taken to the next level
>welfare epics
>not a single patch where either PvE or PvP was balanced
I was around 13 y/o when I started playing everquest (ruins of kunark). I was 16 when I started playing wow when it first came out in 2004. You do the math.
Also, Wrath was shit. The only reason why people who played since the start kept playing was to hold out for the next patch. When the trailers of it dropped they jumped ship, more of the same shit content.
>played since the early days of TBC
>tfw had to stop playing because my toaster couldn't handle Dalaran
It's actually a pretty good feel since the game went to shit afterwards anyway.
Definitely a fun expansion, but just because it was your first raiding experience doesn't mean it's "the best".
>You fags will never know the 31 endtree talent of holy being holy nova.
>You fags will never know the 31 end tree talent of disc being divine spirit.
>You fags will never know the 31 end tree talent of innervate for druids
I hope they bring back real classic wow so all you youngfags know what it was really like.
and so I can get my green offhand from a quest that reduced mana costs by 25 mana for every spell.
>naxxramas 2.0
>Trial of the Crusader
If its invincible then why can I see it?
33, I played from about 2006-2008, then hopped over to WAR for a bit, got bored and returned to WoW in 2010, and played solidly until about 2014 when the pre-expac lull before WoD killed it for me. I've been playing a bunch of GTA Online since.
>tfw you will never live in a period of time where Ulduar is the current content again
fuck it was good, might have preferred burning crusade more though
>You lived long enough to see Wrathshitters get nostalgic over their mediocre expansion
Both TBC and Wrath were great because they simply built on the old game.
Cata destroyed it though.
>pinnacle of gaming
try again underage
>pinnacle of gaming
Go away, babby.
27. Played from launch until WotLK, which was such a shitty expac. TBC was amazing though, but the Vanilla feeling was already lost back then