With the discovery of Fukushima being behind the writing of the first three MGS games...

With the discovery of Fukushima being behind the writing of the first three MGS games, Yoko Taro is now the only true auteur in the gaming industry.

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How does a Power Plant write video games?

How does a deaf man compose music.

Yoko Taro has been rehashing the same basic formula for years now, and his latest title was his worst yet.

I like the guy, but he's nowhere close to an auteur.

Fumito Ueda and Suda51

If NMH and KiD never came out, maybe.

Ueda is the epitome of style over substance. Wonderful atmosphere, because your brain fills in all the blanks, but then the story is always massively lacking and the gameplay is bland.

Your opinions on Ueda are irrelevant to the fact that he is still an auteur, besides Taro himself has said he's a big fan of his work and listed TLG as one of his favorite games from last year (blog.us.playstation.com/2017/07/11/discover-the-creators-yoko-taros-favorite-ps4-games/) and Ico is still one of the most influential games of all time.

>5 games with the same writing
Taroshitters I fucking swear

>besides Taro himself has said he's a big fan of his work
And? Taro is 1 bit, you dumb sack of shit.
>Ico is still one of the most influential games of all time.
By what possible metric? If you say walking sims, I'm going to punch you in the throat.

>same writing
what did he mean by this?

Hidetak Miyazaki is an auteur too

It's all melodrama.

It has served as a basis of inspiration for Zelda, Metal Gear and without the Souls series wouldn't even exist and those are just the big name series. You are massively underaged if you don't know how influential Ico was and still is.

i'm literally laughing out loud, and called my friends over to read this post.
some think that you are trying to be cute by pretending to be retarded, the rest of us think that you are! actually retarded.

OP said
(An auteur is a singular artist who controls all aspects of a collaborative creative work, a person equivalent to the author of a novel or a play.)

now read your post lol!

Holy fuck, this post.

yeah but hes a hack

>suda 51
>tetsuya takahashi

it gets funnier the longer you look at it

>Yoko Taro flips Anno's work and he's not a hack somehow

Interesting way of thinking my dude

>>It has served as a basis of inspiration for Zelda, Metal Gear and without the Souls series wouldn't even exist
Congrats, this is one of the stupidest statements I've seen in quite a while.

I'd love to hear your reasons why Ico transformed MGS into a cold war jungle simulator, or why it turned Zelda from a dark, cursed world into a blatant One Piece knockoff.

Maybe Miyazaki was influenced by the style of Ico. Or, maybe, he'd played a fucking King's Field game before. Legitimately, how underage and clueless about game development can you get?

I didn't even notice it at first until the other user responded to it. I'm laughing out loud right now though.

He played King's Field games before working at FS, he stated this in one of the interviews

He can’t be that good if his game lost out to What Remains of Edith Finch

I still don't get it

Miyazaki has stated in interviews he wouldn't be in the industry if not for Ico.

Read the OP and then read his post both very carefully.

I noticed "auteur" and "amateur" mixing

That's it?