So with bandai namco stating they have 3 switch exclusives in the works, what do you presume they will be?

So with bandai namco stating they have 3 switch exclusives in the works, what do you presume they will be?

They already stated Nintendo will have a big presence at their upcoming show.

.hack//LINK port
and 2 other fucking Naruto games

Some alternative Soul Caliber with a lot of Nintendo guest characters.

Smash 5.

Don't forget who mainly helped with smash 4.

pokken dlc

I genuinely hope that they bring over the new Naruto game that's dropping next year (Shinobi Striker)

It makes me wonder if that would be announced at a third party event.

Surely they would save it for the january direct or e3?

Featuring Mitsurugi and Sophitia.

Title flash at bamco event then trailer for Direct.

Or reveal at Bamco and Metroid Prime 4 for Jan.

Tales of shit

Multiplats or real exclusives?
Also source please

>shitty cash in game
>Decent game that nobody cares
>ambitious current gen port that runs on a very low resolution with heavy AA to mask the saw

You know I could actually see that happening now that you say it.

Try and kiss up to bamco a bit and keep on their good side

One is Tales, that one's confirmed. The SC6 rumorfag said Metroid Prime 4 is being developed by Bamco, jury's still out on that one.


The SC6 rumorfag said SSC6 was coming to Switch so yeah, fuck that guy

God I fucking hope. Pokken's great but absurdly underrated.

I think a full sequel is more likely then DLC though, but if we get a sequel it won;t be this soon.

New .hack
Xenosaga 4
Sword Art Online collection

He also said that the Switch version might be revealed in a Nintendo Direct. Regardless I think he's full of shit, too much vague language and failsafes.

It's probably the only thing I got for my switch I wish I could get a refund for. God what a terrible fighting game.

Fuck I want to see what retro has been working on

Ridge Racer reboot
Katamari HD collection
Something else, maybe Im@s

Giving me boners since 2002, good times..

If they couldn't even bother including the Switch logo in the trailer then I doubt Namco would put it on the Switch.

they better hit me with some katamari damacy

It also makes me wonder what From Software are brining to the switch. A lot of people are saying a dark souls collection. But getting DS3 running at an acceptable fps would be hard.

Vesperia for the Switch