There is no debate.
One has a nice ass in the actual game and the other only has nice ass in fanart.
I'm bookmarking this page for butts.
You anons better not get this thread deleted when I get back to it tomorrow.
nintendo fags are ridiculous
not canon
Both are beautiful
>implying it isn't canon
Left is a robot, right is an actual human.
>posts disgusting deviantart tier art for 2B
>posts GOAT Lasterk art for Zelda
user what the fuck
also pretty much this
A challenger approaches.
Her tiny butt is canon
Not much of a debate anymore now that this has officially been deemed as the Ass of the Year.
That ass isn’t even canon
the great brap
the great homo
thanks for posting literally the worst art of 2b ever made
i can't unsee that now. thank you.
They're both video game characters
One of those butts won game of the year, the other did not.
Links ass did more work than hers ever did
>a human
Keep deluding yourself you pathetic crossbreed.
that robot needs to go back to the factory
it's clearly been twisted like a pretzel
God, I am so in love with Link. He's so beautiful.
>in love
>with a slut
wtf user
He's so sweet and beautiful.
Getting raped by everyone doesn't make him a slut.
I like big butts and small butts. Cute butts are independent of size, it's all about shape.
Shit artists desu.
>Getting raped by everyone doesn't make him a slut
No but loving it does
Reminder to report actual homosexuals.
I'm bi so you're powerless against me
>posting mlp
I'm not the one getting reported
fuck cant decide i want both
>other only has nice ass in fanart
Pic unrelated then? Retard
Nice try user, night mods aren't as retarded as the day mods are.
I think
wow you are like a little baby
watch this
They're both pixels you fucking autist.
Are you retarded?
Who does the lewdest/deepest anal? This is important.
i wonder if you can smell her poop from there just kidding haha
Not her poop, but you can smell her smegma and ball sweat.
Probably 2B
No me
I'll take the ass that won't literally destroy my pelvis.
Isn't one a robot that's filled with all kinds of technology and the other an actual humanoid that's warm to the touch and breedable?
Has to be Zelda, 2B's just a realdoll. Can't be as lewd without being dirty.
Continue discussion by posting more big sweaty video game girl butts.
>Gakuen Mokushiroku
Mah nigga
I wanna tittyfuck that snake ass so bad
it's called hotdogging
I'd say it would be worth every second
Is this supposed to be funny?
Gimme that sweet brown ass
i smirked at both
I'm far too weak to blondes.
So, zelda.
You have to be 18 years oldto post here
The real winner
One poops and farts, the other not.
God I was on 2Bs side but now that you said that I have to be on Zelda's
2D don't poop or fart anyway.
Just because it's small doesn't mean it's not nice, fucking retard
Wait, when was that area accessible in the game? I don't remember ever getting there.
Niggers needs to stop with this zerda big fart assxD shit
why'd i have to see that?
just be gay its ok faggot
Also Nier is just a terrible game. With babby's first waifu. Zelda is the OG waifu.
what the fuck am i looking at?
2B obviously, how is this even up for debate? Just look at
preach brudda
user is memeing about how Stocking looks like the Dusk Shimmer pony
It's hardly tiny
It's a pretty tiny butt.
Her pants could fit as tight as possible and outline everything, but that's still a tiny butt
It's not though, it's an average sized ass at best. Tiny would mean it's flat and have no shape.
Why would i want one that doesn't fart?
Are you a nigger? Of course when her knees are near her stomach there's no depth in the glutei, they're stretched. I never played BotW, but even I can see in that webmaster that when she puts her head up there's a noticeable curvature to her butt cheek seen from the side, as well as her butt already being wide when seen from behind. I think 2b is a super sexy character design, and her butt is delicious, but it's tinier than Zelda's.
>implying Twink is a filthy heterosexual
That's just wrong. 2B's is bigger, but Zelda's is hardly bad just because it's not nearly as big.
I'm talking about what they are in their respective games you doofuses
Hylians are just a race of humans with pointy ears to hear the goddesses' whispers or some shit. Same goes for Gerudo, just the Arabs of the Zelda universe.
(((female fetishist)))
What game is the girl on the right from?
>fighting over waifus
I meant left